i have that skin thing going on as well X.
of course drinking makes your skin look puffy and your pores tend to open wide up (like they're all saying "yuck" and are on the verge of vomiting). after my first week of AF i had an appointment with my therapist and she noticed me stroking my own cheek :H
my face has receded (is this the right word??) a lot. the puffiness and thorough beatedness has gone. i still look tired, but not beat.
and yes, yesterday i went into the city to buy me some warm sweaters (i sold a small drawing just after new years, and have a huge lack of winter clothing)(of course i returned without new clothes, only some new teas

about the younger guy thing, i'm not a good comparison. before i stopped visiting bars about two years ago (it always got me into big trouble) somehow the men that came onto me were 28 years old a lot. i've no clue why! at a certain point when a strange guy started talking to me, i used to say (the cynical alkie-with-an-attitude me) "oh, you must be about 28 years old". and the answer was mostly "yes! how did you know that??!!" "just a wild guess, 's all"
i'm not into younger guys, although i woke up with them quite a lot of times and they were quite good looking (i'm not that into that kind of good looks either), feeling utterly depressed. and you know: younger guys tend to hang around till you are wide awake.