Hey gratitude, when I said I started therapy I actually meant I had a first appointment with a psychiatrist. We'll see where this goes from there...
The problem with anxiety or depression is that there could be many causes. It's such a vague illness. It could be because of a trauma, nutritional deficiency, or just plain brain imbalance etc...
In my case, I'm afraid it is a hereditary problem. All members of the family on my mother's side are depressed and anxious. Grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousins, my mom... they all have that unexpressive, sad face, they're all insecure, and are very introverted/socially awkward. Some of them already take antidepressants or see a psychiatrist. And when i see these family members I cant help but recognize my own characteristic traits in every one of them. I hate it.
dixon I agree with you, and I would like to think I live a healthy life. I exercize, pay close attention to my diet, have read tons of self-empowering material. Even tried meditation at one point, and had my "Eckhart Tolle - power of now" kind of period, but did not get much out of it.
You see, I hate the thought of relying on medication to live a normal life, and I always considered the people taking antidepressants were just "weak" because they didnt take care of the issues in their life head-on. However my opinion on the matter has evolved. After years of trying to "be a man", and take responsibility in my life, I've accomplished things that I am proud of, like getting into my top-ranked univ, or speaking multiple languages. I thought that as long as I had ambition, drive and made efforts in life I would get rid of my insecurities/anxiety/depression. Unfortunately I still feel the same today as I felt years ago. And since that depression has been there ever since I was a little kid, I'm starting to accept the fact that I will always be like this, because it's in my genes. That 24/7 background noise of anxiety just wont go away.
Its not like I haven't tried. I'm now turning towards medication because I have no clue what else to do. Its like my last resort. Yea, bold thing to say for a 20 years old :H
In any case I cant see why I would take antidepressants or antianxiety meds, since the vast majority of them are addictive - the tolerance builds up quickly and you have to constantly up the dosage. Its only a short term solution. Hence my interest in bac, which curiously enough does not have that characteristic. Any other meds that do not build up tolerance in my system are worth a try in my opinion.
Neva Eva, I'll have a look at your info and at mirtazapine. :thanks: for the heads up.