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    I have after many yrs of abuse decided "It's time" I'm FRUSTRATED at how long it takes to get into see ppl for help-I am in AUS

    I was my GP yesterday re getting Topomax (so?) but due to my depression Hx and meds she is v hesitant to do so me my depression is what started this alcohol dependance surely if I can try the T my D will lessen???I dont understand her reasoning

    I spoke to drug and alcohol services for 1 hr yesterday but cant see one of thei counsellors until 30ct or a new psych until early Nov-my old one has retired

    Can anyone help PLEASE

    I am terrified of the withdrawl process-as I have been hitting it pretty hard after an accident earlier this year and a series of awful losses in last 18 months--Should I be trying to go cold turkey (sounds too scary from what I have read) or try to decrease slowly??


    Hi Ruby, and welcome.

    I don't know anything about the healthcare down under, but it looks like Reggie helped out there. There are a lot of really good medication options.

    As for tapering off alcohol, again Reggie's spot on. Depends on how much you're drinking. Are you drinking hard alcohol? Mixers? Any chance you can add a mixer or more of whatever you're already using? That's a great way to get more fluids at the same time. And make sure you're taking a B vitamin.

    You've taken the hard steps already. Don't give up.



      Thanks for your replies-I'm in South Australia
      I have predominantly been drinking wine-after speaking to drug and alcohol services crisis line I am trying to taper-I am having 1/2 wine1/2 lemonadee with a big glass of water between



        Hi Ruby, if you have serious withdrawal problems and can't manage on your own, consider an inpatient detox in a hospital or clinic, or else an outpatient detox supervised by your doctor and a specialised alcohol and drug nurse or counsellor. Both services are available in many communities here in Australia, via your own doctor or else a community alcohol and drug service. If having severe withdrawals, you can and should present yourself to a hospital emergency department, who will know how to treat you. In nearly all cases, Valium is used for 5 days or so in place of the alcohol, to safely detox you.

        If you do manage to withdraw comfortably by using decreasing doses of alcohol itself, then you will not need Valium-assisted detox. A problem is that many alcoholics have trouble limiting their consumption once they start drinking, so if that happens to you, a Valium detox would be the way to go.

        Good luck, whichever way you go with it.



          Well I'm quite chuffed with myself !! Using method above re taper I only had 1/2 my usual intake yesterday-I have xanax from depression issues so took 2 of those yesterday and will as I need -Today I have got so much done and it's 1PM and I havent even felt like a drink yet !! Will stay at same method/amount tonight but not til after 6PM and probably keep that level til I see Psychologist on Tues PM

          I HOPE to go back to work Tuesdaay

          Now to keep it up !!

