A little about me:
Diagnosed OCD/Major Depressive.
If my OCD is not managed I will pick up a benzo and coke habit.
Nothing has helped my OCD as much as memantine (40mg/day at the moment) and baclofen.
This past weekend I overdosed on baclofen. I was going by it's short half-life, but I believe there is possibly a D/NE rebound effect causing hypertension and tachycardia. So in short, in a days time I consumed ~250mg baclofen. These were the good/bad symptoms:
-Music sounded EXCELLENT, almost too good
-Pro-social effects
-Appetite suppressed
-Extremely optimistic mood
-OCD was nearly eliminated
-Control over my ejaculate and high libido
-Intense focus and interest
-An extremely intense "whoo whoo whoo whoo" sound in my head, that was only somewhat comforted by music/earplugs.
-Weak/fast heart rate
-hyper-excitability (couldn't sit still for shit, must have walked in and out of the kitchen 30 times in 45 minutes) and accomplished nothing
-Vision issue: If I looked at say my ipod screen then looked up, at random I'd get a "flash" of the ipod image in my vision regardless of what I was looking at. When this happened a "ckkkkk" sound would occur, as if there was a fault in my brains processing of information.
-Labored breathing (woke up with drool on my pillow, which I rarely do)
-Very vivid dreams that I clearly remember
-Water retention in my chest
Has anyone else experienced anything of this nature?
I would love to find a dose that I could minimize the bad effects and still experience some of the good (just not to such a high extreme).
Never in my life has a drug made me feel so good. Its as if I was cured of my OCD (which has caused me a shit load of trouble since age 8, I'm 29 now).
Today I took 50mg and when I was at the gym, I noticed my heart rate was weak and fast and I was somewhat lightheaded. I haven't experienced this before.
I was reading that Baclofen can inhibit one of the CA+2 or NA+2 channels (can't recall exactly), messing up K levels. Which leads me to believe the reason
Sorry for the lengthy post, I suppose I'd like to ask:
Has anyone had similar experiences?
Do you believe there is a D/NE rebound?