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best thing to continue drinking after the switch

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    best thing to continue drinking after the switch

    Having hit the switch, I have to throw out there that I've lost the compulsion to drink but not the habit. Earlier this year, I experimented with L-Glutamine and light beers to try and get my consumption down with no long term success. I could only trick my body into being satisfied with less alcohol for so long before it revolted for the hard stuff.

    Post switch, I still like to sip on a beer to enjoy the taste and occupy myself. Based on other threads on here, I know I'm not alone in this regard as many other posters still like to drink, minus the compulsion.

    Let me introduce the ideal Switch Beer, Miller 64, which has the following ideal attributes:

    - it will not get you drunk unless you pound them in a repeat fashion
    - the low alcohol content will get your tolerance down to make the real stuff more effective when you choose to drink it, hence you drink less of it on those occasions.
    - at only 64 calories they will not make you fat like full bodied beers
    - when the time comes to drink full bodied beers such as at social gatherings, you drink fewer of them because they taste stronger and syrupy
    - it's really, really cheap

    I'm curious to see what others who choose to moderate do after switching.

    best thing to continue drinking after the switch

    At a true "switch" you'll prefer water or a soda or something. I gave up soda years ago, so for me it was vegetable juice, coffee/tea, or water. Club soda's the bomb too, though, so don't forget that one.

    But seriously, glad you don't feel compelled to drink. And I'm no expert, so I'm not going to go judging switch v. no switch, but what others describe, and I had for a minute, is that even if you try to drink you'll forget to do so. It's really not a matter of working around which beer to drink so you won't have too many at a later time, because it just won't matter.

    Now that's not everyone's goal, and I don't think it's mine either, so that's a whole different can of worms. I kind of think you might as well drink something you enjoy, for a couple reasons. 1) Life's too short to drink lousy beer even if you're a full-blown raging alkie. 2) If bac's really doing its job, you'll drink anywhere from 1/2 - 2 beers at most anyway, so why worry about calories? I'd worry more about pouring tasty beer down the drain after it's gone warm and flat. (I know, I know, indifference, but wasting good beer hurts my heart.)

