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Really need answer with topa question

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    Really need answer with topa question

    I took topa for several months this past spring/summer and managed AF for several weeks on 75mg. I took it each night at 7:30pm as it makes me feel tired and a little fuzzy headed. I stupidly went off of it thinking I would be okay, and I was for a little while, but then I slipped up once and got back up for a week or so, slipped up again and have been going on since. I just started the topa again last night at 75mg. I took it at bedtime and awoke this morning without the normal strong craving for a beer. My head a little fuzzy and I was a little shaky but I also drank a lot yesterday. Can the topa work that quick? When I initially went on it, I was taking 25 mg twice a day for one week, then 1 25mg in morning and two 25mg at bedtime for one week, then finally take two 25mg in morning and two 25mg at night. This is all under an addiction doctor's supervision, she is amazing. The problem was, I could not function on this schedule because of the fuzziness in my head and I need to focus to drive and work so she said i could take them all at once, but around 7pm so that I would sleep through most of that fuzziness and it worked and I only ever needed the 75mg. So last night, i took the 75mg, went to bed, thought I would wake with a strong craving for the beer and didn't have it. I made breakfast for the kids and myself and I just opened a tastes like crap and i remember the topa doing that for a while with carbonated drinks. I am realizing that it's habit that I opened that beer because I really didin't want it, but I dumped half and drank half. I know this will be a battle again, but can topa work that fast? I am drinking and eating and have gained 15lbs since Thanksgiving because of this and I am hiding it and it's driving me crazy. I was hoping to not have to stay on the topa forever, but maybe I will ;( Any of your thoughts or advice will be greatly appreciated. I fell hard this time and although I get a day or two, I go right back at it. I can't moderate, I have to totally stop and that's what topa did for me.

    Next question, I am out of the supplements and am thinking of ordering from here, but as a single mom, my income is limited. Is the quality worth the price, because if so, I will spend the money to get healthy. Right now, the only thing I have left is milk thistle and I haven't been taking that and i need to, I have psorasis terrible all over my body and I know it's from drinking.

    I hate green tea, so that's a no go. I can do the lemon water and I already drink a lot of water, of course it's during the night because I'm so dehydrated from drinking all day. Any help on the topa, please?

    Really need answer with topa question

    Hi Struggles and good morning!!

    Everything you experienced with Topa is nearly identical to my experience. I am now Topa free because the top dopa was imply too much ... I lost a whole week of time... Carbonated drinks where out which in one way has good as I drank rum and tonic. I too was in between 25-75mg but more than that made me completely discombobulated.

    There is an entire thread dedicated to Topa and many have had our experience.

    I am now on LGlutamine which I find INVALUABLE . I take 5000 mg in the morning with water and though I still have occasional cravings and I have slipped from time to time, my drinking is simply nothing like it was before...

    Please please don't worry about the weight. I too gained when I cut back/stopped but the more AF time I had, the weight just started to come off with my doing very little.

    Exercise is very important of course but all will come in time. HONEST INJUN

    You definitely are not alone in your experience or your struggle, Struggles :l

    Stay close and have a wonderful weekend.
    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


      Really need answer with topa question

      PS: I have Topa left over if you would like me to send it. My pharmacy still fill the prescription every month even though I don't take it. I have a friend who was using it as well so I gave her extra...the Topa didn't affect her the same way it did me.
      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


        Really need answer with topa question

        Hi Struggles - just my experience, but I have always found that with Topa, to combat the SE's, it is better to titrate up slowly. Start with 25mg once a day and stay on that until you don't get the fuzziness - then go to 50mg a day and so on. That is just me though. It is good for you that it did work the way it has - when I stopped taking it and jumped back in at a higher dose, it did nothing. i had to go back to the 25mg and start all over again. However, whatever works for you is good......

        As far as the supps, I think the one that I would get from here is the Kudzu - the others I would say you can get from anywhere but the Kudzu does seem to be different for whatever reason (again, just from my experience).

        Wishing you all the best, sending hugs,

        sun X

        p.S. I agree with Kradle - L-glut is amazing stuff - as long as I take it !!!!
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          Really need answer with topa question

          Kradle, thank you, my dr. will refill i just hate to take it...but it's what worked. I will try the lglutamine as well....but can you take it together? I'm holding in....six beers so far and they taste like ass and i am ready for bed. This is a lot less than my 24-30 daily so here's a plus. Can I take the topa after drinking today? I have never done that.


            Really need answer with topa question

            struggles;1434304 wrote: Kradle, thank you, my dr. will refill i just hate to take it...but it's what worked. I will try the lglutamine as well....but can you take it together? I'm holding in....six beers so far and they taste like ass and i am ready for bed. This is a lot less than my 24-30 daily so here's a plus. Can I take the topa after drinking today? I have never done that.
            Hi honey

            I remember when I first took Topa I was out with a friend and ordered a beer...I called the waitress over and told her that they had clearly given me a beer which must have 'spoiled' in the vat!! :H. I had completely forgotten how horrible beer or soda tasted on Topa.

            I took the LGlut with the Topa and was fine except for the terrible SE so I dropped, tapered down and am now just lGlut. I did take Topa when drinking and at first found it curbed my intake considerable.

            But as I continued to do both I noticed the Topa got less and less effective until I just said screw it and stopped everything all together and went back to drinking ...that was several years ago. Needless to say I didn't drink when I went back on least I don't think I did...

            In short, I do think it looses it's efficacy if you do both. Wether it's psychological or physical I don't know but the result either way is the same so I would be aware as you move along on your journey

            Stay close and CONGRATULATIONS on reducing the number of beers!! I remember how amazed and happy I was when I realized after the second glass of wine that I didn't want anymore :yay:

            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
   tool box
   newbie nest


              Really need answer with topa question

              Thank you! Eight beers today and no desire for more....actually i want a cheeseburger with the works My kids are gone for a week and this usually leaves me to drink and drink and drink since I dont have to be back to work until the second of jan. I am still sticking close to the eight, but the ninth is looming. I just made myself a chicken sandwich and keep reading on here. I need the support. I will again take the topa tonight and hope each day comes along. Sad, how my life has come to this. ;(

