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Still Striving

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    Still Striving

    Hi Sober, how's the leg feeling?

    It really is a shame that NIMH doesn't list as alcohol treatment. I think it would go a long way to establishing Bac.



      Still Striving

      Anyone working with AA and taking Baclofen? How's it going? AA group or sponsor know? Reactions?

      I know this is a thorny subject to some but I really am looking for some honest feedback.



        Still Striving


          Still Striving

          Hi Tex,

          Leg pains better today. I'm going to talk to my sis.. She's 5+ years.. see if she's heard of it. I spoke with my brother, who is an R&D type and he had not heard of it. Both are doing 'fine' with AA. I personally don't think either of them would oppose this as part of recovery. It's not addicting. .. but has withdrawal issues if stopped suddenly or too rapidly decline.

          I think it depends on your sponsor, truthfully. Personally, I don't feel ashamed at all for having baclofen as part of my recovery and my recovery is AA founded. I actually feel proud that I have something in my tool box!


            Still Striving

            Thanks Sober.

            I also think that this is a tremendous tool to go hand in hand with AA, but as I think you or Mary mentioned in another thread, they did it the hard way. In my sponsors mind, AA has the solution and taking drugs is not it.

            How's your progress coming? Might I poke you to update your thread?



              Still Striving


              I use AA in my toolbox. I really like the people and I like the social/emotional support.

              I am in a Quad A group for agnostics and atheists. Some people in the group are part of religion but do not want to mix the two concepts. Others just don't know about their thoughts on spirituality or can't grasp the higher power concept. The talks are always open discussions and there tends to be a lot of back and forth on ideas. I personally do not like the around the table format where each person has 2.5 minutes to express their thoughts and then on to the next person. I have also been to other traditional meetings with a speaker and I love to hear their stories. I always get something out of those talks.

              I do not have a sponsor and, at this point, I do not intend to get a sponsor. I suppose if you found someone you trust it can work. My feeling is I can't put all my trust in one person. Each person comes with baggage and I have enough of my own to carry. I can see the idea of getting to know someone exclusively but I need to trust myself on some of the most important issues. I know this is against AA philosophy...but sponsors in AA are not trained and they just can't know everything. They also tend to have very specific ideas on what works and that those ideas are centered around what worked for them.

              In short I love the community (a group of us went to see a production of "Long Days Journey Into Night") but I can't rely on AA as my only support.


                Still Striving

                Isn't there a whole big gamut of experiences in the rooms? I have been around enough this time around to know that there are some people who will neva eva accept Ne. The chick who stood up and shared that, "We do it the hard way, without medication..." for instance. That made me want to share a little bit of the path I walked on the "easy way".

                But there are others that are open to it. It sure would be nice to have a whole bunch of people with a whole bunch of experiences able to share them honestly. And that guessed it. One person at a time. The best group I was ever a part of, I drove 2 hours to the meeting once a week, we were about as disparate as you can get. Gender, socioeconomic, Thinking about it now and I still understand why I drove to Phillie from Baltimore! It was that special. (Of course, every one of them that I know of started drinking again, except one. ) Anyway.

                Given the fact that AA is absolutely the only support network there is, period. And the fact that it is one of the largest organizations in the world, it stands to reason that we should be in AA, and we ought to be talking openly about medications for a chronic, fatal, disease. Ya' know? Just in the spirit of the program, alone! Bill W would be supportive of that, I'm sure.

                Maybe it's time to find a new sponsor? Or an additional one? The more the merrier!


                  Still Striving

                  Then again, it might depend on where you live. If it's as hard as finding a liberal in Tejas, than you might need an online sponsor. and :H and :l


                    Still Striving

                    Hi Tex,

                    Thinking about you.. I'm at 1 month sober .. about 4 days out of 1 month with bac. So far so good.. although I have had 'strange' days. Truthfully, these next 10 days will be a bigger test. My hubby is out of town and this is normally a big binge fest for me. I've been honest about this with my husband ...and that alone is a big change for me.

                    I've titrated up to 80 mg and feel groggy and light headed.

                    I spoke with my brother.. he's all for bac.. regardless.. 'sobriety is the first step'.

                    I notice more things about me with my sobriety this time. The biggest difference between baclofen and the first months of AA, is less white knuckle and more about 'who I am'. I don't think in many ways, I knew who I was as much as I do now, with AA. Does that sound strange? What I mean. I'm spending more time focusing on why I do the things I do and less worry about if I am going to drink.

                    I know I am vulnerable, just like you Tex.. being 'semi' alone.. just my kids..
                    I'll keep you updated these next days. so far so good.

                    Hope all is well with you.


                      Still Striving

                      Hey there Sober. Haven't had a chance to introduce myself but that's neither here nor there. Just wanted to say hi and say that your last post really struck home for me, with the feeling vulnerable and the almost-month. I was sober when I titrated up on bac. I'd been going to AA and generally pretty miserable, and right around 29 days or so I realized I would drink again. It wasn't a craving or anything like that, I just simply knew at some point I was gonna drink. So I started taking bac and over the next month went up to 150, still sober. I think you'll be amazed. You're going to find a place--for me it was 150 and sober--that's really magical. There's no vulnerable feeling, there's no craving. And there's no real sadness. I'm a dumbass so on my 62nd day of sobriety I had a drink, and the rest is on my thread, but if you wannabe sober you can be and you will. And I wish you all the very best.

                      Anyway just thought I'd chime in and say that. And it's a pleasure to meet you.


                        Still Striving

                        Thanks Stuck.. Nice meeting you too. Tex, thanks for sharing your page !


                          Still Striving

                          Tag, where are you? What's going on? Hope it's a good day!

                          (SWB, and hi!)


                            Still Striving

                            Howdy all!

                            It's been interesting. I'm alive and kicking, just had a couple of hectic days since Friday. Scored some REAL points over the weekend with the better half. Today's her birthday so I'm scrambling to get some work done and get outta the office early. My daughters are coming in from school to surprise her so I'm looking forward to a nice evening.

                            I've got some follow-ups on some of y'alls comments but I'm having to do real work (at office) now so I'll have to wait to get my thoughts together.


                            (added plusses: Texans playing tonight and my boy Johnny Football winning the Heisman, Whoop!)


                              Still Striving

                              Thanks for the update, I've/We've (the mwo gang) have been thinking about you.

                              Points are always good with spouses!
                              I know you'll enjoy ALL the moments with your family. Great surprises like the one you're putting together will make her happy for many days.

                              FYI.. I'm at 70/80 mg per day. I'll post the events on my thread!

                              Have a WONDERFUL day Tex.


                                Still Striving

                                hi Sober! so good to hear you're doing so well!!!!!!
                                not drinking while baccing is so much better. cheers to you girl, and i praise you for managing to stay (mostly?)sober while baccing up!

