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Baclofen and Constipation.

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    Baclofen and Constipation.

    I've had to titrate down again from 140mg (after 7 weeks) due to severe constipation. This is the second time now it's happened and I'm wondering if this medication is not for me. Have been contunuing to drink (bottle of wine per night) on the way up which doesn't help, I know, and then rehydrating next day. My diet, which was never that bad in the first place contains even more green veg and fruit was never a problem.

    I believe Baclofen affects peristaltic (sp?) bowel movement and can confirm this as I would have been a regular (twice a day) person who ended up going to once a week and then nothing after Baclofen.

    I suppose there are a number of options open here. Try hard and not drink on the way up and seeing the difference, perhaps? Go up even slower? Use enemas? Actually, I don't have a problem with that, am curious, anyway.

    But my real instinct lies in the effect of Baclofen on peristalsis. There's evidence out there that suggests there's a small percentatge of people who suffer the same problem.

    Finally, I don't want to quit this. On the way up to 140mg I felt was able to handle the other SE'S(fogginess, tinnitus) and enjoyed the way I could handle my social phobia's (relaxing in a group situation). Once the constipation hit me at the higher does it affected me physically and mentally. and I had to titrate down.

    If anyone has managed to work up to switch or higher dosages with the same problem then please let me know. I've invested a lot in this and don't want to give up. My wardrobe is full of Baclofen from Inhouse, i ordered a lot cause I was worried a about running short on high dosages. Ideally, I'd rather it be used by me.

    Baclofen and Constipation.

    I know of one woman who had the same issue, tom. And it actually became quite acute at one point. She developed blisters on her arms and legs that her physician feared might be connected to a septic colon. Apparently, constipation has been an on-going problem for her, so she actually had a colonic table in her house. When she realized what was happening and used that to clean her bowels, the blisters disappeared. But it was part of what killed the deal for her, and she eventually titrated down and off.

    I have used enemas. I've gone to people who specialize in "high colonics." I even spent a couple of weeks in a place where you only eat raw food and give yourself a wheatgrass juice enema every day. A little surreal, but I felt AWESOME!!! So do check out "work-arounds" for this ucky side effect. Enema bags and tubes are available at most drugstores. There are some "ready-made" packaged enemas, too. Do a little online reading and figure out what might work for you. It's really, ummm. . . not a big deal, in the end. And don't worry, repeated enemas for a short period of time will NOT disturb your intestine's natural peristaltic action. That would take a long, long time.

    Okey, dokey . . . next topic?
    "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


      Baclofen and Constipation.

      Thanks for that. I don't think I'm quite in the same league as that woman although I noticed that the skin on my hands was peeling, although not blistering at the height of my constipation. Probably nothing in it but will check it out.

      As I said before need to get more feedback/do more research before I give up on the idea of Baclofen completely.

      Once again, thanks.

      RedThread12;1346244 wrote: I know of one woman who had the same issue, tom. And it actually became quite acute at one point. She developed blisters on her arms and legs that her physician feared might be connected to a septic colon. Apparently, constipation has been an on-going problem for her, so she actually had a colonic table in her house. When she realized what was happening and used that to clean her bowels, the blisters disappeared. But it was part of what killed the deal for her, and she eventually titrated down and off.

      I have used enemas. I've gone to people who specialize in "high colonics." I even spent a couple of weeks in a place where you only eat raw food and give yourself a wheatgrass juice enema every day. A little surreal, but I felt AWESOME!!! So do check out "work-arounds" for this ucky side effect. Enema bags and tubes are available at most drugstores. There are some "ready-made" packaged enemas, too. Do a little online reading and figure out what might work for you. It's really, ummm. . . not a big deal, in the end. And don't worry, repeated enemas for a short period of time will NOT disturb your intestine's natural peristaltic action. That would take a long, long time.

      Okey, dokey . . . next topic?


        Baclofen and Constipation.

        For me, I have not been having problems with constipation, but rather the opposite ... (sorry I know its not a pleasant thought, but we are here to learn from each other, right?)
        My My Livejournal


          Baclofen and Constipation.

          Hi Tom
          Just wanted to offer my commiserations. Bac doesn't do that to me until I'm on high dose for myself. I used to be regular and quick. Halfway through my morning cup of coffee, I would get the 'urge' and 30 secs later I would be back drinking coffee just in time to get the last of my wife's soliloquy (she can go on sometimes lol).

          Now I have to make time for the business and if I miss the window of opportunity, I'm bunged up for the day! Hate that heavy feeling. Even when I have success I don't get the total evacuation that I used to enjoy. TMI? To compensate, I'm particularly careful about my diet: rice, potatoes, bread, eggs are reduced and fiber foods are increased. Along the lines of Red's suggestions but not so total! Though daily enemas sound fun lol!
          Don't know if it really helps because that's what I do every time.

          I sympathise.

          Coffe is a stimulant of the sypathetic nervous system which is what controls your bowel movements. If you don't already use it, you can consider it.
          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


            Baclofen and Constipation.

            Hi, Tom.

            I have been both constipated and had loose stools or even diarrhea.

            I know it's going to sound as though I'm being a nudge or something, but I'll throw this out there because it's worked for several people that have followed up on it.

            I think a lot of us think our diets are good, or even really good, and they may be. But booze changes the whole dynamic. When we cut down on booze (or cut it out) it is VERY common/natural to have our bowel movements change. When I was in rehab, it seemed as though half of us were on stool softeners and the other half on anti-diarrheals! ***EDIT: That is not to say that I think the problem is solely the booze. Baclofen definitely has an effect. I have never been so constipated before.

            My suggestion for both is leafy dark green vegetables. Not just a lot of them, but WAY more than you think is reasonable. At one point I was eating it with breakfast, lunch and dinner. And snacks. Baby spinach, mostly, since it's relatively tasteless. In oatmeal, on sandwiches, there are brownie recipes that use spinach that aren't half bad! Slathered with butter, and even maple sugar, because fat and sugar cravings are something that are also common and shouldn't be underestimated.

            I know, I know. We've all heard it before ad infinitum. But I would rather gorge on spinach (or anything, really) than submit to regular enemas. just sayin'

            Also, if you're going up to the point where you're not pooping at all (or having chronic diarrhea) I would think that that would be a clear indication that it's too much, too soon. The WHOLE system has to work, right? (Mind you, in this instance I am being a bit "do as I say" because I definitely did not go slowly or "listen to my body.")
            But the spinach thing? I think Popeye had it right.


              Baclofen and Constipation.

              I go through both.
              Try a bunch of spicy food and I mean spicy. That'll do it.
              Then you will be on the pot for a while. Then probably go back to the other direction.
              Happens to me but not usually bad.
              Helped me for a while. Better than when I was on the bottle.


                Baclofen constipation and incontinence.

                Originally posted by COSGringo View Post
                I go through both.
                Try a bunch of spicy food and I mean spicy. That'll do it.
                Then you will be on the pot for a while. Then probably go back to the other direction.
                Happens to me but not usually bad.
                Helped me for a while. Better than when I was on the bottle.

                I'm not on a very high dose of Baclofen (. 20 mg/ day)but the constipation is epic, I go once a week if I'm lucky and then, only with a plunger by the toilet (or a public restroom with industrial strength flushing toilets). And its days of real discomfort,even nausea. I actually started tracking frequency on my private calendar because it is so infrequent.and recently I started filling my water bottle and dosing it with Miralax dailyand sipping on it. I've been on this dose for almost 2 years for spacsticity since I had a stroke. My diet is good, my husband and I started South Beach diet recently, I've never eaten so many green veges, very little dairy, some meat, no carbs, and no alcohol. I believe Baclofen also contributes to incontinence, not the adult diaper type, but the if I don't get to the bathroom Right. Now. I'm going to have an accident. (I think the muscle relaxant quality makes it harder to hold)It's also worse when it been a long time since I had a bowel movement due to the pressure. I'm going to talk to my physiatrist (physical rehab) doc I'm not sure which side effect is worse.


                  Originally posted by Phoenix45 View Post
                  I'm not on a very high dose of Baclofen (. 20 mg/ day)but the constipation is epic, I go once a week if I'm lucky and then, only with a plunger by the toilet (or a public restroom with industrial strength flushing toilets). And its days of real discomfort,even nausea. I actually started tracking frequency on my private calendar because it is so infrequent.and recently I started filling my water bottle and dosing it with Miralax dailyand sipping on it. I've been on this dose for almost 2 years for spacsticity since I had a stroke. My diet is good, my husband and I started South Beach diet recently, I've never eaten so many green veges, very little dairy, some meat, no carbs, and no alcohol. I believe Baclofen also contributes to incontinence, not the adult diaper type, but the if I don't get to the bathroom Right. Now. I'm going to have an accident. (I think the muscle relaxant quality makes it harder to hold)It's also worse when it been a long time since I had a bowel movement due to the pressure. I'm going to talk to my physiatrist (physical rehab) doc I'm not sure which side effect is worse.
                  Interesting, I had not considered writing about the topic but as you have bumped it:

                  I was always a regular at number two' - Every morning just after getting up....and whoosh - regular as clockwork - Since Baclofen, my habits in this department have changed drastically - I go, maybe once or twice a week - I eat tonnes of vegetables, too much coffee mind - I have no discomfort at all - I take laxitives every now an again but these appear to have no effect - I certainly dont consider stopping Baclofen in order to become regular again

                  Regarding passing water - I too find it comes on very quickly and if I am not too careful I can end up with a trickle or two coming out!! - Again, for me this is a livable side effect for the freedom from the anxierty that has caused me so much pain from Alcoholism

                  I am sure the results of the consumption of Baclofen cause the above symptoms

                  I have always said that every one reacts differently to Baclofen, titration up and down regimes, side effects and switch levels, so no one fits all here -


                  I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                  Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.

