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8 Days on Bac and Can't Quite Believe the Difference

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    8 Days on Bac and Can't Quite Believe the Difference

    Hi there folks,

    New here - first post. As the title says, I began bac a little more than a week ago and honestly am pretty damn amazed.

    On the drive home from work the this week day I saw a tequila billboard and shocked myself by thinking "that looks kind of gross." It occurred to me that liquor seemed spoiled, or rotten, which I guess technically, it kind of is. I'm almost 40 years old and don't think I've thought of any alcohol as gross or spoiled or rotten since somewhere around the age of 12 when I started drinking.

    Nowhere near what I what consider the switch - beer still seems like it might be okay, but sure doesn't sound as delicious as it should in this very hot summer.

    Having some side effects - serious sleepiness in the afternoon, which a quick 15-20 minute catnap seems to take care of.

    I can't tell you how wonderful it is to wake up each day without a hangover. I'm very thankful.

    I would definitely encourage anyone on the fence (as I myself was just a month ago, before taking the plunge and ordering Bac) to take the plunge and try it for myself.

    I am so glad I found you all!


    8 Days on Bac and Can't Quite Believe the Difference

    Yahooie, SB! Go ahead, believe it!!!

    It happened for me, too, very very quickly. I really wish that was the case for everyone; but even though many have to wait quite a while and work really hard, bac can certainly BE an AMAZING way out.

    Welcome to MWO, and thanks for posting. There is a treasury of information and experience here, both with active members who will respond to your posts, and in the "historical" - sometimes hysterical; sometimes unbelievable but true; sometimes believable but untrue - wealth of information in the baclofen threads in the MWO vault. I know that the knowledge I have gained by reading almost everything posted here for (omg!) almost 4 years, now, has been crucial to my on-going freedom from drinking against my will.

    Please keep us informed as you forge your own baclofen trail. I wish you continued, unremitting, ease and success!!!
    "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


      8 Days on Bac and Can't Quite Believe the Difference

      That's awesome!
      Welcome to sobriety! It's quite different!


        8 Days on Bac and Can't Quite Believe the Difference

        Hi Standardbubbles,

        It's amazing isn't it? I also experienced an almost instant suppression of cravings and anxiety. It makes me quite annoyed with myself that I didn't follow it up when I first read about it back in 2009 - could have saved myself a whole lot of misery (and money)! Never mind, I'm here now and so are you. I finally feel like I've found a solution!

        I will sound one note of caution however. The lack of any discernible craving led me to believe that I could go and drink with impunity. That was not the case. Whilst Baclofen does offer the possibility of returning to social drinking the journey seems to be much easier if you are able to abstain while you are titrating up to your switch.

        Good luck on your journey and keep us informed.



          8 Days on Bac and Can't Quite Believe the Difference

          Thanks for posting. Would you put a post on this thread?

          I think it helps people.

          If not, I'll just link it if that's okay with you. You can send me a PM and let me know either way.


            8 Days on Bac and Can't Quite Believe the Difference

            Sorry Ne/Eva for the late or non-response to the above. I am happy to link to the story, but not quite sure I am there yet.

            Currently I am up to 100 mgs and am really feeling those side effects. I feel quite zoned out after some doses, sometimes have an overpowering urge to take a quick nap. Generally OK with these side effects except it makes me a bit nervous driving sometimes feeling that way.

            Still doing well, not perfect with alcohol cravings. I think week one had one drinking day with six drinks, week two one drinking day with half a drink, week three two drinking days, one with half a drink and another with three, week four one drinking day with one drink, week five one drinking day with four drinks. For context, before starting BAC I was drinking 8-10 drinks almost daily - maybe one or two days off or lighter a week.

            So, not to the switch, but certainly a huge improvement.:thanks:

