I went to court a couple of weeks ago and told the court that baclofen works! Guess what? I was kicked around by the judge like a football and given a week to think about it. He threatened me with further measures, told me to get a lawyer...I am one so that was a bit insulting.
My opponent told me she would never see eye to eye with me. As she was about to walk off down the street I told her I would win and that she had missed something and they would never get an order against me and that was written in stone. I said that my wife's treatment did work and they knew it and were lying to the court. Well, I didn't use those words.
I then went home,told my wife I had lost and she had a drink, or two.
I remembered thinking about Jesus when I was young. I never understood the cruxifiction but I felt that was what I was going through. No one has listened to anything I have said over the past two years since this all blew up. I have never understood Christianity and how a good god could allow his son to be cruxified so I never found any solace in religion. I then typed a question into my browser. "Did Jesus survive the crucifixion?" Don't ask me why I did that.
Well...shock! Here is what came up: The Tomb of Jesus Christ Website It gets better/worse.
So, Pilate liked Jesus and let him down before he died, according to St. Iraneus, a Church Father. Hey, I studied religion under Jesuits and I never heard this before. It blew my mind.
So, then I get a letter from a social worker saying they want to see me. I agree and guess what? The whole effing court case gets thrown out last week. It's over!!!! I cannot believe this happened. In the end these people had to accept baclofen worked. They had to admit they had overlooked a letter they had written a couple of years ago which I scanned and sent to them after court. It just made them look like they had lied to the court. I am in a state of shock. I can't get this out of my mind.
found this on youtube a couple of days ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwp&NR=1&v=WeJc41wtnR8[/video]]Jenifer et Marion Cotillard - YouTube
Not that it has anything to do with anything but it shows my state of mind that this is now how I feel that I can enjoy this after years living with alcoholism. It shows how baclofen can change your life and allow you to experience happiness again.
And maybe there is a God. Maybe he didn't send his son to die, just teach us about compassion in the face of hate and ignorance.