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Baclofen binge drinking

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    Baclofen binge drinking

    It seems like either baclofen or Naltrexone then , UK blonde did the doc say why baclofen was not suited to you and do you just take a 50 mg of Nal before you drink ,
    I also am trying to do alot of personal work on myself , looking forward to seeing what my GP says , I think the lexapro is adding to suicidal thoughts I will have to change from that also !


      Baclofen binge drinking

      jokerman;1438655 wrote: It seems like either baclofen or Naltrexone then , UK blonde did the doc say why baclofen was not suited to you and do you just take a 50 mg of Nal before you drink ,
      I also am trying to do alot of personal work on myself , looking forward to seeing what my GP says , I think the lexapro is adding to suicidal thoughts I will have to change from that also !
      I'm not exactly sure, I simply described my drinking and how baclofen was affecting me(I had particularly bad side effects). I feel he thought I wasn't drinking purely out of anxiety.

      Yes I took 50mg at least one hour before I drank, at first this was several hours before drinking because I didn't trust myself to wait once the urge hit me. I also believe some people have tried a combination of Baclofen and Naltrexone to combat the problem from both angles.
      I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

      Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

      AF date 22/07/13


        Baclofen binge drinking

        Hi there , so i went to my GP today and asked him about Naltrexone and Nalmefene , he had not heard of Naltrexone used in this way and heard nothing about Nalmefene (which I saw somewhere may be out in April) To be fair to him he asked me to email him info on both . I was wondering what would be the best links to send him ? I think it would have to be some detailed trial or University research etc , I have researched both but would like some input into what people think would really get my GP interested . I have decided to go with the drugs above and see while also keeping an eye on baclofen if they dont work . If my GP doesent help then I will buy it myself.



          Baclofen binge drinking

          Rusty;1438526 wrote: My experience is the same as Hippyman's. Baclofen absolutely removed that "it's happy hour" bell that went off in my head on the weekdays, and took that compelling "it's the weekend....why not start drinking at noon..." desire in my head. I hit the switch at 90 mgs. but I have been at between 30-40 mgs. for a year and a half. It was the answer for me...because it addressed the underlying cause of why I drank....a severe anxiety disorder that I've had since I was 4 but was only really confirmed when I had my first appt. with Dr. Levin a year and a half ago. I owe my sobriety to Dr. L and Baclofen. BTW, many people PM me and ask if I am a man. No, I'm female and 51.

          Hippyman-love your avatar, and your posts, too. Keep posting and congratulations on your AF time.:goodjob:
          Thank you Rusty. Bac is certainly a life saver and I wish I could do more to get in into the hands of those poor souls who still suffer. :l
          Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
 Newbies Nest
 Tool Box
 How to get a sobriety plan


            Baclofen binge drinking

            Joker - Allen Carr wrote a whole book about Naltrexone. It didn't work for me. It just eliminates the buzz. What good is that?

            I'm on 12.5 mg Topamax AM and PM. It's what is recommended by Roberta Jewel who started this site. Many can moderate on this drug. It's a drug used for migraines, but another off use is to curb alcohol cravings. For me I know I CAN NOT DRINK. I am an extremest and always want MORE!

            So it's a good drug both ways.

            If you go online and search alcohol cravings "xxxx" then put in each of the medicines, you should find lots of info.

            Like everyone's said, to each his/her own! Good luck!
            I will be sober so I can be clear and remember being a mommy and so I can be in the best place God wants to place me. I will be here! now! FREE! 12.5mg Topamax AM&PM, Ativan until safe from withdrawal syndrome & for anxiety. Thank God I Am Done!


              Baclofen binge drinking

              Baclofen and Topamax... seem to be pretty great stuff!
              I will be sober so I can be clear and remember being a mommy and so I can be in the best place God wants to place me. I will be here! now! FREE! 12.5mg Topamax AM&PM, Ativan until safe from withdrawal syndrome & for anxiety. Thank God I Am Done!


                Baclofen binge drinking

                Thanks for the info Rainyday !!!


                  Baclofen binge drinking

                  You might want to send a private message to Timber Tim, or do a search for his posts. He has similar experience and took baclofen successfully, and helps other people with it too.

                  You might also do a google search of "binge" "bac" or "baclofen" and "my way out". I think you'll find a lot of info about people just like you...though maybe not all of them are Irish. You never know though.

