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Two French Trials of Baclofen and another site!

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    Two French Trials of Baclofen and another site!

    redhead77;1449048 wrote: I now always ask before I put anything in my mouth.
    I looked it up for you, so you don't have to ask, just in case:

    VolumeWebMD advises that semen volumes between 1.0 mL and 6.5 mL are normal;[2] WHO regards 1.5 ml as the lower reference limit.[6] Low volume may indicate partial or complete blockage of the seminal vesicles, or that the man was born without seminal vesicles.[1] In clinical practice, a volume of less than 2 mL in the setting of infertility and absent sperm should prompt an evaluation for obstructive azoospermia. A caveat to this is be sure it has been at least 48 hours since the last ejaculation to time of sample collection.

    [edit] Fructose levelRegarding the level of fructose in the semen, WebMD lists normal as at least 3 mg/mL.[2] WHO specifies a normal level of 13 μmol per sample. Absence of fructose may indicate a problem with the seminal vesicles.[1]

    [edit] pHWebMD lists a normal pH range of 7.1-8.0;[2] WHO criteria specify normal as 7.2-7.8.[1] Acidic ejaculate (lower pH value) may indicate one or both of the seminal vesicles are blocked. A basic ejaculate (higher pH value) may indicate an infection.[1] A pH value outside of the normal range is harmful to sperm.[2]

    [edit] LiquefactionThe liquefaction is the process when the gel formed by proteins from the seminal vesicles is broken up and the semen becomes more liquid. It normally takes less than 20 minutes for the sample to change from a thick gel into a liquid. In the NICE guidelines, a liquefaction time within 60 minutes is regarded as within normal ranges.[13]

    Everyone has a unique odor and thus everyone also has a unique taste. And although there is no scientific evidence to prove any of the following claims that are believed to improve the taste of your semen, they are nevertheless widely believed among drinkers and squirters alike.

    Believe it or not, many of the things that affect body odor are believed to affect the taste of semen as well. For instance, alcohol and coffee are believed to give semen a bitter, pungent taste.

    As well, cigarettes, garlic, onions, broccoli, and cauliflower are also believed to alter the taste of your love juice. The cigarettes need no explanation; you're inhaling fire, let's get real. But because the aforementioned foods tend to have a distinct odor, it's believed that they will affect the way you taste.

    If you're dehydrated, pig out on spicy foods or are taking medication, these factors may also contribute to an uninviting flavor. So maybe you should take it easy on Mexican delights and start downing water like there's no tomorrow.


    What To Eat / Drink What To Avoid
    Plums Broccoli
    Oranges Brussels Sprouts
    Lemons Spices
    Limes Coffee
    Cilantro Chocolate
    Spearmint Cigarettes
    Grapefruit Asparagus
    Green tea Chemically processed liquor
    Beer Onions
    Pineapple Garlic
    Mangoes Dairy Products
    Chamomile tea Red meat

    cocktail, anyone?

    There are recommended foods to make your little guys taste great as well. Again, this has not been scientifically proven, but hey, so long as these foods are not poisonous, what's the harm in trying, huh?

    Before we get into the flavor, let's talk about output. A lot of guys would love it if they could make like one of the characters in Scary Movie and ejaculate so much that they plaster their girlfriends against the ceiling. And although that won't likely be happening anytime soon, it's believed that wheat germ increases seminal output. Bon app?tit.

    Considering most guys are avid meat eaters, keep in mind that red meat apparently makes semen taste more acidic. Hmm, nothing like the taste of acid to end off a wonderful night of sexual fun.

    To sweeten up your inner load, drink plenty of pineapple juice, and eat bananas and papaya. Their sweetness results in yours. And of course, lest we forget that parsley can do wonders for men worldwide -- it eliminates body odor, freshens breath and improves the taste of seminal fluid.

    Read more: Smell & Taste Good For Her - AskMen

    Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

