Of course, there is plenty to watch and be annoyed/disgusted by at the moment. Ed and I have been talking about which Scandinavian country we are most likely to be able to get into. I can't imagine living without a super-sized fridge and 1600 square feet though. Perhaps a banana republic?
(And please don't take that the wrong way, Americans. I love living here. I also like making fun of us. Chillax.

Don't move to Scandinavia. It's cold and dark. Europe is generally a write off. I have a dream of having some sort of job where I spend the summers in Sweden and the winters in Argentina. I met a lifeguard in Spain who did that.
I am all for the power of people helping themselves and this forum. I can't help getting angry at the stupidity of doctors I have had to suffer over the past several years. This is a serious illness and just letting it shuffle along while people qualify as counsellors etc and that is going to change the world is an example of delusional thinking.