My wife is at 80mgs/day and will go through a surgery with general anesthesia. When we told the anesthetist about the bac, she simply decided `baclofen is not necessary!` and we chose not to tell her why she is taking the pills.
Normally my wife takes the pills 30 in the morning, 30 after lunch and 20mgs when going to bed. She will have the surgery at around 11.00am. So what we will possibly do is (also what the anesthetist agreed), she won`t take her night dose and the morning one, and she will continue normal dosage by starting with 30 when she will be able to have medication orally again, possibly in the afternoon.
Do you think this is conservative enough in terms of not causing interaction between bac and anesthetics ? And would it cause any withdrawal problems ?
Thanks in advance for any comments !