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Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

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    Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

    Hope you hit it soon Diver. I've also stopped TSM last week (9 months). Bac is on the horizon.

    Watch your Xanax useage. I was hooked before and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


      Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

      Hey Diver,Im new to these boards but just read your thread here. So youve only gained 5 pounds even on 320? If so, thats pretty darn good.Im currently sober(many embarassing and scary blackouts are what helped me quit) but I am still taking bac for anxiety and Ive gained 20 pounds from a mere 30 mg.Ive been trying to lose but its just not coming off yet.

      Good to know from everyone about the snoring and the runny nose however.My BF said the same thing, man u sure have been shaking the rafters lately, hhe. I actually did suspect it was from the baclofen, but the runny nose and cough I had NO idea! Its not too disturbing but the skin under my nose was even starting to split and become raw there for a while.I also notice that it runs like crazy when Im eating and didnt make the connection.

      If thats the least price I gotta pay though for no anxiety then Ill take it, if you can do 320 I oughtta be able to handle 30..the important thing is that your having more and more AF days! With or without the bac for me it is always MUCH harder in the beginning or early days of sobriety , but the more distance Ive gotten between me and the booze the easier it gets.


        Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

        Weight was always an issue for me with baclofen, at least in the initial stages. I don't know whether it is because I have titrated up so fast, or whatever else may be responsible, but I have put on 8 kg's in 2 weeks, obviously most of it through water retention. I move like a whale, and respond to the phases of the moon, being almost tideally thrown about my bed by the rising and setting of the orb above me.

        Putting on this much weight so rapidly is excruciatingly uncomfortable; it is also temporary. Just ignore it, and it will go away. Either that, or I will soon blot out your very sun as I sway above you.


          Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

          HHa that was great:H.. yea exactly how I feel its like I can even avoid carbs like crazy and while I should be feeling svelt and trim from the lack of carb water retention its still there, been dieting for two weeks and lost NUTTIN and then I saw another member on here I think his name is Loop that looks like granite after being on baclofen and eats brownies on his carb up days.Granted he works out and is also a man but Im hoping perhaps that will happen for me to at some point, Im tryin and working out as well. I see now that Im not alone tho.I cant imagine if I went up to 300 or so mg! All meds just balloon me up. Ive never taken a one that didnt even alcohol did that to me and I could just stop eating and only drink and totally gained. Anyways, I really hope your right and it goes away cause Im with ya its very uncomfortable.Ive even thought of looking for some kind of diet pill to amp me up a bit but then that would probably be a bit counterintuitive as most of those cause anxiety... alas, there is no perfect solution.


            Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

            I have severly restricted my carbs and continue to work out. I have dropped 4 pounds but my carb intake is > 20 grams per day. I won't be able to keep that up this week however since I will be traveling all week on buisness, so we'll see how many I gain back by next Saturday.


              Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???


              Good God, bleep. I hope you lose some weight before you plunge Zim into darkness.

              Runny nose is a bonafide SE of baclofen. It's actually listed on the insert and everything! Which can lead to congestion, and snoring.

              Have you guys read this thread?

              and this one:


              I can't actually remember which one is which, and can't read them right now. But I basically followed lo0p's lead in terms of exercise and, well, WOW. The no carb thing doesn't work for me, and I don't know how it could work for anyone, but whatever...
              Lifting heavy weights absolutely did. (And ftr, in case any women come around and think they can't because it leads to big muscles and no boobs...Nope. I still look like a girl. )
              I generally don't get into the exercise/diet stuff around here because opinions about that are relentless. But what worked for lo0p worked for me and several other people around here.

              Hang in there!


                Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

                Woa Diver 20 freaking carbs a day is LOW u must be DYING for some sugar!Congrats on losing four pounds though, thats great esp being on a high bac dose.I know it doesnt effect everyone like that but it sure does me.As long as I can lose it doesnt matter how slow it goes for me so that gives me hope I can do it as well.

                Neva- I think I did read that thread but not the second one, Im gonna go back and read them both though. Heres the thing, you brought up some good ideas I had. Although it seem this bac causes me to seriously hang onto water weight and ah I think it kinda messes with regularity too, I also know that bac increases growth hormone. So although it may be harder for us to lose weight through restriction or normal means of fat loss, IF we begin weight lifting bac just might help a wee bit in converting this excess fat into muscle thus making us smaller and increasing our metabolic rate that way.

                Im no whiz at this stuff but seems it works something like that. Great to know that worked for you and your a female as well.I already lift weights and such but fell of for a while so I think after I reread that thread Im going to try and follow Loops lead as well. I dont think Im brave enough to eat brownies just yet on carb up days tho like he did but I did just get one of Tom Venutos books.

                So no carbs didnt work for you?Thats really the only thing that has ever worked for me but what I did was rotate my carbs between very little carbs, medium and then high carbs so my body didnt get too used to it but eating no carbs for too long just sucks and gets to where it doesnt work any more.

                Sorry Diver, disnt mean to turn this into an exersice thread so Ill stop there hha and oh yea didnt make the connection about the runny nose and snoring till I logged onto this site but FOR SURE got them both, but like I said if thats the least of it Ill take it.


                  Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

                  (Sorry Diver!)

                  I don't diet. I don't get it--not how to do it, not why to do it, and certainly not how to live it. And obviously self-denial is not one of my strengths.

                  When I lost weight it was because I started actually eating real, whole food. (As opposed to liquid sugar and junk.) And I got strong and fierce (rawr ) when I started busting it at the gym. After 2 years of doing the regular stuff at the gym, I followed Lo0p's lead and picked up some heavy weights. I gained weight, but you couldn't see it. It was all muscle. And the fat? Melted off. Cut my gym time in half, too. I wish I'd get off this chair and get back to it... *sigh*

                  Check out Martin Berkhan's (?) Lean Gains. I don't follow anything specific, but that's where Lo0p found the nutrition stuff. I think he's still doing it, but am not really sure.

                  Back to you Diver! ...


                    Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

                    I'm a little annoyed with myself that I posted that stuff about my own experience with losing weight.

                    It seems to me that this battle we have to remove alcohol from our lives is all-consuming, no matter how you do it. Add into it that we're trying to manage taking a medication, usually without oversight, and that one thing needs primary focus. You know?

                    I can't imagine being successful at giving up the sauce while cutting carbs. If anything, it seems to me to be a rational thing to increase carbs when you're eliminating them in other (more important) ways. Not just to manage cravings, although we all have experienced the lessening of craving because of food. The brain and nerves needs sugar. While MnMs (my favorite food since I stopped drinking unfortunately) offer that sugar in the most direct route, it's much better to get that sugar from a sweet potato.

                    Exercise, on the other hand, is as effective as antidepressants according to several studies. The benefits go on and on and on. Given the fact that baclofen seems to increase performance, stamina, etc. it is a natural conclusion that exercise really, really benefits us way more than we talk about here. My own personal experience with exercise when I was titrating up was amazing. I didn't have to look in the mirror, and I don't own a scale. I LOVED it. And I did it in moderation, without keeping track or doing all of those things the exercise gurus tell you to do. I just started picking up heavy things (like 20 lbs--not 200!) and taking the dog for longer and faster walks.

                    While I know that gaining weight is a huge issue in terms of self-esteem, and that obesity is a morbidity risk factor, I guarantee that being a skinny drunk is worse on both accounts.

                    Hope you don't mind my input and that you're both well.


                      Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

                      Hi truvision,

                      I know this sounds a bit off the wall put have you heard of oil pulling at all?

                      Basically it means you swill an oil, I use coconut, around your mouth for 20 minutes and the spit the contents out. It originated in India.

                      It is supposed to have numerous benefits on one's health, mainly oral hygiene, but also weight loss.

             Sorry i tried to get the link but it did not work.

                      I started it about two weeks ago because my gums have recessed following braces. In that short space of time my gums have improved. What I was not expecting was the weight loss. It cannot be anything else. I realise that this is not scientific and you may think I am bonkers but as it is harmless and costs next to nothing, perhaps you could do some research to see if it is something you are interested in.



                        Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

                        Very interesting stuff! Neva- yea our self-esteems are so intertwined with image and weight but its the quality of life and how we should feel inside that matters so much more.We know from experience that being skinny and strung out is far more detrimental than a few extra pounds but its easy to forget how bad things were after a while and so we have to remind ourselves. Im so glad to hear the weights worked for you though. I have also noticed the increase in stamina.. it is freaking amazing that a pill can do that so its def not all bad but yea going without carbs after quitting will make us go totally freaking bonkers so def only good to do after were pretty stable.

                        Caro- havnt heard of oil pulling but hey Im ALL INTO trying alternative methods, my family laughs at me for the things I do. Ive got a couple small flat warts on my face and just the past few nights Ive been going around with banana peels taped to my face( heard it works and so far I think it is! hhe). So yea Ill DEF google that and try it, what do I have to lose!Report back if you see any results, Id def like to know.

                        I wonder how much longer Divers held out without carbs... like he said, doing that is next to impossible when traveling.Of course, we know staying away from the booze while traveling is pretty tough as well.Something about traveling always triggers me, I guess its cause I equate it to 'vacation' time.


                          Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

                          The restricting the carbs works for me, I am a protien lover and veggie lover to begin with so it is not so difficult for me. I am traveling this week so it is a little more difficult than at home, but Monday before I left I weighed myself and was down to 189 from 197! Of course I expect that it will go up a bit after a week on the road, more drinking, a few more carbs and no exercise.

                          Bac - On!


                            Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

                            Yea that actually is one of the only things that works for me too. Congrats on the weight loss ,thats pretty darn good!Dont worry too much about eating more carbs, its actually good to do from time to time so that your metabolism doesn't stall out although I know from experience that alcohol can really pack it on.


                              Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

                              HIT THE SWITCH

                              The truly great news is that I have hit my SWITCH!!! :finger: U Alcohol

                              I have been on bac for 135 days and at my switch dose of 330 for the last 26 days. Really weird I do not have any problem getting through the work week completely AF and not obsessing with alcohol every waking moment. I believe that I wouldn?t have any problem going AF on the weekend, but my wife likes to relax on the weekend with a few cocktails so I have been joining her. Prior to hitting the switch I would join her and also sneak a bunch of shots in between drinks. Now I just keep pace with her and am not bothered with having to drink more on the sly.

                              My work is about to get real intense and I am still being hit with major somnolence and have a tough time making it through the day without a nap. I was hoping to stay at my switch dose for 60 days, but thinks that I need to start dropping down to hopefully find my maintenance dose.
                              What is the current thinking on how long one should stay at the switch dose prior to titrating down to find the maintenance dose?


                                Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

                                I'd have thought 26 days would have done it be be confident to start moving down slowly. I'm not at my switch yet but I don't think I'm far off. Maybe there's better posters to give advice. I'll definitely be moving down not long after if and when I switch. I'm not in the "stay at your switch dose for the foreseeable future" camp.

                                Well done by the way!

