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Baclofen overdose, issues, and other scientific questions. Help is much appreciated

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    Baclofen overdose, issues, and other scientific questions. Help is much appreciated

    Hi Everyone. I will try to keep this as condensed as possible but I have some questions and experiences to share regarding baclofen.

    A little about me:
    Diagnosed OCD/Major Depressive.
    If my OCD is not managed I will pick up a benzo and coke habit.
    Nothing has helped my OCD as much as memantine (40mg/day at the moment) and baclofen.

    This past weekend I overdosed on baclofen. I was going by it's short half-life, but I believe there is possibly a D/NE rebound effect causing hypertension and tachycardia. So in short, in a days time I consumed ~250mg baclofen. These were the good/bad symptoms:

    -Music sounded EXCELLENT, almost too good
    -Pro-social effects
    -Appetite suppressed
    -Extremely optimistic mood
    -OCD was nearly eliminated
    -Control over my ejaculate and high libido
    -Intense focus and interest

    -An extremely intense "whoo whoo whoo whoo" sound in my head, that was only somewhat comforted by music/earplugs.
    -Weak/fast heart rate
    -hyper-excitability (couldn't sit still for shit, must have walked in and out of the kitchen 30 times in 45 minutes) and accomplished nothing
    -Vision issue: If I looked at say my ipod screen then looked up, at random I'd get a "flash" of the ipod image in my vision regardless of what I was looking at. When this happened a "ckkkkk" sound would occur, as if there was a fault in my brains processing of information.
    -Labored breathing (woke up with drool on my pillow, which I rarely do)
    -Very vivid dreams that I clearly remember
    -Water retention in my chest

    Has anyone else experienced anything of this nature?
    I would love to find a dose that I could minimize the bad effects and still experience some of the good (just not to such a high extreme).

    Never in my life has a drug made me feel so good. Its as if I was cured of my OCD (which has caused me a shit load of trouble since age 8, I'm 29 now).

    Today I took 50mg and when I was at the gym, I noticed my heart rate was weak and fast and I was somewhat lightheaded. I haven't experienced this before.

    I was reading that Baclofen can inhibit one of the CA+2 or NA+2 channels (can't recall exactly), messing up K levels. Which leads me to believe the reason

    Sorry for the lengthy post, I suppose I'd like to ask:

    Has anyone had similar experiences?
    Do you believe there is a D/NE rebound?

    Baclofen overdose, issues, and other scientific questions. Help is much appreciated

    I searched for drug interactions with memantine and baclofen and found nothing.

    Can you see of a way there would be an interaction or potentiation?


      Baclofen overdose, issues, and other scientific questions. Help is much appreciated

      Hello sirbishop6. According to Dr. Levin there are drugs which inhibit baclofen and I an suspposed to tell him whith one's are prescribed, but that is all I have. Jim


        Baclofen overdose, issues, and other scientific questions. Help is much appreciated

        I OD on bacs 9 months ago.Took 100mg or so at once.In 1 hours had intense closed eyed visual,mild melting and warping of object similar to a level 3 shroomtrip.I got empathy and felt like a kid again and childhood memories as well esp when comming down.Euphoria with periods of paranoia/anxiety,tachcardia and sweating.Lasted 6-8 hours(took it solo at night). I dont reccomend bac for recreation-cardiac and seizure issues possible and bad experiences(nearly had bad trip).Dont use bacs for rolling/tripping.Bacs are related to both GHB and psychedelic phenethlamines esp.some of the 2c family in high dose.Yes I think bac may produce some dopamine effect,but more likely serotonergic like MDMA,2cb and cousins and 4 aco DMT in high dose baclofen.Please do NOT OD on bacs again-people have had sezures,agitation and long comas following ODs.


          Baclofen overdose, issues, and other scientific questions. Help is much appreciated

          rangiatea;1362086 wrote: I OD on bacs 9 months ago.Took 100mg or so at once.In 1 hours had intense closed eyed visual,mild melting and warping of object similar to a level 3 shroomtrip.I got empathy and felt like a kid again and childhood memories as well esp when comming down.Euphoria with periods of paranoia/anxiety,tachcardia and sweating.Lasted 6-8 hours(took it solo at night). I dont reccomend bac for recreation-cardiac and seizure issues possible and bad experiences(nearly had bad trip).Dont use bacs for rolling/tripping.Bacs are related to both GHB and psychedelic phenethlamines esp.some of the 2c family in high dose.Yes I think bac may produce some dopamine effect,but more likely serotonergic like MDMA,2cb and cousins and 4 aco DMT in high dose baclofen.Please do NOT OD on bacs again-people have had sezures,agitation and long comas following ODs.
          Thanks for your reply rangiatea. I dont' plan on ever go >75mg in the future. I can't say that I regret the experience though. As off the wall as it sounds, I feel I had some type of spiritual experience. I don't feel like the same person anymore. It's as if my ego isn't non-existent, but more like I now have an extreme awareness of it, and am better to deal with life.

          One thing I forgot to mention, and this was the most profound experience of the trip duration - I was sitting at the computer and was hit with a 'realization' that I wasn't living up to my potential, and that I was capable of all things in a limitless way. The feeling was so profound that I began crying uncontrollably and had to lean against a wall and breath deep because the emotions were so overwhelming. Odd thing was, that there was no negative self talk or emotions involved. It was like tears of joy multiplied exponentially.

          I generally have low self esteem and a lot of negative internal dialogue and this was FAR from anything of that nature.


            Baclofen overdose, issues, and other scientific questions. Help is much appreciated

            This sounds more like something for bluelight. You know that teen drug forum I think?

            So this is a forum for people struggling with addictions.

            There are some relations to GHB with baclofen but again this is hardly the place for drug experiment posting.


              Baclofen overdose, issues, and other scientific questions. Help is much appreciated


              I'm actually going to go a step further than my friend COS, and I'm going to say go get high on something else. There are easier ways. Get some shrooms or X, do some blow if that's what you need to do. Or drink alcoholicly for a decade or 2.

              The downsides of bac are simply not worth it for recreation. But go ahead and keep it up, so bac is suddenly a controlled substance. You know, since we have such an easy time getting it now.

              So after your life falls apart because you're hopped up on benzos, have no septum thanks to all the coke, and your liver is blown because you're drinking yourself to death--oh, wait, that's right now you can't get the one thing that could cure you. Because it's fucking regulated now thanks to a bunch of kids who thought it would be fun to get "high" on.

              If you're trying to overcome addiction, then there isn't a person here (myself included) who wouldn't go to the ends of the earth to help. But we're. Not in the business of helping people get a cheap high on the only medicine that has ever, ever helped a lot of us.


                Baclofen overdose, issues, and other scientific questions. Help is much appreciated

                StuckinLA;1362221 wrote: Bishop,

                I'm actually going to go a step further than my friend COS, and I'm going to say go get high on something else. There are easier ways. Get some shrooms or X, do some blow if that's what you need to do. Or drink alcoholicly for a decade or 2.

                The downsides of bac are simply not worth it for recreation. But go ahead and keep it up, so bac is suddenly a controlled substance. You know, since we have such an easy time getting it now.

                So after your life falls apart because you're hopped up on benzos, have no septum thanks to all the coke, and your liver is blown because you're drinking yourself to death--oh, wait, that's right now you can't get the one thing that could cure you. Because it's fucking regulated now thanks to a bunch of kids who thought it would be fun to get "high" on.

                If you're trying to overcome addiction, then there isn't a person here (myself included) who wouldn't go to the ends of the earth to help. But we're. Not in the business of helping people get a cheap high on the only medicine that has ever, ever helped a lot of us.
                Perhaps I should have given more background info. I didn't mean for it to be a "trip report." I have been to rehab, struggled with drug addictions of many sorts (including alcohol). If my OCD isn't managed I'm a full blown addict. I can't even go to AA because my OCD is so severe. Memantine has helped drastically, and baclofen made me feel the freedom of literally being OCD free. I was just wondering if my reaction was abnormal. Because of this reaction I can't even take baclofen the way it should be used. My addictive nature comes out and abuses it. Of course I want a life of sobriety and decrease in my obsessive compulsive nature which has landed me in rehab and a mental institution.

                Its actually quite frustrating to have a reaction like this because it truly helps me, but I can't even use it responsibly. Memantine is also being investigated for addiction

                PsychiatryOnline | American Journal of Psychiatry | Effect of Memantine on Cue-Induced Alcohol Craving in Recovering Alcohol-Dependent Patients

                I want you to succeed as much as I do myself, and I hope you are doing well.


                  Baclofen overdose, issues, and other scientific questions. Help is much appreciated

                  There are better meds for OCD.
                  I have OCD but managed it on my own except for my alc issues I guess.

                  If you are young I am thinking you are (jumping between forums and planning a vacation) your OCD may lighten up. Mine did.

                  Again though posting "trip" reports is not the purpose of this forum.

                  Stuck has it right. Shrooms are much more fun from what I recall.


                    Baclofen overdose, issues, and other scientific questions. Help is much appreciated

                    I didn't intend for it to be a trip report. Just looking to see if others have had similar sides.

                    Which meds do you recommend for ocd?

                    I've tried several ssris, tcas, and a typical antipsychotics.

                    Nothing has helped as much as memantine and baclofen. I'm 29 and have had several diagnosis'. The first at age 8. I've lost jobs, friends, relationships, and an apartment becauae of my ocd.


                      Baclofen overdose, issues, and other scientific questions. Help is much appreciated

                      Well if you have OCD to a bad degree, I think you need to tie off with a shrink to be honest.
                      It runs in my family but for some reason I was able to get a grip on it.

                      I don't want to offer up meds for it. There are different types and I've been out of the psych field since college days.

                      Are you getting professional help? How does your OCD manifest itself?


                        Baclofen overdose, issues, and other scientific questions. Help is much appreciated

                        I've been seeing psychiatrists and psychologists for about 15 years. I've done some cbt with my psych and some spiritual/ego work on my own. It has manifested it many forms. Contamination,fear of pedofilia, excessive guilt and responsibility. The latest one which has caused excessive harm to my quality of life is an hiv phobia. The exposure response prevention exercise for it is more painful and anxiety provoking than ocd itself. Imagine rubbing someone else's sperm on if arms over and over.


                          Baclofen overdose, issues, and other scientific questions. Help is much appreciated

                          I've been seeing psychiatrists and psychologists for about 15 years. I've done some cbt with my psych and some spiritual/ego work on my own. It has manifested it many forms. Contamination,fear of pedofilia, excessive guilt and responsibility. The latest one which has caused excessive harm to my quality of life is an hiv phobia. The exposure response prevention exercise for it is more painful and anxiety provoking than ocd itself. Imagine rubbing someone else's sperm on your arms over and over.

                          Every red spec is potentially hiv infected blood. Even though I know hiv isn't transmitted in such ways, it doesn't help with the doubt. And thats the vicious cycle of constantly running in circles with obsessions.


                            Baclofen overdose, issues, and other scientific questions. Help is much appreciated

                            Wow. Well you got me. That's over my head.

                            Well prozac did more problems than help for me. That's the norm to start with I think for OCD treatment.

                            I understand the experimenting with meds for something that extreme.

                            Do you have insurance? You might need a heavy hitter. Are you sure this is all OCD? I will get crap for this but you might need some cutting edge psychedelic type experiences in a controlled environment.

                            I am not sure this is the right forum for you but maybe someone else here can chime in,


                              Baclofen overdose, issues, and other scientific questions. Help is much appreciated

                              COSGringo;1362247 wrote: Wow. Well you got me. That's over my head.

                              Well prozac did more problems than help for me. That's the norm to start with I think for OCD treatment.

                              I understand the experimenting with meds for something that extreme.

                              Do you have insurance? You might need a heavy hitter. Are you sure this is all OCD? I will get crap for this but you might need some cutting edge psychedelic type experiences in a controlled environment.

                              I am not sure this is the right forum for you but maybe someone else here can chime in,
                              I appreciate your replies COSGringo. I started the thread on this forum mainly because it seemed to have the largest amount of discussion with actual baclofen users. I didn't intend to come off as a "kid who wanted to post a trip report of a cheap high" (it is far from that actually. Nor did I mean to disrespect anyone, and I apologize to you guys if it seemed that way.

