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Antibusers, lets help each other be accountable!

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    Antibusers, lets help each other be accountable!

    Hi All:
    Sorry I haven't posted since starting the thread. I have been traveling and did not have access to the internet. I did take the damn pill yesterday and again today. It was wonderful to wake up with no headache this morning! I thank you for all your support. Together I think we will make a great support team. I know I really need it to keep TTDP!
    I just don't want to keep playing games with the Antibuse because it is dangerous and it really is not helping if I am just using it to manage the drinking.
    I am attending a conference for the next few days and there is plenty of booze flowing but none for this girl. As I type this I am drinking my tea and going to bed. I won't be nursing a hangover in the morning like the rest of them.
    Take care everyone, I will check in tomorrow.
    Don't worry, be happy!


      Antibusers, lets help each other be accountable!

      Morning All,

      Today I'm just gonna TTDP!! I have to agree, the only way to take it is every day, no questions no messing! Ironically my AL councilor stopped prescribing it for me as he felt it wasn't working! I was livid, which was a bit rich as I had been messing around to engineer drinking on it!! Only taking a low dose every couple of days so I could get off it quickly when I wanted to plan a private party with me and booze!!

      When he stopped it I had to go to my GP who has reluctantly prescribed it & I havn't looked back! Every day TTDP, no messing. My god I have never felt better for it. I have given myself at least 6 months, but GP willing I really want a year on it. I have learn't that I am a very controlling, I will get my own way type of gal. I am having to learn to say no to myself!! Boy it sucked at first..........what do you mean I cant drink!! The word NO was hell to deal with lol!!

      Destiniey, I am so pleased for you on the AB & AA meetings. I really tried AA my dear HB was devastated when I stopped going. It was this one negative man, every meeting, wide & far, I was doing 7+ meetings a week in a huge area, but he was always there! He chaired most of the meetings and wheeled out the same story every night!!!! Aarrgghhh! I tried smiling through gritted teeth, but couldn't do it. I thankfully have my Higher power, so all was not lost, I still use every day religiously!! But can't get past the AA frying pan of shame!!

      I wish we had women only groups here or even Smart Recovery, but the AA is all I can find except for NHS groups which I can't access because of my job.

      I have TTDP & yay!! I can't believe how far I have come, I was the Queen of Slips!

      Have a good day all! In the old days I would be on my 2nd large vodka, even tho it's 6.30am. Not a place I want to go back to...........ever
      I can not alter the direction of the wind,

      But I can change the direction of my sail.

      AF since 01/05/2014

      100 days 07/08/2014


        Antibusers, lets help each other be accountable!

        Hi Folks:
        I find this thread is working, we can all give each other encouragement and a kick in the pants if needed. Yes, I ttdp today. It is funny though, as I did have those thoughts trying to convince me to skip it and I could be back to drinking in a week or so. I wish I could just shut that voice up!
        Thanks for all the support, MWO is such a special place.
        Autumn, I know what you mean about the AA meetings, I go to a womans meeting and there are still those that are negative and speak way to long. I still find them helpful though as I am forced to reflect on the things that I need to work on. Really still working on the first step.
        Stay strong,
        Don't worry, be happy!


          Antibusers, lets help each other be accountable!

          K9, you have done so well, congratulations! You have been a role model for myself and many others.
          Thanks so much for all your support and encouragement.
          Don't worry, be happy!


            Antibusers, lets help each other be accountable!

            I take AB every single day of my life. It is the first thing I do in the morning. At the moment it is the one thing I won't mess with. I have drunk on AB and I have paid the price. I am not exaggerating when i say this drug has saved my life. MWO is a great forum and a fantastic back up but AB is just so important to my continued ability to function daily.
            If you have a prescription for this drug just use it, don't cheat yourself by skipping days. You're not clever doing it and it will never be a one off thing and days later when you emerge from a binge you will know that it was a huge mistake.
            Save your self the hassle and just take it every day, don't think about it, rationalise why you don't need it today or take half doses. Just take the damn pill!
            I refuse to be labelled or ashamed. Through my struggles I am achieving self awareness and clarity.


              Antibusers, lets help each other be accountable!

              Even All,

              I am pleased to say it was another TTDP day for me too! It is now becoming second nature & I panic if I havn't taken it by lunch time, incase the voice of evil wakes up and tries to talk me out of it!!
              So thank you AB for another day of no nasty voices trying to seduce me!! Tomorrow AB you & I will quietly celebrate 4 months of sober sanity.

              Have a good day / evening all where ever you are, keep TTDP!! I wish I'd had the courage to ask for it years ago, I'm sure my liver would say the same :H

              Be strong, we can lick this together :l
              I can not alter the direction of the wind,

              But I can change the direction of my sail.

              AF since 01/05/2014

              100 days 07/08/2014


                Antibusers, lets help each other be accountable!

                Autumn! Congratulations on 4 months. Our friend AB will keep us on the path to continued sobriety. That's really wonderful! Do something fantastic to celebrate and then make sure you tell us all about it.
                we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                  Antibusers, lets help each other be accountable!

                  I would like to join the thread too. Against advice I am taking half a pill every three days. I know it is enough to make me sick if I drink and is thus far working .... 3 days AF.

                  I am so scared of this little pill and what might happen that I am anxious about everything I eat or put on my body. I definitely feel less anxious today knowing less is in my system, but would in no way test it out!

                  Tomorrow is my TTDP day, is nice I can stay accountable even if it is on a different schedule.

                  I'm hoping to get some solid clean time.


                    Antibusers, lets help each other be accountable!

                    Starting Again,

                    I felt the same way when I started antabuse. I took a pill and then started reading all of the user reviews. I was terrified and angry. So far the worst that has happened is extreme tiredness and after 4 weeks everything tastes like stainless steel. I've backed down to one full pill every other night, only on odd numbered days which makes it easy to keep track and it has helped with the tiredness.

                    I haven't had any trouble with vinegar, although I've stayed away from wine vinegars, or conditioners, lotions, etc. Now that I've got this running through my system I'm starting to spot test things like rubbing alcohol - no reaction, I tossed my hairspray. Just being careful and I wouldn't think to test it to see if it works. It's a relief not to have the choice to drink.

                    I did get a medical bracelet engraved with Disulfiram - no alcohol, to wear if i'm out to dinner or at a party. You never know when someone might cook with wine and forget to tell you.

                    Don't forget to TTDP!
                    we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                      Antibusers, lets help each other be accountable!

                      Hi Nurdl & Starty,

                      Nurdl, huge huge :yougo: for 4 weeks! That rocks, The early days are the hardest!

                      Starty, I have had no problems with any reactions to products. I have become a discreet label reader and avoid the obvious like wine sauces in restaraunts. I have swapped out my mouthwash for AF. But I am fine with perfume hairsprays and vinegar. And all toiletries. I too was petrified of having a reaction. Which is really healthy as it means I will NEVER try and drink on it!! By almeans be cautious, but you will be fine with most products.

                      I am on a 200mg dose daily. I did do the only every couple of days or just taking half a tab thing, but it didn't work for me. My last binge was because I had genuinely forgotten to take it for a few days. (previously I really messed around with stopping it so I could plan drinking) But last time I realised I hadn't taken it for a couple of days and before I could TTDP, the voice woke up & I was off on a binge :upset: I hated it. So I vowed, to take it every day, no half measures.

                      If it works for you, fabaroo, but I have learnt the hard way & I have to just TTDP! I have tired days, itchy days, (nothing ant-histamines don't sort out) and occasional metaillic tasting days, but boy....yelling really loud......I have never had so many sober days, ever!

                      Confession.......I used to be more scared that I wouldn't wake up one morning after a really bad binge.

                      So for Moi, yay yay & TTDP, all the way !!
                      I can not alter the direction of the wind,

                      But I can change the direction of my sail.

                      AF since 01/05/2014

                      100 days 07/08/2014


                        Antibusers, lets help each other be accountable!

                        Autumn - thanks for the cheer!!!

                        As I was reading your post, the only other thing that has scared me about antabuse is that I know it's going to make me sick if I drink but it doesn't take away the cravings. So after a while I kind of forget that I'm taking it. I'm afraid I'm going to slip up one of these days. Thanks everyone for getting on this thread and reminding me to TTDP and don't forget that I do take it!

                        Thanks for making this milestone day a good one. I just figured out my other milestones and 120 days will happen on December 31st! What a great way to go into 2013! Woot!

                        we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                          Antibusers, lets help each other be accountable!

                          I refuse to be labelled or ashamed. Through my struggles I am achieving self awareness and clarity.


                            Antibusers, lets help each other be accountable!

                            Congrats on your respective clean time Nurdl and Autumn! :goodjob:

                            Your time is really inspiring!

                            I get all the warnings. I really just want to try it this way first as it will alleviate the intense anxiety. OMG I was SO tired the first day also. Hopefully I won't learn the hard way.

                            At this point I really have no desire to keep drinking, but I cannot control the evening urges or fight the addiction that is set up like clockwork. That's the thing with me. I don't want to drink in the a.m. or daytime. It's an evening switch that turns on and I am powerless.

                            EXCEPT, that tonight the switch went off and is still there, but there is no choice to make. It is such a relief .... because in a very real way "I" do not want to drink, no matter how strong the urge is.

                            I think that as long as it is early in the morning I will take it.


                              Antibusers, lets help each other be accountable!

                              Hi All:
                              Nurdi, congratulations on 4 months. Way to go!! Startagain, I really haven't had any side effects at all.
                              Hairspray is just fine and I use perfume and lotions no problem. Just don't drink alcohol. The Doctor who prescribed AB says alcohol in sauces is fine too as long as it is cooked but I stay away just in case. I have worried about getting some alcohol by mistake especially if I order a virgin drink. I am afraid I might get the wrong drink.
                              Yes, I took the damn pill again today. I still have that voice in my head tries to convince me that I could skip a few days and drink but I am not listening! I hate hangover headaches and I can't stand the thought of all those extra calories I would be pouring down my throat.
                              Great job everyone, will check in tomorrow.
                              Don't worry, be happy!


                                Antibusers, lets help each other be accountable!

                                TTDP! g'nite all!
                                we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking

