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Bacloen efficiacy ?

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    Bacloen efficiacy ?

    I've been on baclofen for quite some time...75mg/day don't feel anything positive, drinking is as much out of control as always been.
    Thinking about titrating up but what's the point if 75mg just feels like pure placebo to me.

    Bacloen efficiacy ?

    Dear chaos, Good question, hang in there and keep reading. Jim


      Bacloen efficiacy ?

      Go up. Slowly. It is rare for a dosage of 75 mg to have a dramatic effect. Most people have to go as high as 250-350 mg to experience indifference.
      "Yet someday this will have an end
      All choices made or choice resigned,
      And in your face the literal eye
      Trace little of your history,
      Nor ever piece the tale entire
      Of villages that had to burn
      And playgrounds of the will destroyed
      Before you could be safe from time
      And gather in your brow and air
      The stillness of antiquity."

      From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


        Bacloen efficiacy ?

        Hi Chaos. 75 is still in the lower ranges. I remember someone saying somewhere that if you treat pneumonia with 1/2 the dose of penicillin, you won't cure pneumonia. See how you feel, and try going up. Slowly. Like 10-20 mgs a per week. And keep reading around, as there's lots of info here.


          Bacloen efficiacy ?

          Ive been titrating for the last 3 months and just hit 200. I didn't start having any real reduction in cravings until 100 and up. Now at 200, I finally have 2 AF days (and counting) without cravings for the first time since starting. Before now, AF days have come with effort. Just hang in there, I was drinking all the way to where I am, and had several out of control days as well.
          My My Livejournal


            Bacloen efficiacy ?

            Congratulations, Rye! Haven't seen you in a while (or I haven't known where to look), but I'm so glad you stuck with it. And for the record, yes Chaos, I too did not see any real difference in drinking until the high 100s.

            Keep on keeping on, it does work!


              Bacloen efficiacy ?

              chaos;1363224 wrote: I've been on baclofen for quite some time...75mg/day don't feel anything positive, drinking is as much out of control as always been.
              Thinking about titrating up but what's the point if 75mg just feels like pure placebo to me.
              If it were acting as a placebo wouldn't you have hit 'the switch'?

              How long is "quite some time"?

              Are you having bad negative side effects? If not, why not just ramp up the dosage and get to where you're meant to be?

              Sorry peeps but everyone seems to take so long over their titration these days. Sure you should take it slowly if you can't handle it but if the S.E.s aren't a problem, or if you're starting to become disillusioned with how long it's taking, go faster!
              "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


                Bacloen efficiacy ?

                Hmmm. That makes such perfect sense to me, ifulovelife2. I always stay at a dose for a week or ten days. Don't have SEs but not getting the switch either. I think I need to go for it before I become completely disillusioned.


                  Bacloen efficiacy ?

                  Fiend, I can't, won't and absolutely refuse, to give medical advice. I'm not qualified to do so. If a doctor has told you to titrate in a particular way, then you should do as she says. However, if you're going alone, self-prescribing, then you have to make your own decisions, work to your own schedule. If you aren't suffering S.E.s then good for you - carry on as you are. Unless of course, you're getting pissed off with how long it's taking and thinking about throwing in the towel, in which case: do what you need to do.

                  I'll just throw a couple of things out there:

                  There are a number of blokes who titrated up very fast, I'm talking not months, but weeks or even days, and achieved 'indifference'. The other thing is that they were blokes. I honestly do think that is relevant. Men seem to have a much easier time SE-wise in general. Having said that, men can obviously get really bad S.E.s, as well. You pays yer money and takes yer choice ... or some such shit!
                  "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


                    Bacloen efficiacy ?

                    Youth helps perhaps.

                    And maybe just general stupidity. (oops. Did I say that out loud?!) I'm kidding about the youth part, of course.


                      Bacloen efficiacy ?

                      Yep, stupidity helps. I think it's probably another word for maleness. At least according to feminist types, like you. ;-)
                      "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


                        Bacloen efficiacy ?



                          Bacloen efficiacy ?

                          Hey folks - I'm putting this out there on the boards. I am AF for 43 days and using AB that another member sent to me. It helps take the choice away !:goodjob:
                          Not attending doctor - so - anyone got any AB dumped in a drawer somewhere - can I relieve you of it ?:thanks:

