No wonder, Taw! Of course you turned to drinking with all of that. Not taking your meds and PMS. At least now you know. It's been a learning experience, right?
I've been spreading my wings, T. I guess I'm ready to post elsewhere again. Thanks for giving me a warm place to grow. :l
I wanted to share this. Not to bring up Oprah or anything, Stuck :H, but I was doing an exercise in a magazine the other day. It was on how well do you know yourself.
Here was one of the exercises:
List what you love.
Complete each sentence with a different activity. Don't spend too much time thinking: Jot down the first answers that come to mind because those will typically be the most true.
I could blow an entire rainy afternoon ______________
When I was a kid, I used to love __________________
I've always wanted to become really good at _____________
If I could do one thing every day of my life, it would be ____________
I can lose track of time when I'm _______________________
Nothing clears my head like ____________________________
When I'm feeling drained, all I want to do is ___________________
I feel most connected to my body when I'm _____________________
In my daydreams, I imagine myself __________________
I get a shot of energy when I _________________
Okay, so you guys read the instructions, right? Here were my first thoughts.
I could blow an entire rainy afternoon by drinking. Although it's been a very long time since I've done that.
When I was kid, I used to love ______________
I've always wanted to become really good at______________
If I could do one thing every day of my life, it would be ______________
I can lose track of time when I'm drinking.
Nothing clears my head like really it's not drinking, but I feel guilty admitting it.
When I'm feeling drained, all I want to do is drink.
I feel most connected to my body when I'm ________________
In my daydreams, I imagine myself sober and happy about it.
I get a shot of energy when I drink.
Yikes! Does anyone see the problem with this pic? This is on how well I know myself. On 6 out of 10 of the questions, my first thoughts were related to booze (I didn't post my answers for the others
Hello Ne! It's good to see you out and about. I hope school and the house are going well as the multiple other things I'm sure you do. :l
:welcome:SaguaroSon! I've read what you've posted so far, and I look forward to reading more. I'm glad you can join us
Nighty night loves.