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Baclofen, having issues driving ...

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    Baclofen, having issues driving ...

    So I am at 175mg/day and i am noticing that I am making some stupid errors when I am driving. I almost ran a red light the other day, didn't see a car at a 4 way stop once, and a few other things. My girlfriend has noticed that I do not seem as safe of a driver lately as well. Has anyone else had issues like this?
    My My Livejournal

    Baclofen, having issues driving ...

    Wish I could say I have... but I don't have a driver's license. I can see where things could get dicey, though, depending on the time of day. I'm assuming the tiredness and mental outofitness hit at fairly predictable times, yes? They do for me. Anyway, any chance you can avoid driving during those times?


      Baclofen, having issues driving ...

      doesn't seem to be related to any specific time of the day ... im not tired, I just space out or something.
      My My Livejournal


        Baclofen, having issues driving ...

        I recall that Tiptronic, one of the baclofen "early adapter" MWO members, fell asleep sitting in traffic and rolled into the car in front of him. That's the only bac traffic report I've ever seen. Tip is, to my knowledge, still AF after struggling a bit with the somnolence, then eventually decided to just stop drinking and realized he didn't want to, anyway. Still AF - must be 2-3 years - at a minimal maintenance dose. Great thread with great information . . . including the traffic lapse.

        Maybe your girlfriend cpould do the driving for a few weeks? I never had a problem with somnolence or feeling tired during the day, but I do recall "spacey." Maybe a cup of black tea, or a little coffee before getting behind the wheel? My vote is to find ways to "adapt" for a bit . . . you're getting up into the range where a lot of people find the "magic" number. Good luck!!
        "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


          Baclofen, having issues driving ...

          I do the same thing

          I keep almost switching lanes into other cars. I have also noticed I need to maintain more space because my reaction time seems slower. I up my doses on weekends when I am not driving as much because I am so scared I am going to get in an accident! I am very curious about this topic!



            Baclofen, having issues driving ...

            Helix, that is exactly my problem also. I am glad I am not the only one That is a good idea to be giving more space between cars. I'll also be looking twice or three times before turning or changing lanes. Unfortunately, my girlfriend does not have her licence atm.
            My My Livejournal


              Baclofen, having issues driving ...

              NE pulled over and called 911 she was so screwed up and unable to drive once, she was rescued off the road.

              Don't drive when you're out of control on any substance; you could kill yourself or someone. Then what would your life be like?


                Baclofen, having issues driving ...

                Bruunhilde;1358106 wrote: NE pulled over and called 911 she was so screwed up and unable to drive once, she was rescued off the road.
                Sort of.
                I was in the middle of a binge, had titrated up on baclofen from ~10mg to ~75mg in the course of a week, was starting out on three hour trip to visit my parents, and took ~20mg while I was driving.
                I hadn't eaten in a day, maybe more, and I'd finished drinking sometime in the middle of the night, passed out, woke up late, rushed around, got in the car and started off to celebrate my father's birthday.

                Please do not do any one of those things. The combination will likely land you on the side of the road in the middle of a panic attack (my first), hyperventilating, and on the phone with 911. (or whatever passes for emergency services in your area.)
                It was terrifying. And then embarrassing. The ambulance came and I was "fine".
                But it was six months before I started on what was to be my final and successful titration up with baclofen. During that time, I became terrified of bridges and tunnels (and I'm surrounded by water here!) In fact, it was not the last time I was rescued off of a bridge! That happened three more times, when I was completely off of baclofen (and not using any other drugs except drinking booze alcoholically.) My husband was rather put out. (That's an understatement. I don't want to downplay how much all of that messed me up and how life altering it was for a good long while.)

                Bruun was right there for the experience! But what ended up happening is that I finally (!) started taking baclofen with a plan and a laser-focus and titrated up and found indifference. Then my husband did. And now? The panic attacks and horrific year that was 2010 doesn't matter. I'd do it all again, without question. So would he.

                Bruunhilde;1358106 wrote:
                Don't drive when you're out of control on any substance; you could kill yourself or someone. Then what would your life be like?
                Good advice.
                However, if what you're doing is trying to change your life and treat your disease, it just calls for some planning ahead. You could, for instance, notice when you take your meds how long it takes for it to have an effect, and plan your doses and your trips around it. If you find that you are wonky all of the time then you're likely taking too much or drinking too much or both, and it wouldn't hurt to bac(k) off (or maybe go up?) and go slowly. It might save your life! In a couple of different ways, obviously. You won't hurt yourself or someone else, and you will eventually make it to the point where booze doesn't matter anymore.
                It's also very likely that you'll become acclimated enough over time that you won't have the same side effects and this won't be an issue.

                Good luck and power on peeps!


                  Baclofen, having issues driving ...

                  I would like to report that because of these issues, I gave myself an extra week at 175mg and cut back on the drinking a lot. Even had a few AF days, which was pretty cool! My issues with driving have gone away and I am feeling much better now. For reference, I have been titrating over the past 3 months and just a few days ago hit 200mg without issues. I will not be rushing this process.
                  My My Livejournal

