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Kudzu and l glutamine losing effects long term?

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    Kudzu and l glutamine losing effects long term?

    I've been doing well on the combination of kudzu and l glutamine. I stock them fearing I would run out.

    I'm fearful one day they would lose their effectiveness.

    Has anyone notice any decrease in their effectiveness over long term use?
    Alcoholic (or Ally)

    "Only a fool knows everything.
    A wise man knows how little he knows."

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    Kudzu and l glutamine losing effects long term?

    Hi Ally...

    I once worried about the same thing, too! It really does take a while for our bodies to recover from years of alcohol abuse. I still take glutamine - not so much to deal with the occasional sugar/alcohol craving - but for muscle building. AND it helps restore the GI tract that is trashed by years of alcohol.

    Glut powder sure helped me though the first few months of living AF. I never noticed any loss of effect in quashing the acute cravings. I no longer take kudzu although it was a great help in the beginning, too. While I was supplementing I also worked on developing other strategies for dealing with cravings.

    Cravings are quite infrequent for me now, but they are interesting to note when they do crop up. Our brains take cues from all sorts of sources and the situations or associations we've connected with drinking are all around us. That's common, but definitely not nice to deal with. So when the odd craving comes up....I spend a little time really looking at the situation objectively - almost as if I'm a social scientist making notes of occurrence. What was I doing? What in the environment triggered the cue/craving to drink? You get the idea.

    The mechanism for all that comes from our mid-brain where all the pleasure pathway networks reside. Some people call it the lizard brain. LOL. I'm glad that my frontal cortex can override the lizard because living without addiction is amazing.

    I use the frontal cortex to actively replace the old cues with new, POSITIVE associations with being AF. Just the other favorite restaurant was promoting what used to be my favorite seasonal microbrew. Instead of feeling deprived, I chose to really enjoy and savor everything else about being out....the conversation...the good food, the comfy atmosphere. It just reinforces the whole idea of living normally without being addicted to a toxic liquid that was killing me.

    Our human form is geared toward healing and survival...we've just got to give it a chance. And I say...whatever it takes to keep healing - do it!!
    Sober for the Revolution!
    AF & NF July 23, 2011


      Kudzu and l glutamine losing effects long term?

      Best to ask that question, or google about it, in the holistic section, I think. There are reviews going both ways. I would venture a guess that it depends on what you put into it. So someone else's experience doesn't have to translate into your own.

      Keep fightin' the good fight! If you find something isn't working the way you need it to, then you'll find what does. :l


        Kudzu and l glutamine losing effects long term?

        Thank you, Neva and Turnagain:

        Thank you for your responses.

        What I feel so far is that these supplements somehow turn a switch in my drinking center off and I'm so thrilled. In stead of hoarding wine, I'm hoarding these supplements to help me fight the alcohol use.

        Turn: you give me hope!
        Alcoholic (or Ally)

        "Only a fool knows everything.
        A wise man knows how little he knows."

        Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


          Kudzu and l glutamine losing effects long term?

          Turn, thanks for an inspiring post.


            Kudzu and l glutamine losing effects long term?

            Kudzu - extended use

            I have been in the program for about 5 weeks and am thrilled with the success so far. The kudzu does seem to stop the desire for alcohol for me. I believe that we are to stop the supplements at 6 weeks. Is it a bad idea to continue the kudzu and perhaps some of the supplements too?


              Kudzu and l glutamine losing effects long term?

              Hi Sleepy. :welcome: I'm sorry you haven't gotten any responses. We've had a ton of spammers here recently, so people may not realize that an old thread brought back to life actually has a real response at the end.

              I'm not the best person to consult, as I haven't taken kudzu for many years, but I wouldn't think there's anything wrong with continuing to use those supplements if you find them helpful to you.

              You may also get more responses if you post this is in the holistic forum. But in any case, I'm so happy for you that you're finding success with this program. I wish you the best!


                Kudzu and l glutamine losing effects long term?

                Thank you Lostinplace.


                  Kudzu and l glutamine losing effects long term?

                  Alcoholic;1409070 wrote: Thank you, Neva and Turnagain:

                  Thank you for your responses.

                  What I feel so far is that these supplements somehow turn a switch in my drinking center off and I'm so thrilled. In stead of hoarding wine, I'm hoarding these supplements to help me fight the alcohol use.

                  Turn: you give me hope!
                  I likewise have felt both kudzu and glutamine have been an integral part of having more success this time (I am a serial relapser..see some of my 1st posts a few weeks ago at MWO). I live in southeast U.S. (NC) and this kudzu is taking over my neighbors yards?I?m almost considering helping them clean up their kudzu to see if I can get the extract myself?but that seems like too much work. Anyway, I do plan to keep doing what is working (I am also taking B- vits, milk thistle and fish oil daily), drinking lots of water, and more recently rediscovering my childhood liking of ice cream?whatever it takes to stop the cravings and live a cleaner life. Good luck.
                  “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu


