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Random just sayin' hi thread :)

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    Random just sayin' hi thread :)

    I've been visiting the General Discussion area. I love the daily/monthly threads up there. People can check in just because, say hi, or whatever.

    There's a hurricane (or maybe it's a tropical storm again?) barreling down on us. I've got batteries and candles. What I don't have is a generator, but it will not be the end of the world if I don't have internet for a day or three. Maybe.
    For the last five years we lived in a flood plain, basically below sea level, and that area is already flooded! The last big storm turned the roads into rivers. I'm very happy to be snug and dry where we are now. I'll take pix later if it gets hairy.

    Hope it's a good day, afternoon, evening!

    Random just sayin' hi thread

    Hi Ne, hope you keep dry!


      Random just sayin' hi thread

      Thanks, Kuya!

      Check out the pic!



        Random just sayin' hi thread

        Hiya Neva just saying hello and glad your still around here as your invalueble.

        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


          Random just sayin' hi thread

          You too Mario! Nice to see you around. You make my heart smile.

          Bummer that the picture didn't come out. I may try again later. It was a mass of clouds circling over where I live. Well, it's a couple hundred miles south still. But moving in. This is going to be a doozy, people. I really feel for the people north of here.

          I'm in Norfolk, Virginia. My parents are in Baltimore, Maryland. They also have a house on the water on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. If the storm comes in the way they are expecting it to, my parents are going to be replacing their entire kitchen. Again. And maybe worse.

          I'm starting to get nervous. Why oh why didn't I buy a generator???


            Random just sayin' hi thread

            Hi Ne,

            Signed in just to send my thoughts of safety and prayers for you and everyone to survive this enormous storm named Hurricane Sandy. Just watched an hour of CNN on the storm and how its still a stage 1 but then why did MTA close down the subway and bus systems in the entire city of New York? Stock Exchange closed Monday and likely Tuesday if the storm hits the city. Transit in D.C. is also already closed and federal buildings closed tomorrow. I feel like D.C. and NYC people have suffered so much already ... this storm ... could it really be as big as they are saying?

            The storm path expecting to dump a ton of snow in West VA which is where you live, I think. Take pics, for sure, but most of all stay safe and inside. I thought hurricanes only hit in the warm months. This type of storm with freezing temps is insanity. We'll see. Hopefully its just another near-miss like Irene was. They're saying its pattern indicates it could be much much worse than Irene was expected to be.

            I know the public warnings tend to be overkill so they err on the side of safety which is appropriate. And then of course CNN wants the ratings of the emergency storm news, they were the only station interrupting programming to talk about Sandy. They interrupted paid programming sponsored no doubt by the LDS Church promoting Romney so I was happy to watch the weather instead of seeing Romney get air time.

            This is interesting - and a little frightening. I'm apparently fixated.
            Google Crisis Map


              Random just sayin' hi thread

              HI NE !!!,
              stay warm and dry. i know you let ed sleep in the house ( right?) but how about your pup? stay safe, grat.:H


                Random just sayin' hi thread

                Wasn't it like when I first joined MWO that I was worried about you and the weather, Ne? Will you please move out of the NE part of the country so I can stop worrying? No, I guess not if you're already painting each of your walls apparently like 6 different colors... Don't know what that's all about, really. But I'm with Ed on that one--you go ahead and decide on whatever color you like, and the response will always be "yes dear." Or, you know, the occasional "whichever you like, dear." Oy, I feel for him. Stay warm and dry and inside, k? I'll be here with the Santa Anna winds and the earthquakes, of which I guess I didn't even feel one of them today...

                Stay safe.!


                  Random just sayin' hi thread

                  Ok. It is official. I love our new house. (Which I hated until last week, just so you know.)

                  I woke this morning with a sense of dread and impending doom. It was very specific, based on 5 years of living below sea level in our old neighborhood. That neighborhood was underwater about 24 hours ago.

                  We have a trickle underneath a side door in the garage. I took down the storm door last week because it was u.g.l.y. Oops. At first I thought the new washing machine was leaking. And that would have been a bit of drama. But nope. It's just the very old seal on the bottom of the door.

                  So I'm warm and dry and have power and a (brand new) roof over my head. All the trees are where they were yesterday! Ed's on his way to work, and the Goose is snuggled in her bed at my feet. (I wonder how long she'll avoid going outside? She does not like to get her feet wet. Some kind of Husky she is!)

                  Thanks for the thoughts, everybody. I really hope the rest of the northeast fares the same. A level 1 hurricane, while still a hurricane, isn't really that bad in the scheme of things so I'm hopeful that NYC and DC will be spared a really harrowing week. Fingers crossed and thoughts in that direction. :l


                    Random just sayin' hi thread

                    Grat, given that Ed built a new closet for me, took the chandelier down and cleaned it, spent hours talking about paint colors, AND made breakfast, he definitely got to sleep inside. And the dog, she pretty much gets whatever she wants, however she wants it, even when she's really b.a.d.

                    Hope you're frazzled-ness is coming to an end, Reg, or at least winding down. Tomorrow's a new day!

                    How's everybody else doing today?


                      Random just sayin' hi thread

                      Oh wow. New England's going to get it bad! They're expecting an 11 foot storm surge. The most we've ever seen is 8ft and it was absolutely devastating to the entire area. Yipes!


                        Random just sayin' hi thread

                        Reggie, grrrrrrrr.


                          Random just sayin' hi thread

                          Ne/Neva Eva;1401528 wrote: Oh wow. New England's going to get it bad! They're expecting an 11 foot storm surge. The most we've ever seen is 8ft and it was absolutely devastating to the entire area. Yipes!
                          Yepk that's what I heard and that's why I signed on last night to talk about your safety in the storm. West VA they said. I guess we'll know this time tomorrow how everyone will fare. Maybe you should go get a new storm door installed today!!!!


                            Random just sayin' hi thread

                            Holy guac, Bruun. I just heard what's going on in western VA! (I'm actually on the coast, about a mile from the Atlantic and less than that from the Chesapeake Bay. So about as east as you can get!) Tells you how out of touch I am with mainstream media!

                            I cannot believe they're getting FEET of snow in October. Holy cow. Poor peeps.


                              Random just sayin' hi thread

                              Hi Ne & friends. STAY SAFE!!!! Congrats on your new house BTW!

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

