I use AA in my toolbox. I really like the people and I like the social/emotional support.
I do not have a sponsor and, at this point, I do not intend to get a sponsor.
Mary, are you planning to or have you gone through the steps? Without sponsor?

Bac Online sponsorship! sounds interesting!
I'm not sure why I'm so insistent on sticking with my sponsor. He's a good man that's been there for me on many occasions and we have so many things in common. I like who he is and has become. Something I'm striving for. But it's almost as if I NEED to convince him. And to be fair, I have never been a good sponsee. Like someone said, if we were a drunk horse thief before and stopped drinking, we're still a horse thief.
soberwannabe;1424157 wrote: Hi Tex,
'sobriety is the first step'.
I notice more things about me with my sobriety this time. The biggest difference between baclofen and the first months of AA, is less white knuckle and more about 'who I am'. I don't think in many ways, I knew who I was as much as I do now, with AA. Does that sound strange? What I mean. I'm spending more time focusing on why I do the things I do and less worry about if I am going to drink.
I know I am vulnerable, just like you Tex.. being 'semi' alone.. just my kids..
I'll keep you updated these next days.

Hope all is well with you.
This brings me to my wife?s birthday dinner last night. By all accounts it was a beautiful success. I made steaks, baked potatoes, salad, the kids made dessert, it was a Norman Rockwell moment. She was happy, the kids were happy, and I was sober. But dammit if I didn't feel like I was on the outside looking in. I just couldn't feel it. This again, makes me over think things. I'm a newbie and I'm learning to live life sober but it does kinda freak me out.
This is where I think AA and going through the steps could really help.