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Journey in to Bac

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    Journey in to Bac

    Hi and hello all, beign quietly sitting in the shadows watching you guys talking about back. Thought it was time to say high and gett involved in this wonderful community of support.
    I ordered my first supply of Baclofen ( pacifen from In House Pharmacy) on the 11th January 2013. After reading into Baclofen and following your excellent threads I new the indifreance is what I need to control my alchol habit. By the way my drinking is the the most destructive and unpleasent kind, akin to many others. My Bac arrived 8 days later, I was no longer living with my wife due to an drunken outburst in the family home. Anyway when the bac arrived I think my wife could see I had been struggling with my self for a while, but unsaid she knew that I was prepared to do anything I could and I hadnt gave up like I had given the impresion of, there was hope.
    I took my first baclofen 10mg on the 21st January without any one knowing and sat down to talk to my wife and explain my intension, boy am I a lucky man to have such and understanding and loving missis, go on girl.
    About an hour later I felt my thoughts slowing down and the tightness in my shoulders slighty easing, I hoped this was the Baclofen. The next day I took 2 10mg doses. First at 8am and the second at 8pm, I didnt want any alcahol. I understand that this will also will be due to the effert I know I need to put in with my spouse and also AA techniques I have learned, but searching my thoughts I could feel something was diffrent.
    For the next two day I continued this doses and then included a 10mg dose at 12 in the morning so 30mg a day. I was noticing little indicaters like that snap to vision for off licence signs was still there but it didnt lead to the thoughts of drinking " I had other things to do". Walking past a couple of cases of beer at an empty resurant I was working at. Again that trained reaction to notice that it was there but not the thought that led to the drinking of both cases.. So to sumerise I think Baclofen definitly helps with the alchaol withdrawn symptoms as I have actualy felt quite good in myself. Now 9 days alcahol free
    Yesterday 26th Jan 13 I icluded a 4pm dose of 10mg. This making the daily dose 40mg.
    I intend to stay at this dose for the next 5 days to balance thigs out as I dont want to rush
    things. O The only side effect I am feeling is the tiredness, feels like my head is rolling of my shoulders, quite funny though, or a least my wife thinks it is, wicked sence of humour.
    I intend on increasing weekly by 10mg until I reach 50mg or the SE start to kick in. Then I will be more subtle with the dodes using 5mg increases over five days if necesary and tring to find some where comefortable. I have read in the Oxford Journal and other idicaters where 50mg is a leval that will comfortably allow absinace.
    When Im comfortable with 50mg and made plans and aragements regarding supply and work I will push forward to find my swith dose, I dont beleave it will be to high as I am quite sensative to medications and drugs etc..
    I am gaing a lot of information regarding Baclofen treatment and feel quite comfortable but still have my concearns. I have writen this and included as much information as I can so please if any one has any advice on the methos I plan please jump in as it will be more than appriciated and in return I hope this helps for any one reading.

    Kind Regards...HeavenlyD

    Journey in to Bac

    HeavenlyD;1451321 wrote: I have read in the Oxford Journal and other idicaters where 50mg is a leval that will comfortably allow absinace.
    Welcome. Can you provide a link or direct quote to the article?

    50 mg might provide easy abstinence but everyone reacts differently. Good luck.


      Journey in to Bac

      50 mgs. a day is the magic number for me! Sounds like you've got a good plan and a whole new sober life is waiting ahead for you. Well done!!!
      Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan


        Journey in to Bac

        :welcome: HD!

        I was in a very similiar situation with my wife. She actually didn't believe a word I said and definitely didn't believe in Bac.

        Fast forward 6 months and I do not drink against my will. This from a 2 times a week blackout binger. There were a few stumbles along the way and it definitely wasn't all roses (with the SE's or with the wife), but I feel Dr. A, Dr L, Baclofen and the support of MWO gave me a new life. I'm happy to say I'm home, being a husband and father.

        I hope Bac works for you. It's not a sprint so listen to your body, to date there is no one way for everyone. By all means keep posting, there is abundant support, knowledge and experience here on these threads.


