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Dear Moderators:

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    Dear Moderators:

    Please note that there are several usernames being used by the same person.

    Also please note that this person, originally baclofan, has been flagged many times. While I appreciate that you thought the comment on a thread related to someone's suicide was appropriate, I would suggest that you are missing the point. Completely.

    As I've stated in most of the messages when I've flagged the posts, this persona--desperados--has written antagonistic, rude and in some cases shockingly mean posts. Some of them don't make sense, of course, since by desperados' own admission they were made when drunk.
    Baclofan/desperados now has at least one other username. Benzo-.

    I understand that you must be busy. I understand it is difficult to read into the nuances of posts made when one only reads one.
    What I don't understand is how and why someone can get away with being trollish for so long on this forum.

    I can only assume that you either do not read on anything close to a regular basis, or that you simply don't care.

    While I don't take anything that is going on personally, I find it difficult not to take your inaction personally.
    How long will you let this continue? Until it becomes what the last one became? And completely shuts down our good will and the community of people working on helping each other?

    If that is the case, I want my membership dues back. All of them. And then we, collectively, will take care of the trolls. Because I spend a good deal of time here and your inaction makes it very personal.

    Thank you for your time and attention.

    Ne/Neva Eva