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Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

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    Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

    I've undertaken a drastic taper down from 275/300 to not an awful lot in under a week with no major SEs but I don't want to even go into it as its counter-productive to what most poster might think and I agree its not a process I would have undertaken if I had not have had any other choose.

    I just thought I'd post about it. I also deleted a post regarding this but I'm here to talk about it and thought every opinion should be put forward whether right or wrong.


      Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

      The good news is so far no symptoms. I have upped my dosage and plan to get to 320 by the end of the day. Hopefully this should prevent any withdrawals. For those that are experienced with this should I still be worried about withdrawals? I only took 60mgs yesterday.

      As far as why I believe that it was the bac causing this is that I ate at home and the rest of my family ate the same thing I did, so I ruled out food poisoning. I have not heard about anyone having the flu or any other virus, so I ruled that out.

      Lastly I had some mild twitching when I was titrating up, but yesterday the tremors were very pronounced and I had no way to control them until they gave my the Antivan at the ER.

      Thanks for all the input it has been very helpful ... please keep it coming you are great support.


        Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

        Oh yeah ... I didn't post an answer regarding alcohol being the cause, I only had five glasses of wine the night before. Unfortunately it takes much more that that for me to get violently ill.

        I also want to say that baclofen has done wonders for my drinking, and I believe that it is safe, but I had some weird reaction this weekend.

        Again thanks for all you support during my "crises".


          Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

          Diver;1517742 wrote: For those that are experienced with this should I still be worried about withdrawals? I only took 60mgs yesterday.
          When I would miss a dose (~60mg out of 240-280) I would experience some sweaty sleeplessness the next night after the day I skipped my dose. But your mileage may vary (and I know you missed more than 60mg)..

          Diver;1517742 wrote:
          As far as why I believe that it was the bac causing this is that I ate at home and the rest of my family ate the same thing I did, so I ruled out food poisoning. I have not heard about anyone having the flu or any other virus, so I ruled that out.

          Lastly I had some mild twitching when I was titrating up, but yesterday the tremors were very pronounced and I had no way to control them until they gave my the Antivan at the ER.
          Could you have double dosed? Nausea and vomiting are widely known and reported here as a side-effect of taking too much baclofen, electrical shocks to the hands too.

          Just one story:

          Diver;1517759 wrote:
          Oh yeah ... I didn't post an answer regarding alcohol being the cause, I only had five glasses of wine the night before. Unfortunately it takes much more that that for me to get violently ill.
          5 glasses of wine at this point in my life (especially if I poured them) would probably earn me a hangover at 180mg/day of bac, but again, that's me.

          Good Luck,
          TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


            Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

            Just to add a counterpoint to tk (without disagreeing with him!), I have done pretty big drops when titrating down and felt no difference. Missing a dose or two on a 4 dose a day schedule would not make a difference to me.

            I think it just goes to show how differently baclofen reacts with everyone, which makes it very tough to advise on.

            The double dose idea is a good one, any possibility of that?


              Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

              Bleep and TK,

              I have thought long and hard about the possibility that I double dosed and can't for the life of me conceive how I could of done that. It would certainly explain the reaction that I had, so I am going to continue to try to replay Friday in my head.

              So far, so good I am up to 295 and will take another 35 before I go to bed. I haven't felt any withdrawal symptoms nor adverse reactions to the Bac. Although I have been extremely paranoid worry about it.

              Thanks again for the support.


                Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

                Diver;1517840 wrote: Bleep and TK,

                I have thought long and hard about the possibility that I double dosed and can't for the life of me conceive how I could of done that. It would certainly explain the reaction that I had, so I am going to continue to try to replay Friday in my head.

                So far, so good I am up to 295 and will take another 35 before I go to bed. I haven't felt any withdrawal symptoms nor adverse reactions to the Bac. Although I have been extremely paranoid worry about it.

                Thanks again for the support.
                What brand of baclofen are you using?

                And, yeah paranoia and the mental game that taking high dose baclofen plays in your head can be a tough one. Try not to let your thoughts run away from you or second guess yourself too much. It *is* a safe medication.

                TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                  Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???


                  I have been using primarily liquid baclofen and at times Lioresal 25mgs, however for the days leading up to my mishap I had been taking only the liquid baclofen which I have used for months so I don't think that would have caused it.

                  The good news is that I made it through the night and slept great with no issues so I think that I may be out of the woods.

                  I am planning on continueing with baclofen, however my challenge will be convincing my wife that it is a good idea. She is really against paranoid about medication in general and for me to be taking this without a prescription and high doses she thinks is insane. At first I was doing it without her knowledge, but decided for safety sake I had better inform her. I gave her Dr. A's book to read, and she relunctantly supported me. Now however she is absolutly paronoid and against it, so much so that she hid all of my bac. She didn't know that I had a reserve supply at my office, so I am OK for 8 or 9 days. I am going on a buisness trip today and will be back on Friday. My plan is to contact Dr. Levin, since I think that she will be more comfortable if there is a doctor on board. I didn't want to do that since I didn't want alcohlosism on my record, but since the ER and Detox last weekend I guess the cat is out of the bag. I have read a fair amout about Dr. L and will try to contact him this evening. I know that he is somewhat different so I wonder if I should bring up the whole ER issure or if it is better left unsaid. My wife will certainly ask what is response was to this weeks events. Any guidance here would be much appreciated.

                  This week due the the situation I described above I will be taking 100% Lioresal, does anyone have any information on this brand?



                    Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???


                    I'm a newbie and don't have much info to help, but just wanted to say that it's great that you're starting to look like you're out of the woods.

                    Best of luck with getting your wife's support... I think that you're right, that a script from Dr. L might make a difference in getting her to support the regimen that you feel is right for you.

                    Take care and good luck...


                      Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

                      Diver;1517979 wrote: TK,

                      I have been using primarily liquid baclofen and at times Lioresal 25mgs, however for the days leading up to my mishap I had been taking only the liquid baclofen which I have used for months so I don't think that would have caused it.
                      I'm no expert regarding liquid baclofen, but I believe that (because it's a heterogenous mixture in suspension) it must be thoroughly agitated before each dose draw to ensure a proper amount/concentration of baclofen. I thought I remembered one forum member posting that she had trouble with too strong a concentration at the bottom of a bottle even though she thought she was vigilant with shaking/dosing during the month - I can't find that post right now, so I could be imagining things. Lo0p, if you're reading this please jump in here if you feel that I'm incorrect here. Could dosing concentration be a possibility?
                      TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                        Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???


                        Good thought, but I shake it well and it was close to full. I have been in touch with Lo0p offline regarding this.

                        I agree it seems like somehow I got overdosed myself. But for the life of me I do not believe that I double dosed.

                        Any thoughts about contacting Dr. L and discussing my interesting weekend?

                        Thanks Again


                          Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

                          Diver;1518146 wrote: TK,

                          Good thought, but I shake it well and it was close to full. I have been in touch with Lo0p offline regarding this.

                          I agree it seems like somehow I got overdosed myself. But for the life of me I do not believe that I double dosed.

                          Any thoughts about contacting Dr. L and discussing my interesting weekend?

                          Thanks Again
                          I've sent you a PM.
                          TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                            Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

                            Dr L may legitimise the process in your wife's eyes, but from what I know, that is all that will happen. I don't think you will receive and game-changing guidance from the man.

                            Still, legitimising the process should not be underrated. I find I am seldom happy when my wife is pissed off with me!


                              Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

                              Diver;1517979 wrote: TK,

                              This week due the the situation I described above I will be taking 100% Lioresal, does anyone have any information on this brand?

                              Lioresal is 100% fine (what my wife and I used all along), and Novartis Pharma (the manufacturer) are a very respectable company in Europe.


                                Diver's TSM and Baclofen Journey ... ???

                                Great News ... First I dodged the withdrawl bullet. For our ongoing database of our experiences I was at 330 per day and I went one day of only 60. I went back up to 330 the following day and did not suffer any withdrawls.

                                The other great news is that I spoke with Dr. Levin this evening and I set-up an appointment for him to speak with my wife to hopefully get her back on board. He also will be sending me a script via snail mail.

                                I didn't contact him when I started this journey because I wanted to keep this under the radar, but my visits to ER and a detox facility pretty much blew that idea way the hell out of the water.

                                Hopefully the call on Monday with my wife goes well. I'll keep all of my MWO friends posted on the outcome.

                                Thank you all for the awesome support over the last few days to help me deal with this fiasco.

