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Still Striving

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    Still Striving

    For sure keep it off her record. Lo0p's suggestion of nal sounds great, as it's something she could take just that once a month or so when she goes out, and wouldn't have to feel like a social leper who can't go out and drink and do what college kids are supposed to be doing.

    Maybe suggest she see student counseling services for the anxiety, though? She wouldn't have to say anything about AL--anxiety is rampant on college campuses, and there are support groups all over the place, as well as maybe she could get a script for some meds if she's having panic attacks.

    Otherwise, tell her to stay away from beer pong and flippy cup, and she'll be fine! :H

    Really, just wanted to pop in and say hi, Tex, sounds like you're doing really well, mate.


      Still Striving

      Thanks Colin, Loop, Diver,

      I'm going to look into the TSM. I've told her about baclofen, but it's dificult for her to accept. It's dificult for me to watch.

      Stuck, the ironic part is that she's always been very focused on her school and her older sister, that doesn't seem to have a problem, is the flip cup queen.

      Thanks again for y'alls support.


        Still Striving

        TexasAg;1459127 wrote: ...

        One other thing I need y'alls advice. This one concerns my daughter. She's away on her second year at college and I spoke with her on the phone a few days ago. She told me something that broke my heart. She's doesn't drink (maybe once every month or so) but when she does, she can't stop. She tells me she doesn't feel the need to drink and can stay away from alcohol but it drives her crazy the thought that she could have a problem. Plus she's in college and her older sister that's 40 miles away at a different college can party with no problem. She's also sufferred from anxiety. So my question to y'all; most of us that have taken baclofen have done it when we were desperate alcoholics or desperate bingers. Anyone know of someone with a similar situation like my daughter and took baclofen? I see myself in my daughter and I don't want her to suffer like I did for so many years so any thoughts are appreciated.

        Hi Tag

        Ne called your post to my attention because she remembers that a couple of years ago I went through a similar experience with my son. PM me and I'd be glad to share with you my experience and what I learned.

        With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


          Still Striving

          I'm new here and just finding all the threads. TexasAg, thanks for all your posts. You could be me talking. Today is the start of month 3 on bac. I'm on 70 mg/day and have hit that lull. After reading so many posts I realize I now need to deal with my personality! Dang!

          I'm finding that I'm surrounding me with me too much. So I had a lovely Sunday at the beach with a dear close friend and it was good to check my thinking with someone I've known for almost 20 years.

          I just want to thank all of you who've gone before me and are here to share your experiences.

          One question: From time to time I have horrible nightmares. I had 1 last night. Can this be corrected by dosing differently? I take 20 mg at 7 am, 11 am and 3 pm and 10 mg at 7 pm. Any thoughts?



            Still Striving

            Cassander;1461306 wrote: Hi Tag

            Ne called your post to my attention because she remembers that a couple of years ago I went through a similar experience with my son. PM me and I'd be glad to share with you my experience and what I learned.

            Thanks Cass, I just shot you a PM.



              Still Striving

              kronkcarr;1461456 wrote: I'm new here and just finding all the threads. TexasAg, thanks for all your posts. You could be me talking. Today is the start of month 3 on bac. I'm on 70 mg/day and have hit that lull. After reading so many posts I realize I now need to deal with my personality! Dang!

              I'm finding that I'm surrounding me with me too much. So I had a lovely Sunday at the beach with a dear close friend and it was good to check my thinking with someone I've known for almost 20 years.

              I just want to thank all of you who've gone before me and are here to share your experiences.

              One question: From time to time I have horrible nightmares. I had 1 last night. Can this be corrected by dosing differently? I take 20 mg at 7 am, 11 am and 3 pm and 10 mg at 7 pm. Any thoughts?

              Kronk :welcome:

              I didn't experience the lull on the way up, I had other common SE's somnolence etc. It wasn't until I hit my switch (which was more of a dimmer switch that slowly turned on) that I started feeling the lull. I think a big part of it was actually not having the hamsters spinning constantly in my head. An unusual calmness set in, I wasn't making mountains out of molehills (for the most part). I didnt miss the outbursts that aferward would have me regretting my actions. Having to deal with life sober has not been easy. Like you mentioned having to deal with my personality is a pain, hahaha. However, I haven't drank against my will for quite some time, which I'm very grateful, and that's where I'm thinking my own air conditioning is starting to work and with the Bac air it's making me too cool.

              So being the good guinea pig that I am, I've titrated down to 80mg this week (from 100mg). I'm travelling in Peru right now (site of my last binge uch but I'm happy to say that I had a couple of beers last night with dinner and no cravings. My AA training in the back of my head still nags me to freak out about this but being honest with myself.....I'm good . The beers were not disgusting but I at no point thought I needed another.

              Another thing, today is Wednesday and I titrated down to 80mg on Saturday. As absurd as this sounds, by Monday the walking through mud feeling was not as bad. My brain is weird so it could've been just the thought of going down but I'll keep you posted.

              With regards to your nightmares... I had crazy dreams when I was titrating up. Some of them good, some of them bad. I didn't think too much about them and like the other SE's they went away. I still dream, had a goooood one last night, but they're fewer and not quite so crazy.



                Still Striving

                I just realized I must have plagiarized your dimmer idea when I posted my thread:H

                I thought I made it up but it looks like you already described the way the switch worked for you. It appears it is the same for me...more like a slow awakening rather than a bolt of lightening.


                  Still Striving

                  MaryGoRound;1462489 wrote: I just realized I must have plagiarized your dimmer idea when I posted my thread:H

                  I thought I made it up but it looks like you already described the way the switch worked for you. It appears it is the same for me...more like a slow awakening rather than a bolt of lightening.
                  :H I'm sure I got it from some of the older threads!


                    Still Striving

                    I'm back in good ol USA and have some time before my next trip. Reading through the posts it amazes me how active our forum. It's taking me time to catch up. Many posts and many, many more visitors. Just goes to show the hunger for freedom. MWO is a blessing!

                    I just wanted to throw my two cents in on the troll situation (that thankfully seems to have gone away). I don't know who is a troll or who is genuine but I do know that Baclofen has SE's and for some they are just too much. I was very fortunate that I felt I had no choice. The SE's for me got bad, insomnia/somnolence, memory and general WTF and I probably would've lost my job if they would've continued but whom I kidding I wouldve lost my job, my wife, my home, my kids, my self-respect, my life if I continued with alcohol. Maybe not all immediately, but eventually. So I might've said Baclofen nearly destroyed my life if I hadn't succeeded (perhaps but definitely not in those words) but I'm grateful that it did succeed and I was able to go through the SE's. I look back now and the titration up that took aproximately 12 weeks with 5 being :upset: seems like the blink of an eye. JKTTP.

                    Ok, enough of that, let's get to the now. Like I said, I'm in the lull between trips and my last trip went well. I had titrated down to 80mg and was a bit anxious cuz hanging out with expats in hotel bars seems to be my achilles heel. But work went well and there was no craving. I did have wine at dinner and beers on my last day but I had no desire to keep going. I do have to say that the blah feeling the day after, kinda like a hangover was not pleasant and it lasted. I still want to abstain and have no doubt that I will be able to.

                    As far as the swimming through mud feeling, it is slowly but surely going away. I'm sure this is a combination of various things, living life sober, bac, etc.



                      Still Striving

                      Howdy all!

                      I'm back in the states again after a 8 week Latin America tour for work. Things are going well, I'm still not drinking against my will. I did drink a few times during my trips, but I have not felt relapse despair. It was just a matter of getting up and going to work and making sure I take my Baclofen. One thing I have noticed is when I did drink, the blah (hangover?) lasts a few days, sometimes 5 days. I've been good about being abstinent when I'm home, it's become habit. I'm working on being abstinent on my trips.

                      It's been 9 months since I started my baclofen journey. And it's been 7 months since I eased out of the clutches of the beast. I've read some posts about Bac, SE's and how hard it is. It is hard. I wouldn't want to do it again. But I would, if I had to. It's definitely worth it. I don't binge anymore and the few times I have indulged I have no doubt I'll be o.k. I guess this is what a normal person feels like.

                      Baclofen saved me from alcoholism. But I've found the hardest part was not the SE's or the fear or doubts. The hardest part for me has been living life sober. Getting back into it with no crutch. Looking back at the destruction. It's getting easier as time goes by, but I can't help but feel that I'm trying to re-invent the wheel. We need an AA for Baclofentistas.

                      Ok, just my two cents and letting y'all know I'm still alive and doing well!


                      PS - Thanks Sober!


                        Still Striving

                        Hi Tex-

                        You are doing so well and I am glad to hear it!

                        Interesting observation about the blahs after drinking. The good news is you can drink without the risk of falling off the cliff. That is most excellent news and the same information that others have reported. On the other hand, there does seem to be consequences to drinking. That actually makes me feel a bit better because it means my blahs may lift with time, maintenace, and not drinking.

                        Baclofen saved me from alcoholism. But I've found the hardest part was not the SE's or the fear or doubts. The hardest part for me has been living life sober. Getting back into it with no crutch. Looking back at the destruction. It's getting easier as time goes by, but I can't help but feel that I'm trying to re-invent the wheel. We need an AA for Baclofentistas.
                        In some ways we have that at this Forum at MWO. It is not the same as a face to face meeting but it is something...thank goodness


                          Still Striving

                          TexasAg;1489380 wrote: ... We need an AA for Baclofentistas....
                          Hi TA

                          We have one and its right here and you are part of it!

                          Best wishes,

                          With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                            Still Striving

                            Mary, Cass, agreed!

                            Eternally grateful for MWO. I hadn't been on for a while but panicked a little yesterday when the site crashed!



                              Still Striving

                              The site's been crashing like a motherf*cker lately, kinda like me

                              Glad to hear you're doing well, Tex. And yeah, I think this is about the only place for an BacAnon... sucks that this is all we have, but at the same time amazing that we have this.


                                Still Striving


                                How's it going?

                                I like it BacAnon.
                                B.A. - Except people will think we're talking about Buenos Aires. Which isn't bad.

                                So we just need you to go through the 12 steps and re-do for the B.A. group! :H


