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contraindicated medicines for baclofen used for alcoholism

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    contraindicated medicines for baclofen used for alcoholism

    I was told by Dr. L to advise him on any medications that I am currently on and any that may come in the future. Because they may interfere with the baclofen. Any experience out there? Jim

    contraindicated medicines for baclofen used for alcoholism

    Just let him know what you are taking. He can check it in his database.
    You can also look it up online.

    Epocrates is the one the E.R. used when I was ill from it. I think Dr. L uses it also now. You can get a free subscription.

    Are you on a lots of other meds? Funny thing is that benzos are not supposed to be taken with it.

    You really just have to monitor things. Just let him know.


      contraindicated medicines for baclofen used for alcoholism

      BTW, that other post was just to mess with our odd person. I think Ne knows him. He was booted and came back to make trouble.

      I like to have fun with those folks but I am sure he will read this and the fun will continue...


        contraindicated medicines for baclofen used for alcoholism

        There's a thread. You can look up the threads I've started (I started it) or search here or on google for contraindicated medicine, baclofen, my way out and/or Ne/neva eva.

        Those tools will definitely come in handy (there is a thread for just about everything. seriously.) But I'll bump the thread, too.


          contraindicated medicines for baclofen used for alcoholism

          Take it all with a grain of salt. A lot of the things are in combination with other things. And more to the point, the contraindications and side effects for the most readily prescribed antidepressants are MUCH longer and scarier, in some ways.

          Then keep in mind that the dosage of bac the information was based on is what's generally approved--80mg/day. I got up to 320mg. I'm betting that's a whole different ballgame, you know?


            contraindicated medicines for baclofen used for alcoholism

            Yup, all those meds that you are not supposed to take don't always have a negative effect.

            If you look at a lot of meds out there you will find the same thing.


              contraindicated medicines for baclofen used for alcoholism

              Thank you Neva and COS. I see the other thread that Neva just posted on this subject is heating up. I really know how to open a can of worms. jim

