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Dr Ameisen got addicted again

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    Dr Ameisen got addicted again

    Yes, the insomnia is normal from the bac. You want to sleep at all the wrong times!

    You can take the alprazolam (xanax) to fall asleep if you need to. If you wake up and you have at least 4 hours before you need to get up, you can take a dose to fall back asleep.

    It does work for the most part. Well it did for me. Now I just have rampant insomnia but probably because I always did have it and now I rely on an arsenal of meds.

    Hang in there. You might get more SE's when you go up in dose. Realize it is the med and it is normal.
    Take the alprazolam if you are having an anxiety attack or something like that.

    That's my advice and it should line up well with Dr L. He may not have mentioned anything about an anxiety attack though. If you feel real odd or bad, it could be that.

    Good luck!


      Dr Ameisen got addicted again

      Very strange post desperado. You seem to be itching for some drama. Why not go to another forum where drama is appreciated. This site is here to HELP people. Please remember that. Thanks.

      "I like people too much or not at all."
      Sylvia Plath


        Dr Ameisen got addicted again

        Oh Desp, we really would like to help, if that's what you're looking for. But I only have a second, as I'm at a party with old friends and just stepped out to smoke. And, of course, I'm sipping on absinthe right now so bac clearly isn't working for me either.


          Dr Ameisen got addicted again

          Second smoke break: that sounded like I was baiting you. My bad. Bac is starting to work just fine, and I'm not drinking much, and having a lot of fun. There is hope, even for hopeless alkies like the two of us.


            Dr Ameisen got addicted again

            Yeah Desperado, .25 is a huge dose. I've had insomnia since I was a child. BTW, I don't use benzos to sleep and I sure don't use them daily.

            Glad you have it so together. We can all hope to strive to be a little mean spirited person like you when we grow up.

            You're my inspiration..... to be everything you're not.


              Dr Ameisen got addicted again

              Well I was expecting worse...


                Dr Ameisen got addicted again

                I have been taking Baclofen for just over 3 years now. Side effects were brutal at first due to rapid titration, so I backed off and tried again at a much slower rate. This mitigated the side effects a great deal (I would strongly recommend slow titration to all newbies). I stabilized at 150mg (I'm hesitant to say I reached the "switch", but my cravings were under control in combination with Antabuse).

                About 6 months ago, my off shore source started to look a bit shaky, so I contacted Dr. L. about a prescription. I told him my intention to gradually reduce my dosage, and as stated in previous posts, he was strongly against it. When I mentioned that Dr. A. had done so, he said that "Ameisen made a mistake." I found this a curious remark, but I didn't pursue it. I did however search to see if I could find any information on Dr. A's current dosage/status, but found nothing. Seems odd that the father of this treatment hasn't followed up with a comprehensive personal account of his last few years. He has treated his alcoholism with Baclofen longer than any of us, and how he has adjusted his dosage over time is of great interest to me. And if true, information on a relapse is also extremely pertinent. What was his dosage at the time? How long had he been on that amount? What was his relapse treatment titration schedule? Side effects? Whether it is Dr. A. or anyone else taking Baclofen to treat this disease, information on dealing with a relapse is very important. It's something that could happen to any of us.

                I didn't follow Dr. L's advice. After 2 1/2 years at 150mg, I slowly moved down to 100 over the last 6 months. This is where the Antabuse is essential as a second line of defense. I knew that should the cravings return, I would begin to have thoughts of discontinuing the Antabuse. Thankfully, that didn't happen, and I'm here to report that my indifference remains the same. I plan on staying at 100 for the indefinite future.

                For a variety of reasons, Baclofen doesn't work for everyone. For me it did, significantly reducing my cravings for alcohol. Of course, there is a lot more involved in staying sober for almost 3 years. Still, I couldn't have done it without Baclofen.


                  Dr Ameisen got addicted again

                  Stories, Bottom line is baclofen works than who cares. Photoman is on the same line of thinking as me. Perhaps I think too much. If these two were politicians, their inconsistencies would be front page news. I have the prescription and If I decide to take it, my new name will be Guinea Pig 9999. Jim


                    Dr Ameisen got addicted again

                    don't be so upset things did not work out for us. we have to move on.

                    we will still always have those summer nights we spent together on Fire Island.


                      Dr Ameisen got addicted again

                      O.K sounds like time for a new post. jim


                        Dr Ameisen got addicted again

                        Cos... LOL


                          Dr Ameisen got addicted again

                          Good times!


                            Dr Ameisen got addicted again

                            :wings:Every day is another day to set things right!! Make today a new beginning, the first day of the rest of your life!:wings:

                            Goals: to stay AF and to start to incorporate some sort of exercise into my daily routine!!!:wings:


                              Dr Ameisen got addicted again

                              Did Dr L ever say what happened to that one person who didn't respond to baclofen?


                                Dr Ameisen got addicted again

                                I don't really talk with him these days.
                                You could give him a call. PM if you need his #.

                                I don't really recall him getting into details with me. I do believe he told me that he did nt have a 100% rate. I think he used to say that.

                                I would not worry about it if you are going to do baclofen. It's not perfect but it sure beats the alternative.

