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Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment

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    Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment

    Man, you are as sharp as a marble.

    Go back to drinking, I suspect you were more fun. Just find a designated driver as I suspect street signs might be slightly above your aptitude.

    No really are you in Bangalore or some mess? Last time I had this level of conversation was with one of my employees over there trying to tell me I am joined at the hip with George Bush.

    Also, desperados implies there is more than one of you. If you have a team working on your comment section I think you might want to retool your staff.


      Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment

      Xanax is the drug of choice today even surpassing Marijuana.
      Anyone who says it is "safe" needs to be with a 21 year old in the emergency room who has decided to do 'multiple' bars for the nights high.
      Been there, done that and almost lost my son.
      The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

      *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


        Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment

        You all that promote it and quote Dr. L will prescribe it with no questions asked make me SICK!

        He should be in jail! And you should be as well!

        Be warned; I won't let this go!
        The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

        *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


          Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment

          hey lady,
          sorry to hear about almost losing your son. that being said i don't think anyone on MWO is "promoting" benzo use. i also don't think anyone on here is taking mutiple bars to get high. from the few people i've read that have been taking it it seems they are taking very small amounts under a doc's supervision. and not to get High.


            Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment

            Wow, this forum is getting interesting...


              Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment

              Waiting for the switch

              Just started 80mg of Baclofen yesterday, with some anti-craving alcohol results during the day.

              As nightfall approaches I am experiencing a strong need to consume at least a cup of scotch before even thinking about sleep. My fear is that this could be a habitual habit addiction instead of unbearable cravings.

              Starting Baclofen, was a result, of reading about many users finally reaching the switch and feeling a total indifference to alcohol. Can anyone relate to this post and help educate me on what to expect on this journey?

              Thanks to all who post, your experiences are invaluable, Clipped Wings


                Baclofen as a lifelong anxiety treatment

                Clipped Wings;1558387 wrote: Just started 80mg of Baclofen yesterday, with some anti-craving alcohol results during the day.

                As nightfall approaches I am experiencing a strong need to consume at least a cup of scotch before even thinking about sleep. My fear is that this could be a habitual habit addiction instead of unbearable cravings.

                Starting Baclofen, was a result, of reading about many users finally reaching the switch and feeling a total indifference to alcohol. Can anyone relate to this post and help educate me on what to expect on this journey?

                Thanks to all who post, your experiences are invaluable, Clipped Wings
                80 is a huge dose to start on, i would start on 15mg and go up 10mg every 3 days or so. Though i went up 25mg jumps at a time, this was fine until about 75mg then when i went to 100 it got tough, i went 10mg jumps from then on but it was still tough, the desire to drink dialed down a bit each time i went up. I got up to 125mg and the side effects were unberable, mainly around making hang overs fucking weird and unplesant, sleep was impossible as well. also RLS at night trying to sleep sucked.

                when i went AF the cravings were low enough that i was able to stop, im only 14AF but this has been the best ive done in 5 years and believe me it was NEVER easy, i had unberable cravings to the point i would salivate over the thought of drinking and a constant stream of saliva would be coming out of my month
                01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

                Baclofen prescribing guide

                Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links

