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How does baclofen work? Otter? Tk?

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    Originally posted by lex View Post
    SF I'm waiting for your guess on the dog!!

    You already told him here:

    Originally posted by lex View Post
    ps- SF, that's a boxer. :happy2:

    .....which probably means that he still has no fucking idea.

    :sohappy: :yay: :thumbsup:

    TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


      Originally posted by lex View Post
      So who likes my new avatar? Who wants to guess what kind of dog it is?
      Not me for sure. I have not passed dog ID school -yet. (It does look like a Boxer though).
      (btw -i do love seeing picture of canine.)

      Lex, I am so very sad and sick that I am losing my Basset hound in the next week or so to terminal cancer. God only knows, and I can not describe how painful it is to see my friend have to die after only 7 years. Flash is not in pain yet, but the verdict is in and I have to be the one to call the vet. Flash was with me when I first became sober and the miracle of his friendship and love will never leave me. Neither he nor I know the different breed of dogs, but instead, we do know the ones that we do not need to be around.



        Yes and a handsome boxer he is! Really that is one handsome dog and I am indebted to NE for bringing this fine dog to my attention in her post of a couple of weeks ago. It is a fine fine dog yessir and we all know that and so does SF truth be told. But you know he may insist this fine dog is not so special. Just to get a rise out of me. He'd do that. And I'd have to put him on ignore if he did that and who could blame me for that?


          SF- our posts crossed. I'm very sorry to hear about your Basset hound. I hope you don't take my last post seriously- i'm just kidding of course and trying to have some sober chuckles on a friday evening! -lex


            Originally posted by Colin View Post
            What's all this misspelling? Otter -> Ottor and Colin -> Colen? Is this something like sticking pins in a voodoo doll?

            Maybe you are exhibiting the symptoms of a new mental illness? Does it have a name?
            Yes Colen, my new mental illness does have a name and it is called Colonoscopy-titus. Trust me, it is a pain in the arse -literally.


              after i got sober last year i connected with my inner child. and he took over!


                Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post

                Lex, I am so very sad and sick that I am losing my Basset hound in the next week or so to terminal cancer. God only knows, and I can not describe how painful it is to see my friend have to die after only 7 years. Flash is not in pain yet, but the verdict is in and I have to be the one to call the vet. Flash was with me when I first became sober and the miracle of his friendship and love will never leave me. Neither he nor I know the different breed of dogs, but instead, we do know the ones that we do not need to be around.

                Your Munchausen's has taken a turn for the worse Spirit

                By proxy to a dog?? - Jeez


                I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                  Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
                  Yes Colen, my new mental illness does have a name and it is called Colonoscopy-titus. Trust me, it is a pain in the arse -literally.
                  Thats genuinely, very funny Spirit - Spat my Tea onto my keyboard!


                  I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                  Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                    Originally posted by lex View Post
                    SF- our posts crossed. I'm very sorry to hear about your Basset hound. I hope you don't take my last post seriously- i'm just kidding of course and trying to have some sober chuckles on a friday evening! -lex

                    Lex -thank you for this post. My hound Flash means the world to me and he is teaching me to come to terms with a lot of things -especially death. I sincerely believe that it would break his heart if he were to see or think that I returned to drinking during this trial or otherwise. Flash was with me when I was drinking, when I tried to stop drinking, and finally when I did stop drinking. He stood by me during all of these phases and he never stopped caring for me; however, he always knew when I had been drinking and I could tell that it made him sad because he saw my sickness. I never yelled or got angry at anyone or anything when I was drunk; instead, I would just go off into another world -so to speak and Flash knew this.

                    Many times, when I awoke on the floor after having passed out, I would have this long arse nose sitting on my leg and gigantic ears laying next to me. Every single time this happened, I would promise him that I would not drink again -and, well, we know what happened next.

                    Thanks again,



                      Originally posted by Baclofenman View Post
                      Your Munchausen's has taken a turn for the worse Spirit
                      By proxy to a dog?? - Jeez
                      Regards Bacman
                      Bac -please stop using such big words that you know that i do not understand. I never do that to you- right? (of course I would not know any big words to use but that does not really matter either.)


                        Snort! Is your dog still standing by you.

                        Off to the new forum, off to a good start.
                        Enlightened by MWO


                          Originally posted by terryk View Post
                          You already told him here:
                          .....which probably means that he still has no fucking idea.

                          :sohappy: :yay: :thumbsup:

                          Terry, in all sincerity, why would you speak these words to anyone? Is the 'f' word really necessary?

                          As intelligent and sophisticated as you are, do you not understand that you simply deduct from the credibility that you so desire? Terry, you are a coward and you know this. Online, and in forums, you are able to hide who and what you really are, but what you can not hide is how harmful you have been and still are to your immediate family. Only you and I know this fact TK, but the what is most important TK is that you continue to try and be a better family man to your wife and children. Just a thought and opinion my scholarly friend.


                            Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
                            As intelligent and sophisticated as you are, do you not understand that you simply deduct from the credibility that you so desire? Terry, you are a coward and you know this. Online, and in forums, you are able to hide who and what you really are, but what you can not hide is how harmful you have been and still are to your immediate family. Only you and I know this fact TK, but the what is most important TK is that you continue to try and be a better family man to your wife and children. Just a thought and opinion my scholarly friend.
                            Never in my forty-some-odd years of travelling around all parts of the globe have I encountered anyone as consistently ill-informed and oblivious as you. Your quote above is nearly 100% false. Another goose egg for you Spirit, a *fucking* zero.... You will not be missed.

                            TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                              Originally posted by Baclofenman View Post
                              Yes Colin - The medical diagnosis is - Being a Fucking Idiot



                              PS - SF - Remember what I told you before about being a silly boy.......................This now extends to all members

                              Hi Bacman -you are now the 'new' sober man in town. Just 89 days ago, you were a struggling drunk -or so you say. It now seems as though you have had a miraculous cure -you are now a free, sober man -right? I think not and you know not. Let us take a quick look at your miraculous cure journey -in accordance with your own thread:

                              BacMan's Thread:

                              "Countdown to Zero

                              So it the countdown to zero moment

                              New year the booze is going With a little help from Baclofen (which is really fucking with my head)

                              Jan 1st is the next day of my (and my families) life....

                              Regards Bacman

                              PS Count down to Bilko was my favorite but I dont get the credits......


                              AF since 2nd January 2016

                              Whatever words I say I will always love you - I will always love you - So fly me to the moon - R Smith

                              Thanks Thank for this postLikes Like this post

                              12-29-2015, 09:53 PM #2

                              Baclofenman- Good luck with this- keep us posted! (Lex)

                              Mentium Mentium is online now (Now comes Mentium)

                              Senior Member

                              is A bit less of a noob..

                              I am: ----


                              Post Thanks / Like

                              All the best Bacloman!

                              is commited that my target is to be able to make my own choice between a glass of wine and a glass of water I am: Awesome

                              Baclofenman's Avatar

                              Thanks Peeps

                              Wifes birthday on 1st Jan so she is not all that happy with this as a start date

                              On a better note my 25mg of Baclofen tablets turned up this morning - Only ordered on 22nd December from India

                              I am finding Baclofen to be making me very tired even at this rate and especially has reduced my alcohol tollerance to such a state that I have been to pissed to update my blog - Which is disapointing



                              AF since 2nd January 2016 "(On day one of Baclofen you are finding yourself very tired -you are a fraud-imo)"

                              Ok - Today is day 1

                              This is the first day for decades I have not had a drink

                              Wife and I took our daughter to London to see a show so I did have "other" things to occupy my mind - There will be harder days to come I am sure I am going to bath the kids and read them a story on the sofa "this is so sweet"



                              AF since 2nd January 2016

                              Baclofenman -sounds like you are off to a GREAT start. I have a feeling that you will wake up in the morning and NOT be pissed off that you did not drink last night. For me the somnolence was hell for 5 or 6 weeks but then it slowly began to dissipate. Great post for me to read tonight. Thanks.

                              "Some people say life's like a merry-go-round-I think it's more like a ferris wheel

                              'Cause sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down -Sometimes you just don't know what to feel"

                              Todd Rundgren - The Wheel

                              Quote Originally Posted by Spiritfree View Post

                              Baclofenman -sounds like you are off to a GREAT start. I have a feeling that you will wake up in the morning and NOT be pissed off that you did not drink last night. For me the somnolence was hell for 5 or 6 weeks but then it slowly began to dissipate. Great post for me to read tonight. Thanks.

                              Bacman" Thanks for you post - Today will be the worst day I am sure - 2nd day without a drink for the first time in 30 - I have got a nagging pain in my head but I expect this is the Baclofen? - Sorry but I am unsure what you mean by somnolence - I was hoping I would sleep better AF or do you mean the Baclofen?

                              Thanks and Regards


                              Bacman - We are rooting for you!! I am a newbie too. I had to google somnolence (I had no clue) and it means drowsiness . . . I was curious. Have the best day you can. I will too. Take care - AG

                              Quote Originally Posted by actiongirl46 View Post

                              Bacman - We are rooting for you!! I am a newbie too. I had to google somnolence (I had no clue) and it means drowsiness . . . I was curious. Have the best day you can. I will too. Take care - AG

                              AG - Thanks - Im not sure if SF is refering to drowsyness ( i googled it too lol) as a result of Baclofen or no booze - Are you sober?



                              First day back at work - Boooo

                              Still I am thinking this may take my mind of "it" until later on in the evening so with only a few hours till bed it may not be too tricky - Then again the prospect of work tomorrow will possably be more difficult than day 2

                              We will see Regards -Bacman

                              'Good job on day 3 Bacman.

                              I got a M-F day job a few years ago when I was really at a low point for the purpose of getting sober, where the only way was up or 6ft under. It helped immensely having the days filled, and as you've mentioned all I had to do was plan for those 4 hours or so in the evening before bed. Movies, reading, anything to distract my monkey mind chatter. Snacks, AF drinks and a couple of options for the night got me through.And don't forget your toolbox.

                              All the best friend. Keep it going.

                              Thanks so much

                              The toolbox is very useful - I cannot agree more that occupying your time to distract you from the drink is right at the top of the list - Work, computer and TV is my main crutches along with reading to my kids before bed



                              AF since 2nd January 2016

                              I did notice yesterday how my eyesight is improving - Yes I still have a problem but I did notice driving into work how clearer I was seeing - I felt more alert at work tho my spelling has not improved and I still put letters the wrong way around although this has been more evident since my TIA which killed part of my brain although my cardiologist could not be sure at the time how this would effect me

                              I am hoping this week will be as "easy" as it has been so far but my next tripping point will be the weekend so I am making plans to fill this as soon as

                              Thankyou for all your support



                              BACLOFEN MAN -Quite simply, you are a fraud. No you are not a fraud at needing and wanting attention; instead, you are a fraud at trying to pretend to be an alcoholic and taking Baclofen. You simply needed a place to feel 'a part of' and now you have found it. The great part is that your children will hopefully be kind to you until they leave the house -full time.


                                I am not going to waste the Forum bandwidth re quoting that Spirit

                                Can you please engage both of you braincells and tell us what on earth that abortion of a series of C & V' was supposed to mean

                                I would have expected someone with a BA to make more sense - If of course they were sober


                                I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                                Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.

