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Interview with Claudia Christian on TSM

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    Interview with Claudia Christian on TSM

    Babylon Confidential 01/17 by Kenneth Anderson | Blog Talk Radio

    Very good interview in which Claudia Christian explains how she was released from the obsession of alcohol via TSM. Well worth a listen. Really like the bit where she explains she didn't become alcoholic because she experienced life traumas, she argues alcoholism is learned. I think it's a mixture of reasons, it is a way to hide from things, numb the pain but very often one that's learned.

    I'd also like to add I've been using TSM for eating binges/mild bulimic relapse and I think it's made a difference. I do put in a lot of personal/emotion/motivational work but it would appear I'm no longer than excited about the prospect of shovelling down a chocolate cake or pizza once or twice a week.
    I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

    Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

    AF date 22/07/13

    Interview with Claudia Christian on TSM

    For the most part, behaviors in humans are learned. We have very few instincts. However, we also have different responses to our rewards systems. With that distinction, it could be some people are more apt to learn the behavior. With proper conditioning, those same people could probably extinguish the behavior.

    The pathways will always be there. My experience is extinguishing has it's own rewards. I find I like days of no alcohol and naltrexone much more than I like drinking.
    Sinclair Method (50mg naltrexone one hour before drinking)

    Pre TSM 80-90 Units Per Week, No Alc Free Days

    After control: 3-6 units per month, 25+ alcohol free days!


      Interview with Claudia Christian on TSM

      Heavy Fuel;1447372 wrote: For the most part, behaviors in humans are learned. We have very few instincts. However, we also have different responses to our rewards systems. With that distinction, it could be some people are more apt to learn the behavior. With proper conditioning, those same people could probably extinguish the behavior.

      The pathways will always be there. My experience is extinguishing has it's own rewards. I find I like days of no alcohol and naltrexone much more than I like drinking.
      You make it almost sound like aversion therapy, or the technique seen in Clockwork Orange. In away it is a type of aversion therapy, but in a much more humane way, much subtler with the patient/subject in control of their treatment.
      I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

      Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

      AF date 22/07/13


        Interview with Claudia Christian on TSM

        Aversion therapy TSM certainly isn't. That's not quite what I meant. I just don't get anything out of drinking anymore. Given a choice, I choose not to drink. I think that's the ultimate goal, I am at a place where I can choose.

        As you know, I can drink any time I want. I just don't want to anymore. The more I think about it, the more I think about how good I feel when I don't. The weight I have lost. The money I have saved. The things I have done with the extra time.

        I think the naltrexone let me extinguish the behavior and I found other outlets. It becomes a self fulfilling prophesy: I don't drink, my life gets better. I keep working at it, my life gets better. Coming from where I have been, having choices and not hating myself for being a drunk, is a great improvement in my life.
        Sinclair Method (50mg naltrexone one hour before drinking)

        Pre TSM 80-90 Units Per Week, No Alc Free Days

        After control: 3-6 units per month, 25+ alcohol free days!


          Interview with Claudia Christian on TSM

          Four Months In

          :new:Hello everyone,

          I have accomplished 60 days AF out of 120 days starting on Sept 22
          ending this Jan 22 2013. This is exciting for me as I was a daily drinker. I am so happy I never became a late night early morning drinker. Mostly a happy hour queen with remorse (anxiety) in the morning. For which I would medicate with either Ativan or
          Xanax. My life has improved so much it is mind blowing. :h

          First I am in control of alcohol now it does not control me. Next I started on the
          antidepressant Lexapro and I am reducing my anti-anxeity meds. Last and most important is I am happy.

          I have revisited my old hobbies I once enjoyed. And this huge weight has
          been lifted from my heart not to mention I have also lost a few pounds! This has given me a deep profound sence of accomplishment and a deep profound joy I never thought I would enjoy.

          I need to be clear I have not completed stop drinking but I it is no longer
          the focus of my life! I am so thankful to Dr. Sinclair:goodjob: I wish I could meet him and tell him myself.



            Interview with Claudia Christian on TSM

            It didn't work for me. Eskapa's book is full of logical leaps and cherry-picking studies of the highest and dirtiest order.

            But, I believe in the concept and have seen it work first hand for many people. It needs to be propagated as a very viable option for us and I'm glad to see new life being breathed into it.

            For anyone who take's exception to my first comments above. Search the Sinclair Method bulletin board for posts made by me. No one, to this day, has spent more time analyzing the actual research and studies quoted in Eskapa's book than me (at least on that site). And I did it while betting my life on it and hoping for the best, only to come to the undeniable conclusion that his book and stated results (not the method itself)
            was a sham. It hit me like a brick.

            The Sinclair Method works miracles for some people, that is a fact. IMO it is a better option than baclofen long term, but (also IMO) it only works for 25%ish people. And it works much better for people who don't drink that much (25-45 units/week) or so.
            :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
            Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

            Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

            Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
            A Forum
            Trolls need not apply


              Interview with Claudia Christian on TSM

              Lo0p;1447887 wrote: It didn't work for me. Eskapa's book is full of logical leaps and cherry-picking studies of the highest and dirtiest order.

              But, I believe in the concept and have seen it work first hand for many people. It needs to be propagated as a very viable option for us and I'm glad to see new life being breathed into it.

              For anyone who take's exception to my first comments above. Search the Sinclair Method bulletin board for posts made by me. No one, to this day, has spent more time analyzing the actual research and studies quoted in Eskapa's book than me (at least on that site). And I did it while betting my life on it and hoping for the best, only to come to the undeniable conclusion that his book and stated results (not the method itself)
              was a sham. It hit me like a brick.

              The Sinclair Method works miracles for some people, that is a fact. IMO it is a better option than baclofen long term, but (also IMO) it only works for 25%ish people. And it works much better for people who don't drink that much (25-45 units/week) or so.
              I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

              Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

              AF date 22/07/13


                Interview with Claudia Christian on TSM

                Oh I remember your history in detail.

                I almost added another IMO, which would have been...and now is: Definitely my first choice for bingers.
                :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                A Forum
                Trolls need not apply


                  Interview with Claudia Christian on TSM

                  I am grateful to see a good dialogue being done about Naltrexone and Baclofen and the differences, etc.

                  Very helpful for those looking into their options.

                  Thank you, both.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Interview with Claudia Christian on TSM

                    Lo0p;1447887 wrote: It didn't work for me. Eskapa's book is full of logical leaps and cherry-picking studies of the highest and dirtiest order.

                    But, I believe in the concept and have seen it work first hand for many people. It needs to be propagated as a very viable option for us and I'm glad to see new life being breathed into it.

                    For anyone who take's exception to my first comments above. Search the Sinclair Method bulletin board for posts made by me. No one, to this day, has spent more time analyzing the actual research and studies quoted in Eskapa's book than me (at least on that site). And I did it while betting my life on it and hoping for the best, only to come to the undeniable conclusion that his book and stated results (not the method itself)
                    was a sham. It hit me like a brick.

                    The Sinclair Method works miracles for some people, that is a fact. IMO it is a better option than baclofen long term, but (also IMO) it only works for 25%ish people. And it works much better for people who don't drink that much (25-45 units/week) or so.
                    Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
           Newbies Nest
           Tool Box
           How to get a sobriety plan


                      Interview with Claudia Christian on TSM

                      Lo0p;1447964 wrote: Oh I remember your history in detail.

                      I almost added another IMO, which would have been...and now is: Definitely my first choice for bingers.
                      Would this be because bingers tend to be high-seekers?Endorphin junkies?or experience more of a high/release more endorphins when they drink alcohol?

                      I think I once said I thought I was an endorphin junkie although I don't like doing highly dangerous stuff like jumping out of planes, or bungy jumping which I'd never chose to take part in!
                      I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                      Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                      AF date 22/07/13


                        Interview with Claudia Christian on TSM

                        It was just a hunch based on the fact that the only 3 bingers I knew that tried it were all successes. Potato, crown86 and you are all the bingers I can remember. All wild successes.

                        I was convinced it would work for me because I was also an exogenous-"orphin" junkie (pain pills). I loooooved those opiate receptors being agonized.

                        So I dunno.

                        Look for all the posts by crown86 on the TSM site if you want to see a truly amazing recovery. That man was wild!
                        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                        A Forum
                        Trolls need not apply


                          Interview with Claudia Christian on TSM

                          OTOH, paradoxically, Eskapa's book is probably a must read for TSM :H

                          It definitely drills the basics into your head.

                          But I would love to sit across the table with that guy and have a conversation or rather, tear his book apart, citation by citation, then after he acquiesces, hulk style right in half. :H
                          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                          A Forum
                          Trolls need not apply


                            Interview with Claudia Christian on TSM

                            Lo0p;1448071 wrote: OTOH, paradoxically, Eskapa's book is probably a must read for TSM :H

                            It definitely drills the basics into your head.

                            But I would love to sit across the table with that guy and have a conversation or rather, tear his book apart, citation by citation, then after he acquiesces, hulk style right in half. :H
                            Agree with your there, the bit that stuck in my head was how quickly the rats become readdicted by drinking only a few times without Nal. I've never drunk without it since I started, bar one incident where I was probably partly covered from the night before, and rushed off to get another pill in my system after carefully nursing one drink.
                            I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                            Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                            AF date 22/07/13


                              Interview with Claudia Christian on TSM

                              Lo0p;1448050 wrote: It was just a hunch based on the fact that the only 3 bingers I knew that tried it were all successes. Potato, crown86 and you are all the bingers I can remember. All wild successes.
                              Anecdotal experiences are often a good source of data, though not scientific in nature. The science comes from the initial observation and then the subsequent testing. Interesting, lo0p.
                              AF April 9, 2016

