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High Doses of Baclofen

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    High Doses of Baclofen

    I'm at 300 mg dose which seems to be my switch! I understand that tampering down is no longer the protocol (I believe Dr. A is steady at 38-) but I'm having severe memory and concentration problems which is either a symptom of Bac or something else? I would really like to be at a lower maintenance dose but don't want to rock the boat.
    I would love to hear from anyone that's gotten this high and whether they think my issues from Bac or not.

    Much thanks,

    High Doses of Baclofen

    Hey, Tallulah! Congratulations!!! Wow! It's hard work to get there. I hope you feel really good about it.

    I got up to 320mg. It might have been 340mg, but I couldn't count, much less keep accurate records at that point. (Feb 2011) Which is :H, unless you're trying to live through it! I know you know!

    I don't know how long I stayed there, but it was less than a week. Then I titrated down too quickly and too much (to around ~100mg) and started appreciating the taste of booze enough that I went back up. (Mar/Apr 2011)
    Then I went up to 220mg. (May-Aug/Sept 2011) My goal was 240mg, but the SEs were terrible and I didn't want to drink. At all. Which is the point, right?

    I stayed there for a while and then went down again to about 140mg. I stayed there until I started feeling really anxious about life stuff and I added another 20mg. I have taken 160mg now for about 6 months.

    I know exactly what Dr. L says (having heard it many times) and I know that some people around here continue to repeat that message. I'll say this (again): I think Dr. L is wrong. Dr. Ameisen told me himself that "I never said to stay at the switch dose." I also know that Dr. L contradicts this statement, but Dr. A said it to me and he wrote it in an email to someone who posted it on here.

    I know of a couple of people who stay at or near their switch dose. They tend to be able to think, cope and carry on with life at their switch dose. What's more, one of them (a very good example--Terryk) took 8 months to get to his. Another (Lo0p) never really had any SEs to speak of, so what he takes has little effect--other than the important one! The remaining people do not fare as well, from what I understand, and tend to go off or go way down. Not a good outcome for most. I have also seen several people (good friends in all cases) suffer from increased debilitating SEs that disappeared when they went down just a little bit. You probably know by now that one level is not the same as the last. That's true going down, too.

    I tend to think that if something is making my life miserable, if I can't function or cope, then something has to change. I haven't had a drink against my will since Feb 2011, so it definitely worked for me! Hope it works out the same for you!


      High Doses of Baclofen

      My husband also got to 320mg to reach indifference. (June 2011) He stayed at his switch dose for a little while (I'll ask him if you really want to know) and then went down about ~20mg every couple of weeks. He takes 140mg now and has for the last year or more. Again, I'll ask him if you want specifics. He's never varied his dose, other than the times that he takes it.


        High Doses of Baclofen

        I struggled with my switch dosage. I dropped down because I was messy also. Then I start drinking a bit too much. AF was not my goal but indifference was.
        Sooo, I had to go back up. My switch seems to change here and there but I am at it again.

        I would say to stick with it for a while if you can and lower a little and make sure you feel right with it.

        It's inexact. Overall it's saved my life. Even when I started drinking a bit it was not much and I realized I was not going to drive down that road much further.


          High Doses of Baclofen

          Whatever it takes.

          Neva's story is a shining example. Where is it?

          edit: I'm sorry I can't be more helpful. I jumped to high doses very quickly.

          I did have SE's though, initially and for periods of time where I was taking some American brands I'd call "nasty". Some brands had me me feeling like I was crawling up the walls. I'll take Teva only today, if I were to take pills. I'm very "brand sensitive". I can't even take Lioresal, the original. :H

          That's the only penny I've got.
          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

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            High Doses of Baclofen

            You are at very high dosages. I need for dosage advice as well. Writing my post, please contribute as well...

