Awesome news Diver! I have been wondering what your status was. I am not indifferent yet, but it's close for sure.
I talked to Dr. Levin a couple of weeks ago and he explained that Dr. A eventually became "interested in alcohol again" while at a lower maintenance dose. He made a full recovery after increasing the dose again I assume, because (according to Dr. L) they now agree that people should stay at their indifference dose permanently, after the "switch" happens.
A lot of folks disagree that this is necessary and hopefully they will weigh in soon. I for one, do not want to remain at a high dose indefinitely.
I read an interesting post on another forum ( by D1chotomy in the "Who we are" section. His avatar was Bminor when he was active here on MWO. He chose to be abstinient about 2 years ago and stopped taking baclofen regularly. I guess he takes it once in a while for anxiety, but that's all. That sounds like the ideal situation to me, but abstinence may not be your goal.
Congratulations and thanks for keeping us posted!
Oh one question - are you still practicing TSM when you do drink?