hi Stuck! i've been saving dishes and laundry for you! and when time comes, i shall name thee "Lucy".
but all madness on a stick (dutch saying), i'm so sorry to hear you're felling depressed too. can imagine the whole thing with the leg, diminishing the bac, and all that, have quite an impact on your overall feeling...
i actually am feeling a bit better now, at 145mg, 150mg.(and having gone up on my anti-d's). less se's, more ground in me to just throw the stuff that bothers me over my left shoulder (is this making sense?).
also working through some heavy problems involving my kind of disturbing youth (ioa growing up in a christian sect. working with groups has always caused problems for me because of that. not that i am causing rows over there, but it's difficult for me to deal with problems arising from working or being with groups) that are emerging again.
i manage to do the stuff that's absolutely necessary (before 4 am, after that i'm lost), but have no energy left for the things that give my life meaning, and perspective: making drawings.
i need some intensity or energy in my guts to do that, and i feel none of that to say the least.