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Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment

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    Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment

    Hello guys, I just got to this forum and want to try out bac,

    I've been depressed and anxious ever since I was a child. I found out that drugs which stimulate the GABA system are the only way I can calm down and have a good time. Alcohol is efficient at transforming the very shy and insecure guy that I am into a social person and I use it anytime I go out with friends. I'm still 20 years old and am not an alcoholic. But I can definitely see how I might fall into the drinking vicious circle, as a way of easing my mental issues.

    I know ADs cannot solve my problem long-term because of tolerance issues. Nor can benzos, as they are highly addictive. Same thing for supplements boosting GABA such as phenibut.

    So how about baclofen?

    My questions are:

    1. Can bac serve as an anxiety treatment on the very long term? Will I be able to keep the same dosage year after year and maintain the same effectiveness? Contrarily to benzos, or GHB.

    2. How do I titrate up? Since I'm not an alcoholic I have no craving, and do not feel the need to hit the "switch". It probably would not be useful to go up to the 200-300 mg range. Do I simply try to find a sweet spot at witch my anxiety drops, and then maintain the same dose forever, like say at 60mg?

    Please help me out :new:! I am desperate to find the "cure" to this unbearable 24/7 background noise of anxiety/depression eating my life away.

    Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment


    It's great you're catching this early, as drinking for anxiety is definitely a downward spiral that I think a lot of us are caught in. So no cravings for alcohol? God bless you, that's lovely to hear.

    Haven't done much of the research into bac and anxiety, as honestly I'm trying to deal with cravings/desire to drink... but I know there's some research out there. Check out this thread:

    And no, to my knowledge you do not build up a tolerance to bac, even long term. The anxiolytic effects are definitely in the lower doses, it seems, so you might not even need 60. And, anything under 80 mg/day is A-OK in the Physician's Desk Reference, so you might find a doc willing to help you out.


      Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment

      Im not a doctor, but I am pretty sure there are a lot of different drugs out there that can help with anxiety. It was anxiety that brought me into drinking ... I don't struggle with it so much anymore, but then again I havn't been sober long enough in the last 7 years to really know. From what I understand, Baclofen may not be the best option, but if you want to experiment with it, there are places you can get it online, no questions asked. Plus it is really safe.
      My My Livejournal


        Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment

        Just to put my 2 cents in here

        20 years old is a little young to be looking for the answer to life by changing your brain chemisrty.

        I would suggest that you look outwards rather than inwards for the solution. What is it that bothers you and try to fix that. Get a girlfriend or pay for sex, do what it takes before fucking with your brain.

        Most people here are trying to reduce the amount of drugs in their lives.

        Good luck:l
        Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


          Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment

          The connection between baclofen and anxiety, or baclofen as a primary treatment for anxiety, is very tenuous. So tenuous as to be non-existent.

          Experimenting with drugs, even medications is a GREAT way to start a lifelong, head first dive into trying to find a solution in a bottle--whether there's liquid or tablets in it doesn't make much difference.

          While I wouldn't have put it exactly the way Ignominious did, I agree. (Well, about everything except the sex part. :H So basically just that baclofen isn't the right solution. Especially right now.)

          Go see a doctor. Or several doctors until you find the one who will listen to you. It's a lot cheaper than buying drugs off of the internet and trying to treat yourself. Seriously.

          And if you have any doubt, please read this thread very carefully:

          Or any of these:

          There are many, many, many more.

          Good luck.


            Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment

            Thanks guys for your advice/concern. I've been researching extensively on the internet, the information on baclofen is somewhat vague, as people are experimenting with it. This site is pretty useful though!

            Since Olivier Ameisen and other people on the net have reported permanent anxiolytic effects, I have a bit of hope.

            Ryrye, I know there are other anti-anxiety drugs out there, but they come with highly addictive potential and a boatload of side effects. Baclofen seems more friendly, and the body does not build tolerance to it, appearently.

            Ignominious, I've been searching for a solution to my mental issues for years. Been depressed, anxious and antisocial ever since I was a little kid. Trying to fix my life hasnt helped much: I've had girlfriends, got into a prestigious university, have a loving family, I travel a lot, I've worked in jobs requiring people interactions... and yet nothing alleviates my problem. This permanent anxiety is torture, I've been feeling helpless and suicidal for years, although I've got everything going for me outside the social arena. I'm seeing a doctor, but I still search for a solution in my free time. Outside of drugs, I dont see what could save me, as unfortunate as it sounds.


              Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment

              slim penguin;1349040 wrote:

              Since Olivier Ameisen and other people on the net have reported permanent anxiolytic effects, I have a bit of hope.

              Ryrye, I know there are other anti-anxiety drugs out there, but they come with highly addictive potential and a boatload of side effects. Baclofen seems more friendly, and the body does not build tolerance to it, appearently.
              Ameisen reported permanent anxiolytic effects for the duration of the time that was covered in the book. And that directly related to his dependence on booze. (though that last is debatable. Still, I'd like to make the point.)

              The side effects of anxiolytics are known. The side effects of baclofen are profound, not to be trifled with, and not to be underestimated. Friendly? um...not so much.

              Please heed these words of caution:
              Go slowly. Read the titration advice, make a plan, adhere to it, and organize your life around it.
              One of the things that really frightens me about recommending that people take baclofen over the www on an anonymous site for alcoholics is that we just don't know what else is going on and can't predict the outcome. I know of three suicides. I can't tell you if it was related to some major preexisting disfunction in their brains or in their lives. What I do know is that all three people stopped taking baclofen suddenly. Just. Don't. Do. It.

              Because you are or have been suicidal, and particularly because of your youth, I hope you'll take dramatic and instant action should you start to feel that way. The research on that is pretty clear (and becoming more so) that it's an imbalance of brain chemistry and not because life really sucks.
              If you're not in therapy, get in therapy. Sorry. I don't often issue directives. (okay, that's probably not true.) But I mean it. Just do it.

              All that said, I hope you'll keep us informed if you decide to take baclofen for your anxiety. I can certainly relate to struggling, not finding answers and desperately looking for a way to feel better and cope.


                Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment

                Ne/Neva Eva;1349051 wrote: hmmmm.
                Ameisen reported permanent anxiolytic effects for the duration of the time that was covered in the book. And that directly related to his dependence on booze. (though that last is debatable. Still, I'd like to make the point.)

                The side effects of anxiolytics are known. The side effects of baclofen are profound, not to be trifled with, and not to be underestimated. Friendly? um...not so much.

                Please heed these words of caution:
                Go slowly. Read the titration advice, make a plan, adhere to it, and organize your life around it.
                One of the things that really frightens me about recommending that people take baclofen over the www on an anonymous site for alcoholics is that we just don't know what else is going on and can't predict the outcome. I know of three suicides. I can't tell you if it was related to some major preexisting disfunction in their brains or in their lives. What I do know is that all three people stopped taking baclofen suddenly. Just. Don't. Do. It.

                Because you are or have been suicidal, and particularly because of your youth, I hope you'll take dramatic and instant action should you start to feel that way. The research on that is pretty clear (and becoming more so) that it's an imbalance of brain chemistry and not because life really sucks.
                If you're not in therapy, get in therapy. Sorry. I don't often issue directives. (okay, that's probably not true.) But I mean it. Just do it.

                All that said, I hope you'll keep us informed if you decide to take baclofen for your anxiety. I can certainly relate to struggling, not finding answers and desperately looking for a way to feel better and cope.

                I've ordered bac, it should arrive within 2-3 weeks if we encounter no problems with customs. I'll make sure to titrate slowly, starting at 15mg. Hopefully I'll get the anxiolytic effects at low doses and I'll never increase them beyond the legally prescribed dose. And I'll follow your advice: never get off it cold turkey.

                As for Ameisen, he clearly stated he was always anxious especially in social situations, and that is the reason why he started drinking in the first place. Bac cured both his alcoholism and underlying anxiety.

                I am starting therapy as we speak. I know it is the way to go, I need all the help I can gather.

                I'll make sure to keep in touch with you when I receive the medecine.


                  Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment

                  Hi SP, only just noticed your thread, I do agree with Ig but since you have tried most other things and are determined to do this I would say start lower then 15mg a day, you are not titrating up like peeps on here to get off drink or any other drugs you simply want some anti anxiety effect and this is best at low doses I think. If you started even at 5mg for the first 5 days or so and see how you feel, then 10mg, you wont want to go up high, I mean even over 30mg should be enough.

                  Is your anxiety mostly in social situations, you mentioned using drink so you can go out with friends, if you are otherwise ok, in work, university ect where you have to be with people then therapy would probably help you more than any med. It depends whether you mean social situations as in where you have to have any contact with other people, be it going to a bar or going to the shop or work or you just mean socialising as in going out for fun. Also baclofen does have and effect when you drink alcohol with it and probably wont be a good idea or a pleasant experience and you will really need to be careful about this. But then again taking baclofen alone isnt a pleasant experience either

                  Im glad you start therapy soon, will you be telling your therapist or doctor about trying baclofen. You should have someone on side who knows what your doing, in real life I mean in case you do run into any problems.


                    Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment

                    hey slim,
                    welcome to MWO:welcome:
                    i agree with space. start at 5 mg . also, i would quit drinking for the duration of your bac experiment. otherwise you cant be sure its the bac and not the booze.
                    great to hear you are getting into therapy. do you mind sharing what type? the reason i ask is i'm in the same boat as you. crippling anxiety really. but sporatic. i've been sober for 5 years as of june 11th and although life is dramatically better the anxiety is killing me. i told myself i would wait 5 years before i tried bac and here i am.
                    i would rather do therapy but i live in a small, isolated town without psychologists. in fact, i would rather do some deep, intensive psychotherapy to uncover what might be causing the anxiety rather than take a drug to possible blunt those feelings. but my guess is that if you stick to low dose and do as ne and the others say about titrating, etc. you will be ok. i. think you should be very careful though and do it under a doctor's care.
                    anyway, stick around and report what you find. plenty of good people and support here.


                      Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment

                      I suggest to live a simple,natural,spritual life along with anti depression.Never use mind altering substance and trying medicine yourself could be more fatal.
                      I was on 15 years anti depressants and alcohol misuse.Though they were making me survival but damaging my brain because of mixture of alcohol.Now I am alcohol free for just two months with natural foods feeling lowering antidepressant.
                      So what I suggest is,
                      Always read out spiritual books.
                      Make friends like minded.
                      Eat healthy food.
                      Treat your substance abuse.
                      Do light ecercise daily.
                      I found meditation which is also addictive but constructive and thought changing.
                      Read out the books of positive thinking and the great people with depression like president Abraham Lincoln or prime minister Winston Churchill.
                      Read out a simple book
                      You can win by Shiva kher.
                      And other books for NLP.
                      WILL COME BACK TO YOU FOR SHARING.
                      A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

                      2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

                      Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

                      2013 : So many ups and down !!

                      2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


                        Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment

                        One more tips,
                        It's better to be stuck with single wife rather that changing girls day by day.once you try different medicines,you never will be satisfied to only one. You would be a medicines suggestion to take anti anxiety and remain live earthy Life.
                        Quite simple and hope there will be an invention of miracled medicine soon for anxiety.
                        Thats all now.
                        A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

                        2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

                        Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

                        2013 : So many ups and down !!

                        2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


                          Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment



                            Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment

                            lol. Lots of well meaning advice around here, as you can see!

                            Dixon, I'm really glad that you have found some things that works for you. Congratulations.

                            GRATITUDE! DUDE!!! I love it when you pop up out of nowhere!
                            Holy toledo! FIVE YEARS!!! That's amazing. Congratulations! Don't you want to start a thread and tell us about your journey and how you got there and what worked and didn't and all the rest??? Huh? Dontcha? I'm pretty sure (now) that while taking bac will get one sober, there are a lot of other swirly less tangible things that go into sustaining it and finding sustenance elsewhere. So do tell!

                            There are several doctors in France that are prescribing baclofen for alcoholics. I would imagine they might be willing to talk to you about the anxiolytic benefits. Of course, it's a very real possibility that they've got enough going on without adding another hypothetical treatment, but you never know. Clearly they think outside of the box. Maybe one is near you? If you haven't read the information on the following thread, I hope you will.

                            I came across the fact that mirtazapine treats general anxiety disorder and social anxiety! And it's not one of the antidepressants I would automatically dismiss...Not that that means much since I don't know much about it. Anyway, something for you to keep in mind, perhaps.

                            I am very relieved that you're getting into counseling. Looking forward to hearing about the next part of the journey!


                              Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment

                              Hi Slim: I am no doctor and I do believe that everyone is different and that meds can affect us all differently as well depending on our make up. But, I thought you might like to know about my experience: I was perscribed Bac by my personal doc when I told him that I wanted to stop drinking and was having anxiety issues. He would not let me go over 30mg per day though. Through another source I got an additional perscription and titrated up quickly as others have here. I too suffer from anxiety and worry 24/7 and it affects my life a great deal. My situation is similar to yours, lots of travel, good family, etc... Unfortunately, I could not handle the side effects at the higher levels of Bac. So, there is bad news and good news for me. I am still drinking and struggling with it every day - but I have been on 30mgs of Bac a day now for almost a year and it REALLY helps with my anxiety. I totally notice when I forget my dose so for me it is working long term without having to take more. Maybe it could work for you too. Keep trying to find a doc who will work with you on this as I worry about buying meds over the internet or from a doc who does not know you personally and doesn't even consider your physical background before giving you a perscription. Good Luck!

