I feel like xanax is to the alcoholic what Suboxone is to the opioid addict. And that baclofen works very differently. (More like an antibiotic? That's a lousy metaphor. Is there a better one?)
I know that Chick published an article some time ago that said that baclofen is a substitute for alcohol. And I think he made a correlation between suboxone (or methadone) and baclofen. But others don't draw the same conclusions.
I spent some time this morning re-reading what Otter's written on BaclofenUK. The explanation page for how baclofen works seems to imply that baclofen is calming for the CNS. But that sounds a lot like the way a benzo would work, and I know that isn't the case.
I also understand that one affects GABAa, and the other GABAb. But again, how does that make baclofen different than something that substitutes for alcohol?
Also, as an aside, where can I find the answers?
For those that don't know about the other site, and there is a wealth of information there: Baclofen UK World Forum - How Does Baclofen Work?