I was offered Valium by my GP and knew that I couldn't go down that route...I've had two valium withdrawals and they make heroin withdrawal feel like with withdrawing from sugar. I tried pregabalin which worked to some degree but I felt 'drugged' and tired and it just didn't hit the nail in the head as far as anxiety and 'The Scream' went.
One day I put 'muscle relaxant' and 'addiction' in Google. Olivier Ameisen's book came up and a load of stuff about baclofen. I immediately got the book from the library, read it cover to cover and ordered some baclofen online. I started on 5mg three times a day and am now on 100mg a day. I'm grateful that baclofen is not a 'nice' drug, no euphoria apart from when increasing the dose. I don't crave it at all. It takes away anxiety. I don?t feel drugged, just more normal...without ever previously having known what feeling normal meant. The chronic disabling anxiety has 50% left me...I?m only on 100mg after all but am going to up it in a few days.
The twelve steps and AA obviously work...but it is hard work and the underlying anxiety doesn?t go. For me the desire to drink went which is all that?s promised. AA/NA is a part of my life...I?ll never leave...it teaches me how to live. Baclofen though gives me a quality of life which means that the social phobia, the fear of the unknown, the need to isolate which are the result of physical anxiety which just has no cause are drastically reduced.
It?s a criminal state of affairs that alcohol related use of baclofen which is so cheap to prescribe is virtually unknown by GPs and those in community drug and alcohol services (the one in my town had never heard of it). It?s because, like Dr Ameisen says, there?s no money to be made by any drug companies. If baclofen was a new drug millions more would have heard of it.
If you?re thinking about trying baclofen I strongly recommend reading Dr Amisen?s book and reading the posts on this site and giving it a go. All the best