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Newbie trying out Bac

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    Newbie trying out Bac

    Hi UB,
    I'm not using a doctor, either. My husband's dr gave him a script, and I started on baclofen from Inhouse Pharmacy.

    Funny you should mention the melatonin. The following is from a previous post of mine:

    MyNameIs;1471019 wrote:
    Re: side effects -- Not many. My job is very stressful and, in pre-bac days, I took melatonin just to get a few hours of sleep. It would take me a couple hours to fall asleep, but I'd get about 4 hours, then wake again. With bac, it takes me about 30 mins to fall asleep. I have very vivid dreams that are either pleasant (visiting with my family who are far away in Louisiana), or just silly (missing a flight to somewhere and going on some stupid wild ride to another airport to catch another). Despite the dreaming, I wake up refreshed.
    [NOTE ABOUT MELATONIN: I once took melatonin along with my bac at night and felt like a complete ZOMBIE the next morning. Your Mileage May Vary.]
    I was sleeping very soundly initially with bac. Now, have trouble staying asleep and, when I do sleep, I'm having unpleasant dreams.

    On a more positive note:
    In pre-bac days, I had what I called the "tape player of my mind" going non-stop all night. I would hear the same brief snippet of a song or conversation, or "see" myself doing a mundane work task over and over and over and over. Made for lots of sleepless nights and often occurred on AF nights. Bac has definitely shut off this particular behavior in my brain. Thank goodness!

    Just saw some of your other posts. Wishing you success!


      Newbie trying out Bac

      MyNameIs;1476942 wrote: ...
      In pre-bac days, I had what I called the "tape player of my mind" going non-stop all night. I would hear the same brief snippet of a song or conversation, or "see" myself doing a mundane work task over and over and over and over. Made for lots of sleepless nights and often occurred on AF nights. Bac has definitely shut off this particular behavior in my brain. Thank goodness!
      Hah, me too! Used to drive me absolutely mad. Bloody Simon and Garfunkel, and normally just one line out of one song. I'd also get it in the day after a heavy night or two.


        Newbie trying out Bac

        Yep, bleep. Same exact thing here. Only one line on repeat all night. Talk about crazy-making!


          Newbie trying out Bac

          Hi MyNameIs,

          Just checking in to say hello. It must be really helpful that you and SuperBinger are on the Bac together.



            Newbie trying out Bac

            Hi Caro,
            Sorry I haven't visited the forum in a while. Just read your post.

            Yes, it is definitely helpful that we are both on bac together. However, I am thinking of titrating down on the bac and switching to Naltrexone. I have a few reasons for wanting to do so. 1) I hate the idea of taking pills several times daily and think I would prefer TSM and Nal. 2) I work from home 4 days a week, but travel an hour to my office and back 1 day each week. On those workdays, I have to carry my afternoon bac dose with me. This causes me anxiety to no end as I approach the CA Border Patrol Checkpoint. On many occasions when I can tell they are stopping cars up ahead, I fish out the dose and take it. As you might imagine, this is not really a good thing and I end up feeling weird all day. With Nal, I am hoping I can take just one dose per day, eliminating the pill-carrying and alleviating my immense anxiety. 3) I constantly feel unfocused/distracted/foggy on the bac. It hasn't gone away as I've titrated up to 45mg/day, and my work is suffering for it. I don't know that Nal will be any different, but feel I need to give it a try. Super is having his own set of issues with bac, too. Check out his latest post. Even if I end up on Nal and he stays on the bac, we still have the same end goal, which is great.

            Thanks for checking in on me!


              Newbie trying out Bac

              You can over time adjust to taking your dose in one go. I used to do this, and it works just as effectively.

              For the foggy head, you could try any nootropic, Piracetam has been shown to work quite well. However, the fogginess will fade once you are able to stabilise your dose.

              Whatever you choose though, best of luck.

