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Bac and High Blood Pressure? Really?

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    Bac and High Blood Pressure? Really?


    I've been on Bac since June, doing really well. Maintaining at 125mg. Drinking in moderation (1 glass of wine a night, max 4 nights a week). Really happy, functioning great (better than I have ever done - I kick ass at the moment

    Except a couple of things:

    Really achy all the time? Sore elbow, knees, shins. Ibuprofen helps but I'm guzzling at least 8 x 200mg a day - max dosage for that drug.

    Still feel buzzed - does that ever go away, it's getting a bit old.

    My asthma has been worse (known bac se) and so I saw the asthma nurse today. She also checked my blood pressure and it was 138 / 80!! I usually sit at about 125 / 80 which is average. Bac reduces blood pressure so what is going on? Do you think it's something else going on other than the bac?

    Got to go to bed just now as so tired and a bit worried too. Catch up with all your sage replies in the morning :goodjob:



    Bac and High Blood Pressure? Really?

    I dont know anything about the blood pressure but I think I remember Bruun having problems with it so maybe you could pm her. and yes it does make my astma worse when I go up in dose but Ive got no answer for it tho except use my inhaler more


      Bac and High Blood Pressure? Really?

      Achy I get. I've have had that a touch before. Might pass. Mine did.

      Buzzed, I still get it sometimes. Not like I did. I was scared to drive for a while. Even scraped up my new sports car backing out of my driveway.

      Asthma hard to say but I did have more sinus issues more so on bac. A lot worse than I normally had. That passed also. I take stinging nettle extract 2x day and in a month I am better than I ever was. I mean night and day. Separate thread though I guess but it is cheap from swanson vitamins.

      BP though? That's a stretch, sorry. 130/80 is not very high and to say you usually sit at 125/80 well that's not much of a difference there.

      Most docs will say it is normal to have an increase in BP at the office. Either way, I can't imagine making a big deal over 5 points since BP fluctuates a lot.

      My BP is lower now. Could be because I don't drink. I was on meds for it a long time. Now I stopped taking it and I am around 120/80. When I was on meds with bac I was much too low.

      I think you might be making too much out of that BP thing. If you are very worried get a Omron home BP machine. I check mine daily. If you are worried about it this might help.

      It might lower you at some point. It affects everyone differently. I am at a much higher dose and mine is lower. Again, I am not drinking which causes high BP so who knows.

      Somnolence does stink. I agree with that.


        Bac and High Blood Pressure? Really?

        COSGringo;1365204 wrote:

        BP though? That's a stretch, sorry. 130/80 is not very high and to say you usually sit at 125/80 well that's not much of a difference there.
        Hi thanks for your replies - going back to sleep in a mo but just wanted to point out it's gone from 125 to 138 not 130 that's top of the range for my age, and a significant increase. It's going to be taken again next week so we'll see if it comes down.


          Bac and High Blood Pressure? Really?

          Sorry, my eyesight must be going.

          Not sure it's the baclofen. I would give it some time and I will check it at home. You can get a machine for around $60. They are good to have anyways.

          If you are coming in around 140 that's getting higher but honestly my understanding at least via a few doctors is the diastolic is a bit more key. So 140/80 is not a deal killer. If your diastolic was high like say 89 I think you should probably be looking at meds.

          Ask your doctor. I would be surprised if he/she would want you on meds for say 140/80. Maybe if you stay there for a long time. Generally over 140/90 is considered hypertension.

          If you don't believe me you can research that. My family has a history of it so unfortunately I had to track it for a while. If you have other health issues then perhaps that's another case.

          If you are worried, that will jump up your blood pressure. I would hesitate to go on meds too quickly. I did not for a long time until mine was above that range on a normal basis.

          There are a lot of meds that work well so if you need one, it's not a big deal. A lot of folks take them. My whole family is on them except me. I was and may have to go back on, just have to keep an eye on it.

          Somnolence is a real problem. I swore off caffeine until I started taking baclofen. I now drinking it often. It's that or sleep. It does get better for most people so hang in there!


            Bac and High Blood Pressure? Really?

            It all settles down, Teezah. It did for me anyway. My normally very low blood pressure got a little higher for a very short while. I have no idea why.

            The buzzed feeling? Ditto. Long gone.


              Bac and High Blood Pressure? Really?

              Thanks everyone - Feeling a lot better today. Part of the problem was trying to use up the 10mg tablets I had ordered....I maybe wasn't as fastidious as I usually am with them. I seem to work best with the 25mg every 4 hour so I've just opened my new pack and started back on the them. Will save my 10mg for (god forbid) I ever run out. Not so achy / wheezy / sleepy / wired today Dunno about the blood pressure...thanks Ne for the reassurance it will settle down. I'll pop in again next week and update you.

              As an aside, I intend to write my story at some point over the next few months Spacebebe know me from the starting out forums and knows I am full time carer for my profoundly disabled daughter so I'm pretty short of time - always!

              However, since I have you here, I would just like to say how very very grateful and humbled I am by the support and advice I have received here. i used to lurch from day to day, not as a full blown alcoholic, but someone who would quite happily have a full bottle of wine a night, every night. I am now someone I am very proud of. My anxiety has disappeared, I am coping, off paroxetine (seroxat) happy, competent, SEEING THINGS CLEARLY AND IN CONTEXT!! The scales have fallen from my eyes.

              And for that, I thank you all.

              Teeza x x x


                Bac and High Blood Pressure? Really?

                Hi Teezah Its great to hear that you are doing so well nowadays it really is. Its always wonderful to hear of success and I know you have not got things easy but you are making a great go of your life.

                I hope the blood pressure thing settles down and it was just a temporary blip.


