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Baclofen for food addiciton

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    Baclofen for food addiciton

    Hi there! I am a recovering compulsive overeater, bulimic, drug addict and alcoholic (sober 4 years).

    I have no desire to drink but I still have cravings to overeat and give into them a few times per week. I also suffer with mild social anxiety...A trusted friend and recovered alcoholic told me how she uses baclofen and drinks wine just fine now. So I ordered some from 4RX.

    Do any of you have experience with taking baclofen for food addiction and/or have any advice about taking it?

    Baclofen for food addiciton

    Just stopping by to say hi, and welcome to MWO!!! I think your question is perfectly poised at the edge of the envelope of what might be possible with baclofen. I look forward to reading the responses to your question. And, from just my personal experience and the research I've done about bac, I really, really think it can help you find your way out .

    Congratulations on your sober time!! Well. Done!!! I would still suggest that you read Dr. Ameisen's book, talk to your friend who has some experience with bac, and organize your plan. Knowledge is power . . . and taking on deep and deeper layers of re-wiring requires (at least, it seems to me) pretty substantial application of both knowledge and power. If you're 4 years sober, you've learned a thing or two. Baclofen is amazing, but it is no "magic pill." Dang!! However, I would be out of my mind happy for you to be relieved of the compulsion to eat against your will. If you're hangin' out there on your own, where most of us have been when we started taking bac, just take it slow and easy. See how you feel after taking 5 or 10 mgs; pay attention to how your body/mind responds, and from there decide what to do next. If you know someone who has been successful taking bac for addictions, utilize that resource!!! Baclofen isn't a "one-size fits all" remedy . . . but it may work well to help undo a lot of the ways we get stuck on our own treadmills of thinking and behavior.
    "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


      Baclofen for food addiciton

      hi there water! yesterday we spoke some about baclofen for eating disorders at cookinghappy's thread.
      i googled "baclofen eating disorders" and it gave a lot of results, also of clinical trials with baclofen for eating disorders. so lots of info to be found on that by searching the internet i guess.

      for instance this one: (low dose baclofen for binge eating) (i actually don't know about the low dose treatments. i use it for alcoholism, and i've gone up to 225mg now, while my gp told me she's never ever prscribed it in higher doses than 50. my switch is getting near!)

      baclofen;binge eating;bulimia nervosa;eating disorder;addiction;clinical trial
      Baclofen is a GABA-B agonist that may be useful in the treatment of substance use disorders, and also reduces ‘binge-like’ eating in rodents. We hypothesized that baclofen might be effective in reducing binge eating episodes in binge eating disorder (BED) and bulimia nervosa (BN).

      Seven women with BED (n = 4) or BN (n = 3) took baclofen (60 mg/day) for 10 weeks.

      Six out of seven patients completed the full 10-week trial. Five out of seven participants (3 BED; 2 BN) demonstrated 50% or greater reduction of frequency of binge eating from beginning to end of the study. Three out of seven participants (2 BED; 1 BN) were free of binge eating at study end. Four out of seven participants elected to continue baclofen at study end. Baclofen was well tolerated by the participants.

      In this open-label trial, baclofen was associated with decreased binge eating frequency in patients with BED and BN. ? 2007 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Eat Disord 2007

      i'm very curious about how your process will be! good luck girl!


        Baclofen for food addiciton

        Hi Water,

        Wish it could help me - I have about 60mg daily and have done so for over a year without any effect on my appetite.

        Alcoholics have a sweet tooth when they limit or abstain from alcohol. We may be different from the general population.

        Then again, I am only one sample.

        I know alot of people use Topa for weight loss, or they use it for help with drinking and they lose weight. Some lose too much weight - I unfortunately was not one of those.

        Best of luck to you! Every experience is an experiment and can be different. The best of success with your experiment!


          Baclofen for food addiciton

          Naltrexone is also thought to help with binge-eating and I'm applying the Sinclair Method to my binge-eating tendencies and have noticed a change.

          I would guess Baclofen helps by relieving anxiety which can drive comfort eating, and Naltrexone blocks the high you can get after eating certain junk foods -chocolate for example is thought to/is known to trigger endorphin release and naltrexone blocks endorphins in the brain.

          Both or either of these medications could be useful for eating disorders.
          I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

          Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

          AF date 22/07/13


            Baclofen for food addiciton

            Thank you for your feedback everyone! I just started taking it on Saturday and it is helping with my anxiety so far


              Baclofen for food addiciton

              hey Water, how are you doing?
              i'm curious about your experiences with baclofen for your overeating.

              could you do an update?

              take care!


                Baclofen for food addiciton

                The Sinclair Method using Naltrexone has potential with this type of problem too.
                I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                AF date 22/07/13


                  Baclofen for food addiciton

                  baclofen works


                  I've been taking baclofen for my binge eating disorder and it works. Chocolate just does not have an effect on me. I forget the cookies in the box and the ice cream in the freezer. Taking 100 mg a day so far. I still snack a bit. In France, baclofen is allowed up to 300MG/day for alcoholism and more and more psychiatrist prescribe it for eating disorders.


                    Baclofen for food addiciton

                    I think Baclofen stops many compulsive behaviors in its tracks. I can overspend, but now have the ability to say no to myself and others. I gave $ to a friend to get her car out of impoundment. I told her to take the $ to pay me back and set up a retirement acct. for her. Of course she didnt. Now I think twice.


