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Baclofen Advice

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    Baclofen Advice

    Im interested intrying Baclofen or Topamax for alcohol dependency. I have an online pharmacy that I trust and have ordered from several times in the past.
    (Listing age, weight, & height for dosage) - Im male, 35yrs old, 200lbs & 6ft tall.
    From what Ive read the Topamax is easier to take but it seems many more people have had success with the Bac.
    Im ready to make an order. Ive combed through the forum trying to find a dosage chart but cant really find anything solid. Could someone help me & list recommended dosages for Baclofen? Id appreciate it greatly! I need to know how much to start with & when to bump it up. Then how long ect...
    If someone has a link or a chart that I could go by that would be excellent. Im sure its on the forum somewhere - I just cant find it. Thanks :new:

    Baclofen Advice

    Well I guess I'll just start here:
    (Tried to post link but site wouldnt let me). XL Pharmacy

    They only come in 25mg tabs. So I guess (with zero guidance) I'll just cut the tabs in half and take 12mg 3 times a day for 3 days. Then bump it up to 25mg 3 times a day. Does this sound like a safe plan?

    Really could use some help here.


      Baclofen Advice

      Hi Clutchy

      There is no height, weight guidelines for Baclofen. I read as much as I could and followed the Physicians Prescribing Document. Start slow and titrate up slow. I bought 10mg and broke them in 1/2 and started with 5mg.. for the first few days. I take about 40 mg per day now with great success.

      Anyway.. here is the URL to the document: Thank you Otter!

      I don't take any other medications besides baclofen.. so I can't help you with Topamax.
      I hope it works for you too.


        Baclofen Advice

        I've been disease free for 3 years... wow... I'd Say as of 2 days ago, because of baclofen.
        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
        A Forum
        Trolls need not apply


          Baclofen Advice

          Thank you Wannabe. I really appreciate it. Been battling this misery for over 12 years. Been in 2 different rehabs and AA off and on. Last stint was with Schick Shadel in Seattle with aversion therapy. It worked GREAT until I stopped working the after program. They truly took away my cravings to drink and ALL anxiety that goes with it.
          I got cocky and thought I could be a normal drinker "for the millionth time" & here I am. I stayed sober for 3 & half months. The longest I've ever been without a drink in 15 years.
          I have a Wife and 3 kids who I refuse to lose. I'm desperate. Thanks again for your help.


            Baclofen Advice

            Hi, Clutchy and welcome.

            Sorry about the delay! Life...It's busy!

            There is a ton of information around here. Much of it older, but still relevant. There's Ameisen's book. And then a whole bunch of studies to read. And individual threads, should you be so inclined. They can give you a peek at what is in store, but a word of caution, it doesn't have to be a terrible experience. Though it is never, ever easy or effortless. Having a bit of sobriety in your recent experience will undoubtedly help. As will having tools in addition to baclofen. (I didn't do anything except just keep taking the damn pills--and reaching out here for support--but it was pretty awful and I don't recommend it! :H)

            A slow start, around 5mg, and adding 10-20mg every three days to a week is common practice. You can get the medication in a variety of places.

            The most meaningful advice I can give is this: Keep track. Have a plan. Stick to your dosages/times day in and day out. If it gets awful (before it gets awful!) reach out here. Those three things will help you get off to a good start and stay in the game long enough to win it.

            Oh, and this big one: Have hope. It works. It just does. For just about everyone. If you take the pills regularly and for a length of time, you will stop wanting to drink against your will. It is...miraculous.

            December 4 marks 22 months of effortless not-drinking for me. If I didn't smoke cigarettes I wouldn't remember what it's like to be addicted, and if I didn't crave chocolate I wouldn't be able to describe a craving. If I didn't log on here I would have forgotten the misery of it all. I hope you find the same results!


              Baclofen Advice

              ClutchyJay;1419431 wrote: Im male, 35yrs old, 200lbs & 6ft tall.
              From what Ive read the Topamax is easier to take but it seems many more people have had success with the Bac.
              Clutchy a belated :welcome:

              Were you able to order?

              I too have kids and a wife and can honestly say Baclofen changed my life. I'm still working out some of the kinks but it worked for me.



                Baclofen Advice

                Almost forgot:

                :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                A Forum
                Trolls need not apply

