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Honesty sometimes is the best policy
Honesty sometimes is the best policy
I'm new here ...and just 8 HUGE days sober thanks to the help of supplements, the postings of the amazing people on this community board and I think, Topa. Initially I ordered the Topa online without a prescription. Got a month's worth. Went to my doctor today on another matter and had a long discussion in my head on whether to even bring this up. Long story short, I did. I'm glad. Not only do I now have an ally, I checked the online pharmacy just to compare prices and the Topa is sold out through the end of would have been hugely hosed as you can't stop Topa abruptly and I would have run out before it was back in stock. Also, my doc is so great that he put it down my problem as "insomnia" as he thinks that is where my problem originated and went downhill from there. Personally, I think its more complicated, but well...THAT is a whole 'nother story! Now I have a prescription and someone to medically monitor my progress. Thanks for listening and hope this helps if you are wondering whether to confide in your doctor.Tags: None
Honesty sometimes is the best policy
This is great!!! I think sometimes honesty is the best policy to, depending on your situation. Some people can't afford to have it in their medical records, do to pre-existing Ins clauses. Fear of being denied of in the future. I have read stories of people saying they have migraines just to get it Rxd.
I had to get mine from a PDr as I feared passing customs, feared if I was getting the real thing, and feared death, or wet brain, prison possibilities even more.
I tried back in 07-08 telling my GP the truth after trying everything else except In patient. Only short stints of sobriety.
I booked a double hubs & wife physical last wk. I went armed with printed off info about Topamax to my GP & this time he's willing to RX if my PDr kicks the bucket as his not a spring chicken & there's not many of them around here that will RX it. Believe me I tried. Also these people here at MWO have helped me with my confidence & I spoke up to. Even tho I like our Dr that we've went to for yrs, I was willing to tell him we'd be looking else where. This is mine & my families lives at stake here.
I did use Topa back in 07-08 & it helps re-wire my brain to some extent. I did drink on it once this time ( 5/13 ~ 5/ 22). It didn't work to well, but I take a lower dose 75 ~ 100 mg. People have to test it & also every ones situations & goals are diff, that's grrt.
It's such absolute BS!!!! These meds aren't magic bullets!!!... I have to work hard at my sobriety using many diff tools to maintain sobriety. I still have days where I want to drink!!! .... I recycle my tools, my skills over & over.........
One positive for me with the Topa is that it's an AD for me. My PDr is Rxing for PTSD & GAD. Not Alcoholism, yet alcohol abuse is in my records. Yet, we both know that I asked him to RX it for this to. In part my alcoholism was ~ is (sits in remission) an anxiety driven disease. But, it was also a pleasure ~ dopamine one too. It's all about changing the way we feel.
I think it helps if we do our homework & how we present it sometimes, but not always.
I think the medical community is waking up finally & realizing with MRI, other science based evidence that they can no longer deny this isn't a physiological brain disorder for many of us. This info has been out there to long now. Even tho Topa is off label here in the states NIDA lists it as a possible med. Crap it should be pretty safe. FDA approved since 1996. With any med there's always precautions. Drink lots of water. Have your eyes ckd. yearly.
Very happy you have a good Dr.
Best of luck to you on your journey!!! Stick around here!!! MWO is great!!!
Honesty sometimes is the best policy
I forgot to congratulate you on your 8 days of sobriety that really is huge!!!! :goodjob: It can be really tough in the beginning & still there are days! But, with the right plan & support it can be done!!! There's plenty of testimonials around here & elsewhere ta prove it!!!... Believe us when we tell you it keeps getting better & better living a healthier & happier life without Ethanol = poison!!!....
Right in the middle of a project & was on phone consoling my niece. Good thing dinner is marinating, so Mr Wilde won't be pouting when I have to strap in his high chair later. I borrowed that last line from a friend here who makes me laugh. :H
Honesty sometimes is the best policy
Wildflowers;1412667 wrote: Cross post hun. I'll be back to admit where I come visiting first these days. :H I'm just sneaky & posted elsewhere. But, I have a plan. :H
Hope you & your lovely family are well. :l
ARE YOU UP TO WF, tell me right now!
Honesty sometimes is the best policy
Hi WF and Kuya!!!! Kuya, thank you for directing me to this thread! I was the idiot who was asking for directions last night for the online pharmacy to order without a prescription. I finally found it!
WF: Yes, I understand where you are coming from and then some! I'm so sorry that it is tough to get treatment and made even harder for those who do! I'm no expert, so don't quote me, but I think that "Obama Care" (I don't mean that to use that term in a bad way) will prohibit insurance companies from using pre-existing conditions to keep you getting insurance. I think, anyway. If there is someone more knowledgeable on this, I'm all ears.
Anyway, thanks for the congrats on the 8 days. I shouldn't really brag. I'm not finished with the day yet. The sun is setting and night time is the worst for me! Topa just keeps that dog from nipping my heels although I do still feel his breath! Take care and thanks for the encouragement!!!
Honesty sometimes is the best policy
Thank you A! As WF would say, Topa is no magic bullet but it sure beats being bare butt without any sunscreen! Actually, I'm finding for now, the Topa and the great community of people found here are of tremendous help.
Honesty sometimes is the best policy
kuya;1412685 wrote: WHAT
ARE YOU UP TO WF, tell me right now!:H
I've got eyes :eye: in the back of my head, just before I took off later I saw you & two of your partners in crime take off over there. I know you three have been up to something with out even checking up on you little vixons. :H
Honesty sometimes is the best policy
Winning!;1412696 wrote: Hi WF and Kuya!!!! Kuya, thank you for directing me to this thread! I was the idiot who was asking for directions last night for the online pharmacy to order without a prescription. I finally found it!
WF: Yes, I understand where you are coming from and then some! I'm so sorry that it is tough to get treatment and made even harder for those who do! I'm no expert, so don't quote me, but I think that "Obama Care" (I don't mean that to use that term in a bad way) will prohibit insurance companies from using pre-existing conditions to keep you getting insurance. I think, anyway. If there is someone more knowledgeable on this, I'm all ears.
Anyway, thanks for the congrats on the 8 days. I shouldn't really brag. I'm not finished with the day yet. The sun is setting and night time is the worst for me! Topa just keeps that dog from nipping my heels although I do still feel his breath! Take care and thanks for the encouragement!!!
What a great user name you've chosen!Yes, I believe in 2014 "Obama Care" will do away with pre-existing conditions for adults. It already has for minors. Which is good imo.
Never heard anybody put it this way before. "Topa just keeps that dog from nipping my heels although I do still feel his breath!" I like it Winning! Bravo! How accurate you are!!!.. I do love dogs too!!!...
Your doing great!....:goodjob:
Honesty sometimes is the best policy
Winning!;1412711 wrote: Thank you A! As WF would say, Topa is no magic bullet but it sure beats being bare butt without any sunscreen! Actually, I'm finding for now, the Topa and the great community of people found here are of tremendous help.uch:
:welcome: to MWO Winning. Glad your here!!!....:l
Honesty sometimes is the best policy
At the risk of being a bore, what dose of Topa are you taking and how long have you been taking it? I was NOT able to go longer than four tortured days without wine without Topa. I tried the program for more than a year. I bought the Topa and kept it in my cabinet for more than a month cause I was scared to use it. I went on a huge bender and after embarrassing myself in front of my 13-year-old daughter and husband for the umpteenth time, I woke the next morning, apologized and secretly cut the 25 mg pill and half and took it. No SE but felt "stupid." I did 15 mg for a week and to "celebrate" my sobriety, had so many drinks of wine, I don't remember what I did so, the next morning I upped it to 25 mg and that is where I am at right now. I still have the urge to am thinking of upping it. I can't have one drink or I'm out of control. Wonder what the "magic" dose is? I see some are successful at 75 mg. Some at 100 mg. Some take more.... Wow, I would have never guess this this would be my journey. I so admire everyone on this site and hope that I can someday be among the senior members and others who are really taking charge of their lives and getting a handle on this. Even if they fail, they are still getting up and starting again. Wow. I'm so impressed. Take care.
Honesty sometimes is the best policy
Oh, and the Winning! is in reference to Charlie Sheen.... :-( I wasn't taking myself too seriously as I haven't been too successful yet...but I'm trying!!!! I'm now going to think of it as...I'm beating this!!!!! But I'm still not going to get cocky cause every time I do, this little bugger bites me and I LOVE dogs!