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Baclofen -feel as if my hopes are dissappearing. Should i carry on?

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    Baclofen -feel as if my hopes are dissappearing. Should i carry on?

    Hi. I'm new to this forum, but wished to make a comment regarding baclofen. I have been totally dry for ten years and two weeks ( but who's counting ) and have been following the baclofen phenomenon rather sporadically since I read Dr. Ameisen's book when it first came out. In my case, it was more a combination of finding the will power to quit drinking, and fear of death, which I knew was getting closer with each drink. No meds except Distraneurin to detox at home, again! Fortunately, I had a wonderful doctor who was very supportive Anyway, I am thrilled that so many people are now using baclofen to successfully combat alcoholism, and certainly wish them all the best! Now, my comment. I have read with mixed emotions how in some cases usage of baclofen can allow some people to control their consumption of alcohol. In other words, to practice moderation. Reading this causes my addiction to immediately say " Hooray! You can drink again"! This reaction scares me, since for ten years the only control I have been able to exercise against my alcoholism is complete abstinence. No, I am not completely helpless against alcohol, but I sure would like to have a drink or two now and again! I think that for me to believe that baclofen could permit me to do this is a deadly mistake. So, I would merely like to say, that while in some cases bac may have that effect, to risk my hard won sobriety in the hopes that I could handle it if I fell off the wagon is ( for me ) is much too large a risk to even contemplate. In my group here in Germany, the topic comes up regularly about " controlled drinking ".
    To me, alcoholism is DEFINED by uncontrolled drinking. If you can control your drinking, where's the problem? There are probably many like me who have the same inner feelings when reading about bac enabling one to drink moderately, I doubt that the urge ever goes away completely, but I would like to emphasize that the only way to find out if bac could do that for you is to start drinking, as an " experiment ". Better think that one over very, very carefully, that's the addiction thinking, buddy, not your rational mind. The stakes in that gamble are way too high to justify the risk. Thank you for letting me post in your forum, I hope I haven't overstepped any rules, or repeated again what others may have written. Marqoz


      Baclofen -feel as if my hopes are dissappearing. Should i carry on?

      Hi Marqoz: Welcome to MWO. Just wanted to pop in and say that I have given quite a bit of thought to your point. When I find out that someone is successful in their sobriety through 12-step programs, or however, I sometimes don't even mention my own story, and success with baclofen. The last thing in the world that I want to do is disrupt anyone's sobriety, however they achieve it. So I don't really have an answer for your particular conundrum, I just know it's come up in my life, and I deal with it differently, with different people. I was late to become a drunk; 3 years sober with AA, etc; classic relapse, now over 4 years of taking baclofen AND having a glass or 2 of wine at times. It works for me right now, but at some point I'll probably decide to ditch the AL and the bac. I guess I feel pretty fortunate, because I KNOW I never have to drink like that again.

      And the truth is, there's something about wine and baclofen that is very different than wine without baclofen. Which is, I guess, the whole point, huh . . . ? What I do believe is that if I drink wine without baclofen, I will be back at a Day 1 that I have NO interest in returning to. THAT does not interest me in the least, so I guess the days of really craving that first glass of wine and feeling the flood of ease really ARE over. Wine if fine, these days, but I don't get drunk, and it feels not at all like what it used to feel like. Just stay safe, okay?
      "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


        Baclofen -feel as if my hopes are dissappearing. Should i carry on?

        Definition: Indifference to alcohol:-

        RedThread12;1435052 wrote:
        What I do believe is that if I drink wine without baclofen, I will be back at a Day 1 that I have NO interest in returning to. THAT does not interest me in the least, so I guess the days of really craving that first glass of wine and feeling the flood of ease really ARE over. Wine is fine, these days, but I don't get drunk and it feels not at all like what it used to feel like. Just stay safe, okay?

        The above is as good a definition as any of indifference


          Baclofen -feel as if my hopes are dissappearing. Should i carry on?

          RedThread12;1435052 wrote: And the truth is, there's something about wine and baclofen that is very different than wine without baclofen. Which is, I guess, the whole point, huh . . . ? What I do believe is that if I drink wine without baclofen, I will be back at a Day 1 that I have NO interest in returning to.
          After being an alcoholic and after a successful baclofen treatment, I'm pretty much aware of that.
          Now I'm completely off baclofen, I hope I will remaine scared enough to don't touch any alcohol. So far, I'm able to be alcohol free without much effort.

          I only wish the headaches would disappear. It's like there's a brick in the front of my head. On the same spot as when you get "brain freeze".

          But hey, it's gonna be the first alcohol free new years eve for me in 26 years!
          26 years. If I think about it, I wasted a substantial part of those drinking or being drunk.
          Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

