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Dr. L

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    Dr. L

    I've read some posts about Dr. L, how believes in high dose Bac for alcoholism, and will write a script for such. Is he an online doctor? I've seen a phone number contact for him on this site, so there must be a fee for his services. If so, what might that be, if I may ask?

    If he will write a script from anywhere in the U.S. from a phone consultation, has anyone had a local pharmacy question the prescription? I've heard that pharmacists will question off label scripts, and I assume they will more so if the doc is located outside the area.

    These questions have been gnawing at me for some time, so I figured it was time to ask.

    Dr. L

    Chilipepper;1405407 wrote: Is he an online doctor? No. He's a psychiatrist and an associate professor at Northwestern University in Chicago.

    Chilipepper;1405407 wrote: ... there must be a fee for his services. If so, what might that be, if I may ask?
    The fee varies. I've heard everything from nothing to $150 for a phone session. I've paid (or not) everything in between. It's based on...what I feel I can pay. (His words.)

    Chilipepper;1405407 wrote:
    has anyone had a local pharmacy question the prescription? I've heard that pharmacists will question off label scripts, and I assume they will more so if the doc is located outside the area.
    Yes. We all use local pharmacies. The reaction from the pharmacist varies. He likes pharmacies to call him. This can be inconvenient, as most pharmacies don't like to call long distance. I've used Walgreens, Rite Aid and Walmart. Techs in all of those places have called, and subsequently filled, the prescription. In a couple of cases the pharmacists took issue with the script. They then called him, and then they filled it. Once the prescription is established it's very simple to have it continued.

    Baclofen is not a controlled substance. There aren't any serious ramifications in terms of abuse potential (obviously) or safety. Generally it's not hard to get a prescription filled. It can be very annoying.

    Navigating insurance for the purpose can also be difficult. The way most of them work is that they only pay for one month's supply, at a max of 80mg/day. Most of us take a good deal more than that. If you are going through health insurance, I'll be happy to share advice about how to navigate this. (I've never had a problem, but some have.)

    If you're not going through insurance the cost is about $75/month and it's pretty effortless.


      Dr. L

      Thanks for the knowledgeable answers. Nothing left for me to ask at this point.


        Dr. L

        ok. Til they come up again, then!

        I'll add this note to what I said before:

        I recently switched pharmacies. The pharmacist at the new pharmacy had a problem with one of the scripts Dr. L prescribes for me. (Not baclofen. That she filled without hesitation. )

        She was actually really bitchy about it. I can match, that, though. Plus, she was treating me like I'm a drug-seeking addict and I don't put up with anything remotely similar to that from anyone anymore. Anyway! She asked me why I didn't just get a local psychiatrist. My response was simply that my doctor is an expert, and didn't she think that if I could find a doc locally, I would find a doc???

        Bottom line (after much, very reasonable, but very persistent haranguing from me) was that she filled the damn thing. What he does is legal. It's reasonable. And it's absolutely within our "right" to get prescriptions from him and filled by a local pharmacy.



          Dr. L

          Good info. Thanks very much.


            Dr. L


              Dr. L

              I started using him also. He is an odd sort to say the least. The scrip part was a pain in the butt.

              The really odd thing is that he gave me a scrip for something controlled but a really weak dose. The pharmacy made me sign for it. I asked why and they said well look what it is. I have had scrips for stronger things and never had to sign.

              It made me a bit nervous. The only good thing was that I am already on bac and went through all the SE's. I had read on here he denies them. That would have ticked me off. I had a mess of them.

              Don't think I would get any more controlled scrips through him. Just my baclofen. I got the $150 bill.
              I did not like his regimen either. I do 4x per day and he told me 3x is how I should have been doing it. I also said what if I need to go up in dose and he said never higher than 250 mg.

              BTW, I went to the Walgreen's med from the overseas med and had zero issues. I think people read too much into the brands unless they are getting something bunk or a bad batch. That could happen I guess.

              I think he could be helpful though. Seems like he means well but I can't figure him out so far. Nice to be able to go to the pharmacy though.

