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Please tell me if Dr. Phill is legit or not????

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    Please tell me if Dr. Phill is legit or not????

    Chili, sorry I don't have any knowledge of his program. Arizonaman seems to have more info, you might PM him.
    I used Dr Levin out of Northwestern University in Chicago. He helped me get the original prescription and I did a few follow up telephone calls with him. I haven't spoken to him since but I am certain he would help if I needed it. He is very helpful and understanding and it helped me knowing I had a doctor I could fall back on. But as other posters have said, many have done it on their own ordering online and getting support from the posters here.

    Regardless of which way you go, I can tell you from my experience that reading Dr. A's book and taking Baclofen saved my life.

    Research some of the threads here, there's a lot of good info. But also ask as many questions as you can.


    Day 131 on Bac - 100mg
    Binge Free - 103 days


      Please tell me if Dr. Phill is legit or not????

      Thanks for the info Tex. I 'll look into, but the price is probably high as hell, being that it's not listed on his site.


        Please tell me if Dr. Phill is legit or not????

        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          Please tell me if Dr. Phill is legit or not????

          ArizonaMan;1415742 wrote: That isnt the Dr Phill that is helping me. Am i being stupid or is techie just being ironic in his own way? Anyway, Dr L was going to have me upto 510mg. In 6 weeks following his program, dr phill has got me down to 180mg. Happy Thanksgiving!
          just teasing you
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            Please tell me if Dr. Phill is legit or not????

            ArizonaMan;1417270 wrote: Miracle of miracles!
            When i went to dr phill he said hed never had an anxiety related alcoholic on more than 150mg of bac a day. So long as they follow the other parts of his program and send him a diary and speak to him everyday.
            I have to say i was skeptical.
            I have now been on 150mg for 24 hours. Ive had one fleeting thought about alcohol but i dismissed it quickly.
            He says were going to stay on this dose for a while now, and then see if we can reduce it more. And to think that 7 weeks ago I was about to go upto 510mg
            Belated Congrats AM. Whats the status? Do you have your own thread?


              Please tell me if Dr. Phill is legit or not????

              Momof4boys, how's it going? Any updates?


                Please tell me if Dr. Phill is legit or not????

                Hi ArizonaMan

                Im so pleased for you that you found him.

                I thought I would add my own thoughts. Ive been reading mywayout for a long time and found it very interesting.
                Im a psychiatric nurse with a bad drink problem. All due to anxiety and self doubt and low self esteem. Ive lost my wife and children and home and job through it.
                There is clearly a lot of excellent people here, and a lot of friendship and support. But I do have concerns about the “pseudo-medical” advice handed out.
                After years of failure with AA, and taking Campral, I finally lost my nursing registration.
                Desperately I trawled the internet and came across I had seen bad stuff written about Dr Phill here, but thought this might be my last chance so, with reservations, I phoned him. To be honest, I couldn’t believe it. He answered personally and we had a long chat. He was so friendly and open: even about what had happened to him. Ive been under a lot of doctors and “alcoholism specialists”, but this really was like talking to someone who really understood.
                As he says “it takes one to know one”.
                And he was very open about his medical registration. I totally understood, and had absolutely no problem with that. He is clearly an extremely good doctor, who just suffered from what we all suffer from.
                I started under the whole of his excellent programme about 3 months ago. He told me that it would all get a bit boring after about 6 or 8 weeks because he was sure he would get me well by then. I didn’t believe a word, but it was my last chance.
                And he was right. I have followed his programme fully. I send him a diary every day and speak to him at 4pm every day. He has always read my diary by then and manipulated my Baclofen accordingly.
                After 6 weeks, I was on 120mg taken at the best times of day for me. The last 6 weeks has been “boring”!!!! I have no cravings, but occasional thoughts that I can easily control. I still go to the pub, but it is for the social aspect, not to get drunk.
                My grown up children cant believe that they have got their “dad back”. They have never seen me so well and in control.
                Im now so well that I am applying to have my registration reinstated, and Dr Phill is doing all he can to help that happen. He has told me that he can reapply for his own registration, but doesn’t think it necessary given that 90% of his patients are from outside the UK and get their Baclofen from the pharmacy on his web site.
                Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but I cant speak too highly about him.



                  Please tell me if Dr. Phill is legit or not????


                  When I said I followed MWO, he told me that I would read bad things about him. He also said that it was a great place to find genuine support from genuine people, but not to take any advice about medical issues.
                  He also said that he was barred from it so couldnt give advice to people on it. Is this true? If it is, then that is a disgrace and a massive waste in my opinion. I dont know, or care, what he did wrong, but he has a huge amount to offer people like us.



                    Please tell me if Dr. Phill is legit or not????

                    Hi A and welcome!
                    Or rather, welcome to posting!

                    I am so glad that you found a way out. It's an amazing journey, isn't it? I never believed it would become boring, either. Well, I can't say that I think it's boring. Even though I can't remember what it's like to be completely controlled by the compulsion to drink, I am still in awe of what life is like without that compulsion. Amazing!

                    As to the rest, I think you could agree that not knowing what went on, not having all of the information, and not getting a full picture of that is not a good place to start.

                    The past IS the past, but that doesn't mean that we don't all have things that we have done that didn't have profound negative repercussions. I didn't find bac until I was 41! I have plenty of them. And some of them aren't fixable. It's a sad truth that I can't make right all of the things I've done wrong. Regardless of the fact that I was in the grip of active alcoholism, on my way out of that, or had the best of intentions.


                    Perhaps you can continue to share your experience here as a way to help others that cannot afford the services of treatment. I've found it very (mostly! :H) rewarding.

                    Best to you.


                      Please tell me if Dr. Phill is legit or not????

                      Hi Ne et al,

                      I agree whole heartily with these points. I actually found Dr. Phill's site before I found MWO. His site is very open and honest about his past and I see his practice as another tool. I would not hesitate to pay for his services or Dr. L, if I needed it. I think both men are dedicated to helping others and that's a tribute to them. So far MWO and the great support here is working for me. And if I had to pay to be here.. I would do that too.


                        Please tell me if Dr. Phill is legit or not????

                        soberwannabe;1424286 wrote: Hi Ne et al,

                        I agree whole heartily with these points. I actually found Dr. Phill's site before I found MWO. His site is very open and honest about his past and I see his practice as another tool. I would not hesitate to pay for his services or Dr. L, if I needed it. I think both men are dedicated to helping others and that's a tribute to them. So far MWO and the great support here is working for me. And if I had to pay to be here.. I would do that too.
                        It would appear Phil is setting his stall out much clearer these days, and is making headway in guiding folk in the use of baclofen. So long as he is transparent and responsible(I presume he is covered by public liability insurance?), doesn't claim to be prescribing, and is behaving in a responsible manner then I have no issue with him and glad some people have gotten great benefit from his treatment.
                        I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                        Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                        AF date 22/07/13

