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My Penis Is Enormous
My Penis Is Enormous
kuya;1412892 wrote: That thing is actually smiling at me, and apart from the genital warts, I'm kinda liking it ! :H
WF was this taken when you and Mr WF were playing Adam and Eve in The Garden again?:H:HAlcoholic (or Ally)
"Only a fool knows everything.
A wise man knows how little he knows."
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My Penis Is Enormous
ifulovelife2;1412912 wrote: I took your advice. I squeezed them really hard. The results were not quite what I expected.
I wish I hadn't listened to you.
What the heck do I do now????????Alcoholic (or Ally)
"Only a fool knows everything.
A wise man knows how little he knows."
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My Penis Is Enormous
Hi ! All....I trust that you all ate well.....Chinese food is good for the soul ! Ha! Alcoholic.....sorry about the pricing on the menu....you'll have to take it up with Papa-sun. (Caution: he's a dirty old man ! Ha!) Like that PIc Alch.......Ha!
?Be who you are and say what you feel because
those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
Dr. Seuss
My Penis Is Enormous
RunningCourage;1412794 wrote: I don't like Chinese.
Prefer American fare.
Double whopper and cheese...
Would I like to go large?
Well why of course i would. I demand it.
Be careful what you wish for there Arsey... look what happened to Ifulovelife when he said that!
My Penis Is Enormous
Dear Ifulovelife2,
We, the People of MWO (think People of Walmart but classier), are growing increasingly concerned as we read of your struggles with Baclofen side effects. The havoc that is being wreaked upon your body at the moment brings tears to our eyes. From giant gonads to mOObs, every man jack of us are in awe of the stalwart attitude that enables you to carry on through thick, thin and enlarged… it is an awesome testament to human spirit. ***(Can someone stop Kuya, Wildflowers and Alcoholic laughing? He can hear them!)***
Where was I? Oh yeah… The members of MWO like to take a hands-on, practical approach. Some members (affiliated and non) got together and came up with this solution for your most recent issue.
We’ve had a whip-round and you can expect the item to be delivered at the beginning of the week. One can only surmise that you are hurting financially as the sheer amount of garments required to accommodate your morphing body parts must have put an incredible strain on your resources. It makes us very sad to think about your physical torment being compounded with financial worry… it’s enough to drive one to drink.
Please bear in mind that MWO is an incredible place for support. We will be here for you when your morphing body parts desert you. All you have to do is reach out your hand (but please make sure you’ve washed it first).
Speaking of support… in the happy hope that your mOObs migrate back to your testicles, we have planned ahead…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOiaSy643B4[/video]]The nut bra - YouTube
We wish you luck with your moving parts. “May your breasticles return to testicles!” (It’s the new MWO chant…)
Your concerned sisters and brothers,
The People of MWO
p.s. have you thought about TITrating down?
My Penis Is Enormous
IAD;1412730 wrote:Ok all this discovery has made a lot of us hungry...how about some Chinese carry out ! ha! ( if your offended sorry ! )
Yesterday I went there after hearing about this restaurant from someone named IAD. I would not recommend this place to anyone! The server was some old dirty man who used cuss words a lot, like "F*** you!" And no matter how many dinner combo #6 I ordered, he kept giving me dinner combo #3! I would not go back and I did not tip him.Alcoholic (or Ally)
"Only a fool knows everything.
A wise man knows how little he knows."
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My Penis Is Enormous
Alcoholic;1413011 wrote: One star yelp review of Wong Wong restaurant:
Yesterday I went there after hearing about this restaurant from someone named IAD. I would not recommend this place to anyone! The server was some old dirty man who used cuss words a lot, like "F*** you!" And no matter how many dinner combo #6 I ordered, he kept giving me dinner combo #3! I would not go back and I did not tip him.
My Penis Is Enormous
What with all this penis conversation, I thought I'd share a wee story with you about Wilbert and Betty.
Wilbert and Betty had been married just over 50 years. 51 to be precise. They both lived together in a small flat in sheltered housing along with others of a similar age, many of whom they were friendly with. Now Wilbert and Betty don't really partake in the sex thing anymore. However each night when they tuck themselves into bed, Wilbert likes to have Betty hold his manhood for a short while...
One day, however, Wilbert made an announcement...
"Betty," Wilbert said, "I have something to say."
"Oh, is that right Wilbert? Well do say m'dear." Betty said
"Betty. I'm leaving." Announced Wilbert.
"Leaving?" Betty inquired, "to where?"
"No Betty, I'm leaving...you."
"ME?!" She cried. "But Wilbert, dear, why?"
"I've met someone else, Betty. I'm sorry."
"Someone else? Who have you met? We've been married 51 years and you just waltz in and say you've 'met someone else'?! Is she younger than me?"
"No Betty, she's not younger than you." He said.
"Well, is she more beautiful than me?" She demanded to know.
"No, Betty. You are the most beautiful girl in the world."
"Does she have more money than us - is it that she's rich?"
"No Betty, she's not rich, not rich at all."
"Well then Wilbert, what is it?!" she said exasperated. "What does she have that i don't?"
My Penis Is Enormous
RC! Holy tremors! The other woman's hand shakes!!!!!!!!!!!:H:H:H
My Penis Is Enormous
kuya;1412892 wrote: That thing is actually smiling at me, and apart from the genital warts, I'm kinda liking it ! :H
WF was this taken when you and Mr WF were playing Adam and Eve in The Garden again?:H:H
It chased me over to The Big Sober House 2. I'd been so busy here & elsewhere, I had no idea that a 29 yr old Birthday Girl, Starring A "Sexy, Saucy, Sober, Sexual Byrdie had been born? Written by a Talented Screen Writer ~ Producer RC.Who's in need of support!... Which I've now read pg one
) :H I'm happy to see he's abundantly receiving support!!!...
As soon as I have some more free time, I will be abreast with support & a hand. I will read more, join the whole production team soon. :goodjob: Thank you for a safe house!)