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No Naltrexone Discussions - Lets Talk

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    No Naltrexone Discussions - Lets Talk

    martye;1442657 wrote: A review of the literature indicates that even when given at much higher doses than are needed for treating heroin or alcohol abusers, there is no evidence that NTX causes clinically significant liver disease or exacerbates, even at high doses, serious pre-existing liver disease
    I also heard the same thing; that you have to increase the dose to 5 or 6 times for it to be bad for the liver. Also there is "nalmefene", the new version of the drug, with no potential damage to the liver at all, but I don't know when it will be widely available.


      No Naltrexone Discussions - Lets Talk

      I would not mind moving off baclofen back to Nal if it would keep me clean. However, the opiod blocker concerns me. I have back issues right now and my meds barely work with the baclofen in my system.

      I am guessing nal would kill any pain relieving assistance?


        No Naltrexone Discussions - Lets Talk

        joethelion;1442831 wrote: I also heard the same thing; that you have to increase the dose to 5 or 6 times for it to be bad for the liver. Also there is "nalmefene", the new version of the drug, with no potential damage to the liver at all, but I don't know when it will be widely available.
        As far as I'm concerned the idea that Naltrexone causes liver damage is a misinterpreted, misunderstood piece of information based around the recommendation that medics carry out liver tests before prescribing.

        In my opinion it's recommended to keep on eye on the liver because the person carries on drinking with TSM, not because the Naltrexone is doing any damage. As above Nal has to be taken in large doses in order to affect the liver. The consultant who recommended my GP prescribe to me also states in a letter to her that there are "no long term consequences of taking naltrexone" - his experiences are mostly based on prescription for opiod addiction but this would appear to support my argument.

        Next time I toddle off to the Docs I'll request a liver function test, had one 6 months into Nal and it came back low. Let's see what it does almost 2 years in.
        I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

        Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

        AF date 22/07/13


          No Naltrexone Discussions - Lets Talk

          Both I and my wife have regular liver tests, and things have gone much much better (because of less alcohol) after nal, and we are well within limits now. Her ggt for example was over 400, now it is around 30 IU/L.

          Apart from the first week of mild side effects sometimes, and bad hangovers after heavy drinking sessions, I can't even imagine any bad effects or interaction from nal. I even read somewhere it could soon be sold over-the-counter in the US, although I'm not sure about this info.


            No Naltrexone Discussions - Lets Talk

            The dosage that is "dangerous for the liver" is 300mg, which is noted on wikipedia. Normal dosage is only 50mg. The wikipedia article goes on to say " Concerns for liver toxicity initially arose from a study of non-addicted obese patients receiving 300mg of naltrexone.[45]Subsequent studies have suggested limited toxicity in other patient populations." See "Adverse Effects" on this page: Naltrexone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            I agree with UKBlonde, the evidence doesn't support this repeated statement. The article cited refutes the liver damage claim. I don't understand why people keep repeating it. What the heck do people think drinking 80-100 units per week is doing? I would be willing to bet it's far more than 50mg of naltrexone does by a factor of 1,000.

            Baclofen has other side effects. It has other benefits, too. One should do what they are comfortable with.
            Sinclair Method (50mg naltrexone one hour before drinking)

            Pre TSM 80-90 Units Per Week, No Alc Free Days

            After control: 3-6 units per month, 25+ alcohol free days!


              No Naltrexone Discussions - Lets Talk

              Completely agree with the bloody obvious points made by Heavy Fuel & UKblonde. Do we see people dropping like flies because of drink in the developed world? Yes, we do. From Nal? It might be hell, but it doesn't even kill the junkies unless they do a stupid amount to try & bust the blockade. 50mg for drink & it's almost funny that anyone could worry about liver damage.

              Shall I a, take about 15% the amount of a drug that x6 has a good chance of eliminating my addiction in under a year but possibly causing the tiniest, almost unmeasurable stress to the liver, which is an organ that deals with thousands of similar trivial stresses every day,

              or shall I

              b, Get really paranoid that as far as the liver is concerned, 50mg/day ntx on a drinking or possible drinking day might make my liver 0.000000000000000001% worse, so refuse to use it, & instead continue whacking down a full bottle of vodka every day?

              The idea of talking about liver disease *caused* by naltrexone is one of the most stupid arguments I have ever heard. Its like saying you've got possibly terminal cancer, but it's early enough that we can try to cure it for good with cancer drugs, except we won't, because if we do some of your hair might fall out or you might get a runny nose. FOR FUCK'S SAKE - at least I'll still be alive, and who knows, maybe I won't get the SEs of the drug I *need* to avoid certain death.

