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to baclofen or not? 23y old

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    to baclofen or not? 23y old

    baclofan;1373724 wrote: hmmmm maybe this the perfect combo to keep someone 'sober' after all, you remaind me of certain poster again that claims no longer drinking agains her will anymore being on exact same combo of meds...(other words prescribed 'speed' coupled with a downer in order to take the edge of the speed)...hmmmm... just a food for a thought
    Thanks for the thought, baclofan. Yes, I agree to an extent. I don't enjoy the stimulant effects of Adderall. I take the smallest dose made in XR. I asked my psychiatrist to reduce my script from 20 mg to 10. I mostly take them on the days I work, I have ADD and they help me focus. My 30 day script usually lasts me a good 3 months. The only time I've ever enjoyed stimulants is when I'm drinking. Since I take the XR form, drinking on my Adderall isn't possible. It wears off before I'd be able to do that, and if I took one at night, I'd be up until the dawn.

    The same is true for Xanax. I've taken it for a number of years now. I don't enjoy them, and I don't find I get increasing tolerance. I may have been developing some tolerance shortly before I went on bac. It's hard to say, since I was drinking so much. I would use Xanax after a night of heavy drinking to stop the anxiety and slight morning shakes. I would need to show up to work, and I use my hands a lot with people watching. I couldn't be shaking at work. At that point, I may have been developing some tolerance. I was taking them everyday. When I went on bac, almost to the day, I stopped taking Xanax regularly. I stopped having the same kind of anxiety. I didn't even realize it until I did. I was like Wow, I haven't needed to take a Xanax in a long time. Now I take them occasionally. Sometimes I need them more often. I don't really count because then I'll go a number of weeks without needing one. I most often take them for sleep, if I do (and no, my sleep isn't messed up from the Adderall. It wears off by early evening). My sleep gets very fragmented when titrating up. I also had to take them for a week or two when I tapered too quickly on bac the last time. I had some very severe anxiety that lasted a while.

    So a script for my Xanax that could last a month, lasts multiple months. I'm aware that not everyone can take benzos and there can be a cross addiction and/or tolerance to them. I also know that many alkies suffer from anxiety disorders, so it's a balancing act. It really is a personal decision and one that is best left to the patient and the physician treating the patient. The physician who knows the patient's history along with everything else. Some people drink just because of anxiety. And that's also true in untreated ADD. There is a high percentage of substance abusers in this population.
    This Princess Saved Herself


      to baclofen or not? 23y old

      Oh, and I never said this combo keeps me sober. I also take naltrexone and HDB. I'm still trying to figure it out.
      This Princess Saved Herself


        to baclofen or not? 23y old

        And with that, I'm going to give this thread back to Louis. That's if he ever returns. If you do ever want to send a PM, I would be more than happy to write you back. Good luck to you.
        This Princess Saved Herself


          to baclofen or not? 23y old

          yesterday i took my first Naltroxen pill. As u said it"s maybe a good idea to try the sinclair method instead of baclofen. So there was a drink with friends around 9 and I took a pill around 8, what i felt was a bit strange and that's why i sent you a message and u also said it's ok if i keep u up to date.
          - around 9 i took a beer and finished it slowly, i took a second beer and after 2 sips i put the beer away. I became very tired and a bit dizzy. I laid down on a bed and rested there for bout an hour.
          - than after the "predrink" everybody went out like we normally do, i went with them for one hour, didn't drink anything, not even non-alc drink.
          - after one hour i went home because i felt very tired, on my way home a tried to smoke a sigarette but after 2 drags i trew away the sigarette.
          - i slept very strange, i had the feeling i woke up 30 times and felt back asleep, i slept for 10 hours but now i'm still tired. I'm not hungry and don't feel like doing anything today.

          So i don't know if that's any normal? maybe it's a combination of being already tired and the pill. Also my weight is only 66 and i'm 1m86, maybe i should try 25mg instead of 50?
          Positive thing is that i didn't had any craving and putted away my drink, but i had the feeling i didn't want to do anything... Not dirnking, not smoking, not going out, not talking with anyone.. So i don't know what to do actually. Keep taking it, or try another method like antabuse and motivation like i did. Cause ok the craving wasn't there yesterday but i was soooo tired and lame.

          Sorry for my bad english, i hope u understand everything.


            to baclofen or not? 23y old

            Hi Louis,

            I'm not sure who you sent the message to. I haven't looked back through your thread, but I believe it was Stuck who suggested the Sinclair Method so maybe it was him. Here's what my experience has been with Nal for what it's worth. It sounds like you may have had a positive response. Positive in the way that it helped you drink less. It can cause dizziness and tiredness when drinking. It will block some of the euphoria (in those it works for) and you may just feel the other part of the booze if that makes sense. It wouldn't hurt to start at 25 mg for a few times, but I wouldn't stay there too long. The goal is to train your brain to not want to binge drink in your case.

            It doesn't cause night waking that I'm aware of. It can cause some lethargy especially the day after drinking. It can affect appetite. I had the experience where I felt a little down for a few weeks after I started taking it. Maybe it had to do with the blocking of endorphins, I'm not sure. I eventually adjusted and I'm really glad I continued to take it.
            This Princess Saved Herself


              to baclofen or not? 23y old

              Louis, I had a very similar experience with Naltrexone. I would say your symptoms are fairly normal, or at least are similar to the experience I had.


                to baclofen or not? 23y old

                Took 25mg yesterdag. Effect: in my bed now, worst hangover in 2y, drank more than 20 beers and tequila shots between, really was binge drinking like i used to do maybe even more. Feeling bad, my head will explode, i have a huge blackout, really dissapointed in myself wtf went wrong.

