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What is the HIGHEST dose of Baclofen that's reasonable??

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    What is the HIGHEST dose of Baclofen that's reasonable??

    Or that you've heard of??

    Reason I'm asking, I'm currently at 360.
    I guess I should mention that i'm 180 pounds/82kg

    I hit "switch" last year at 350, but titrated down too quickly.

    I never feel back into insane drinking. Even at my lowest dose of 150mg it served as a safety net of sorts. Very seldom did I drink more than 4 or 5 but the days that I did drink four or five (sometimes more---never got crazy drunk) were becoming too frequent. So I contacted Dr Levin to get back on a program to titrate up.

    Once at 350 I SORTA hit the switch but was still thinking about booze a fair amount. So this week I went up to 360 for good measure. Having pretty good success with that but today I had 4 16 oz beers. At 180 lbs this isn't a huge amount, but it concerns me.

    I'm wondering if it will make a diff if i go up to 370 maybe even 400.

    What is the highest dose you heard of?

    Dr Levin says that Ameisen relapsed from titrating down and had to go back up to a really high dose and stay there. This seems inconsistent with everything I've read so I"m just left with a bunch of question marks hanging over my head.

    Indifference 350 on 9/20/11. Titrated down to 180 got the cravings. Titrated back up to mid-300's and all Hades broke loose. Hope to get better.

    "if i can't dance, it's not my revolution - sister Emma Goldman

    What is the HIGHEST dose of Baclofen that's reasonable??

    Hi, Git Slinger: Others, who have more experience in this stratosphere, will be along soon. But I've seen several go by/through this board who reached into the 4-500's. I don't recall anyone who has been in those ranges for long periods of time, but you're certainly not in completely un-charted territory. I can't put my finger on the exact threads, but they're here, somewhere. I think somewhere in the 500 range is the highest I've seen reported. And I do NOT recall anyone reporting that venturing into those high doses had any more or worse side effects that any other level.

    You might want to look at earlier threads from Bleep and Ignominious. Ig just came back with his report. Bleep has been around a bit, as well. They might have something to say, or some experience with the high ranges, or remember who does If you're doing okay at 330, my vote would be to go on up. Let's see who chimes in, and what they have to say.

    THANK YOU for posting. We ARE at the far edge of the envelope. We've all known that, all along. It's really important to add experience and knowledge to the treasury.
    "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


      What is the HIGHEST dose of Baclofen that's reasonable??

      Thanks. Actually, when I was posting this I was on my third beer and never went to my fourth, so maybe i AM ok at 360!!
      Indifference 350 on 9/20/11. Titrated down to 180 got the cravings. Titrated back up to mid-300's and all Hades broke loose. Hope to get better.

      "if i can't dance, it's not my revolution - sister Emma Goldman


        What is the HIGHEST dose of Baclofen that's reasonable??

        You can go higher if you need to.

        I've taken over 500 for a couple of months, and have on occasion been as high as 800 without ill effects. That I know of.

        I'm not a doctor though. I do remember reading that Ameisen had taken a patient up to 560 at some point, so there is a reasonable precedent here though.

        It will also take a few days at a new level before you notice the effect of any anti-craving, it doesn't happen immediately.


          What is the HIGHEST dose of Baclofen that's reasonable??


          I was at 360 or so at my highest (I'm 220 lbs). I went down to 300 after a bit and felt just fine without drinking. It took me a while at 360 to actually stop, but once I did I stayed sober for a good period of time. I dropped down to 280 and called Dr. L because I was having some anxiety issues. Dr. L told me to titrate back up and that I would have to stay there indefinitely. I had to make a choice and decided that I didn't want to remain that high. A few people helped me make my decision (thanks to them) to drop to my current level at 180. I believe I will have to make a choice to be alcohol free.

          I know it sounds like a stupid suggestion, and it did to me at the time, but bleep said something that pissed me off and made me think -- he posted that Bac won't make me stop drinking. I took a few days off from drinking and that is when it became easier and easier to not drink.

          Just my experience.

