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Safe to take occasional phenibut w/baclofen

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    Safe to take occasional phenibut w/baclofen

    So is it safe to ever combine the 2? I take 240mg of baclofen now. I am looking for something to assist on occasion with anxiety and/or insomnia.

    I read great things about this product but I realize one should not use it more than 2x week.

    Since it affects the gaba b receptor is that an issue when combining it with baclofen?


    Safe to take occasional phenibut w/baclofen

    Hi Lostsole!
    I can think of a lot of other things that can help with occasional insomnia/anxiety. There have been several people who posted about using baclofen to get off of it.

    I was under the impression that it actually causes insomnia, though it doesn't seem to matter when you're using it. And it dramatically increases anxiety when one isn't high. Right?

    It seems like a dream drug, frankly, except that it causes dramatic withdrawals, the effects wear off so there is subsequent escalation of use, so quickly causes dependence and is highly addictive. Add to it that it's very difficult to wean off of in any reasonable way. As amazing as the effects are, and as intriguing as the drug is in terms of the way it works, it sounds like a mighty slippery slope. I can't imagine using something like that when one is trying to get rid of substance use...


      Safe to take occasional phenibut w/baclofen

      Thanks Ne!

      You are probably right. Worst case I would probably have a tub of this stuff and nothing to do with it. Lord knows I have enough supplements sitting around taking up space.

      Thanks for the objectivity.



        Safe to take occasional phenibut w/baclofen

        There is not much English literature on phenibut apparently, and so there is also probably almost no medical advice on combining it with baclofen.

        I have used phenibut in single doses up to 2.5 grams without any desire to keep using it and without any noticeable insomnia or anxious wear-off, although it has had a definite after-effect for many hours in the form of continued mild sedation. Having said that, I have also read the horror stories, and for this reason I have not used it on any sort of regular basis. The bottle I have says to only use it for 3 days in a row at most before taking a 2-3 day break. I have taken it around 5-6 PM to avoid any insomnia problems.

        As Ne said, some people do find it addictive however, and long-term daily use sounds hazardous. This is also something that can occur with benzodiazepines when used daily for anxiety (or sleep) although once again I haven't personally found myself addicted...although I did have problems getting off Xanax at one stage due to physical withdrawals (without cravings or any dose escalation). I have found phenibut similar to benzodiazepines in that I have not experienced any cravings for either.

        Pregabalin (Lyrica) is now used for anxiety treatment in Europe, and SSRIs and CBT are recommended nearly everywhere. I have not found any relief via SSRIs or CBT, although therapy probably didn't help because my anxiety has always been of direct emotional origin rather than being a reaction to distorted thinking. Many do apparently benefit from SSRIs (or an SNRI or other antidepressant) and/or CBT however.

        If you do decide to try phenibut at any time, just keep the possible dangers in mind.


          Safe to take occasional phenibut w/baclofen

          Greg makes a very good point. I have actually only read about it in relation to recreational, and likely habitual, use. I don't particularly like it when people make assumptions about drugs (or supps, or meds, whatever...) without getting the information first. (Benzos are a really good example, as they are a very useful tool. SSRIs are also a very good example, because they can have really bad consequences. Both are readily ignored by the vast majority of people. IMHO of course.)

          Maybe more research is in order if you think it might help with what ails. Certainly don't take my limited information about it as conclusive! I'm kind of a wimp when it comes to taking things in general, and definitely a scaredy-cat when it comes to taking stuff I don't know much about. Which is not to say I don't take my fair share of pills, potions and powders. :H Good gawd, I now have more supplements and medications in my bathroom than hair products. And that's saying something.


            Safe to take occasional phenibut w/baclofen

            Hi, ls

            I used to take phenibut in small amounts and it helped the general feel good and if I took it 2-3 hours before bed it did help insomnia. In August I remember measuring a dose out and because it's like cornstarch, it will pile on the spoon. This time I didn't level it off. I "fell asleep" for most of the day and coundn't rouse myself. By 8:30 pm I called 911 because I thought I'd had a stroke.

            I was in the hospital for 3 days before the neurologist saw I'd had grand mal seizure actitvity. When I got home I researched it the best I could and apparently Phenibut does lower the seizure threshold.
            Enlightened by MWO


              Safe to take occasional phenibut w/baclofen

              Yikes. I don't want these issues really.
              I was looking through amazon and found some potent stuff on there. It had really mixed reviews as some folks said it did little or messed them up.

              Not sure I liked some of the feedback. Sounds like one of those "research chems".

